

William Allingham (b. 1828,d. 1889) was born at Ballyshannon,Ireland. His father was a banker,and gave him a good education in Irish schools. He showed his literary tastes at an early date,contributing tperiodicals,etc. In 1850 he published his first volume of poems;in 1854 his "Day and Night Songs" appeared,and in 1864 a poem in twelve chapters entitled "Lawrence Bloomfield in Ireland," His reputation was established chiefly through his shorter lyrics,or ballad poetry. In 1864 he received a literary pension.

1.Good-by,good-by tSummer!

For Summer‘s nearly done;The garden smiling faintly,Cool breezes in the sun;Our thrushes now are silent,Our swallows flown away,- But Robin’s here in coat of brown,And scarlet brestknot gay. Robin,Robin Redbreast,Robin dear! Robin sings ssweetly。In the falling of the year.

2.Bright yellow,red,and orange,The leaves come down in hosts;The trees are Indian princes,But soon they‘ll turn tghosts;The leathery pears and applesHang russet on the bough;It’s autumn,autumn,autumn late,‘T will soon be winter now.Robin,Robin Redbreast,Robin dear!And what will this poor Robin do?For pinching days are near.

3.The fireside for the cricket,The wheat stack for the mouse,When trembling night winds whistle And moan all round the house.The frosty ways like iron,The branches plumed with snow,- Alas! in winter dead and dark,Where can poor Robin go? Robin,Robin Redbreast,Robin dear!And a crumb of bread for Robin,His little heart tcheer.

Notes.-The Old World Robin here referred tis quite different in appearance and habits from the American Robin. It is only about half the size of the latter. Its prevailing color above is olive green,while the forehead,cheeks,throat,and breast are a light yellowish red. It does not migrate,but is found at all seasons throughout temperate Europe,Asia Minor,and northern Africa.

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