

Colomban bore with meekness and surprise the weight of the general reprobation. He could not go out without being stoned, so he did not go out.

He remained in his study with a superb obstinacy, writing new memoranda in favour of the encaged innocent. In the mean time among the few readers that he found, some, about a dozen, were struck by his reasons and began to doubt Pyrot's guilt. They broached the subject to their friends and endeavoured to spread the light that had arisen in their minds. One of them was a friend of Robin Mielleux and confided to him his perplexities, with the result that he was no longer received by that Minister. Another demanded explanations in an open letter to the Minister of War. A third published a terrible pamphlet. The latter, whose name was Kerdanic, was a formidable controversialist. The public was unmoved. It was said that these defenders of the traitor had been bribed by the rich Jews; they were stigmatized by the name of Pyrotists and the patriots swore to exterminate them. There were only a thousand or twelve hundred Pyrotists in the whole vast Republic, but it was believed that they were everywhere. People were afraid of finding them in the promenades, at meetings, at receptions, in fashionable drawing-rooms, at the dinner-table, even in the conjugal couch. One half of the population was suspected by the other half. The discord set all Alca on fire.

In the mean time Father Agaric, who managed his big school for young nobles, followed events with anxious attention. The misfortunes of the Penguin Church had not disheartened him. He remained faithful to Prince Crucho and preserved the hope of restoring the heir of the Draconides to the Penguin throne. It appeared to him that the events that were happening or about to happen in the country, the state of mind of which they were at once the effect and the cause, and the troubles that necessarily resulted from them might--if they were directed, guided, and led by the profound wisdom of a monk--overthrow the Republic and incline the Penguins to restore Prince Crucho, from whose piety the faithful hoped for so much solace. Wearing his huge black hat, the brims of which looked like the wings of Night, he walked through the Wood of Conils towards the factory where his venerable friend, Father Cornemuse, distilled the hygienic St. Orberosian liqueur, The good monk's industry, so cruelly affected in the time of Emiral Chatillon, was being restored from its ruins.

One heard goods trains rumbling through the Wood and one saw in the sheds hundreds of orphans clothed in blue, packing bottles and nailing up cases.

Agaric found the venerable Cornemuse standing before his stoves and surrounded by his retorts. The shining pupils of the old man's eyes had again become as rubies, his skull shone with its former elaborate and careful polish.

Agaric first congratulated the pious distiller on the restored activity of his laboratories and workshops.

"Business is recovering. I thank God for it," answered the old man of Conils.

"Alas! it had fallen into a bad state, Brother Agaric. You raw the desolation of this establishment. I need say no more."

Agaric turned away his head.

"The St. Orberosian liqueur," continued Cornemuse, "is ****** fresh conquests.

But none the less my industry remains uncertain and precarious. The laws of ruin and desolation that struck it have not been abrogated, they have only been suspended."

And the monk of Conils lifted his ruby eyes to heaven.

Agaric put his hand on his shoulder.

  • 天界末日


  • 天行


  • 无盐嫡女在爷心


    穆家嫡女因貌无盐名声差被父亲丢上山学艺”,再归之时母亲灵堂之前素白一片,香烛冉冉,无妨,没几日后指染当家主母之位的刘氏落魄失权;被渣男退婚,也无妨,看着你大婚当日丑态尽出……就是太子殿下老把目光往这一放,甚是不自在。安胤先生他幽居深山,眉眼如画,算计过人。在太子殿下帐下玩得一手好权谋,耍得一堆好权臣,某日意外躺在太子殿下怀中,万籁俱寂之时众人似乎听见英明神武的殿下怀中撕裂袖子的声音。 最后没料到太子既得江山又得美人……“我所贪恋的锦绣江山,不偏不倚,全都是你。”本文又名《无盐依旧笑春风》
  • 时光之城


  • 天行


  • 医妃来袭,扑倒傲娇王爷


  • 美人盛嫁


  • 女神的贴身仙卫


  • 方法总比困难多(修订版)


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