
第26章 (二十一)小议我的家庭

2018年02月24日 02:25 (星期六)

In fact, I should have known that the more understanding a person is, the more damage they have suffered and the more stress they will suffer.

I am sorry that I only see your carefree side, ignoring the hardships behind you. Maybe that's what you want to bring to others. You always bring happiness to the people around you. You keep going alone because you can't let other people down, especially your family. When you find that someone else is in a bad mood, you automatically assume that it is your responsibility or that you are obligated to help the other person solve the problem. Maybe you are the kind of person who is willing to forgive others even if they hurt you badly.

My heart knot is also my family, it is no exaggeration to say that my family may be a hell, if you are willing to listen, maybe I can tell you slowly. The people around me have very different opinions about this kind of psychology and behavior. Those who know me will say that I am too kind and innocent, and warn me not to think that everyone is a kind, and that I should not be controlled like a fool. Those who hate me will find me especially hypocritical and proud, and will feel that I have deliberately created a pitiful image to gain sympathy. I think maybe two views are not so appropriate, I'm not so good, just a lot of times I feel that there is no need to haggle over every ounce, I feel very happy with helping others and don't really care whether others taking advantage of me, becacue I am still in the study to prove my worth. As for those negative comments, I can only say that people are used to criticizing others in a condescending manner, but never try to really understand each other's heart. Fortunately, I can choose who I contact with, I don't like people who always try to guess people with malice.

When I write to you, I feel my eyelids are fighting, because I am so sleepy. Haha. And it's raining harder and harder outside, and I feel a bit uneasy about the cold weather. If I are not writing to you, I might have to get into bed early. I read your letter over and over again. As usual, you are so sincere, I feel my value to you at last. Your words make me brave to tell you, I feel very honored, be understood really very wonderful. I feel like we're getting closer, and it's amazing.

So, writing is really a wonderful thing, and if you want it, you can communicate your ideas to the people you want to tell. Don't worry about status, shape, etc. A person's words can reflect a person's self-control, morality, and even predict a person's future. People who are destined to cherish each other are close to each other and comfort each other. We express ourselves with the help of words, thanks to these fantastic words, thank you!

You said you have a lot of questions to ask me, if you like, just ask, I will answer honestly, I also have a lot of things to say.

Best wishes!


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