
第13章 Zhaotoin Casts Greedy Eyes ......(1)

Zhaotoin Casts Greedy Eyes on the Throne of the Ling Tribe, and Gormo Manages to Capture the Heavenly Horse

Four years passed. During this period Choru defeated all the invisible demons and spirits along the Zaqu River and the Jingshajiang River while doing lots of good deeds for the local people. Choru had his fifth birthday on the 15th day of the 12th Tibetan month. As day was breaking he dreamt about his aunt, a Buddhist Guardian Norman Garmo, in Heaven. In the dream his Aunt sang a song for him:

“The son of deities has descended to earth endowed with invincible power.

If he doesn’t strive to subdue the demons and spirits running wild in the world

all his magic ability will be worth nothing.

He was born in the beautiful Ling area

but the Lotus Valley in the Yellow River Valley is the ideal place for him to dwell.

On the first day of the first Tibetan month in the year of Jia Shen

a miraculous power will help him ascend the throne of the Ling Tribe.”

When she had finished singing his Aunt bent towards Choru and whispered in his ear in an affectionate manner for a while before leaving.

Choru engraved these words on his mind. Following the orders of the deities he was going to leave for the Yellow River Valley. However, before departing, he had to do some things according to his Aunt’s instructions.

Using his magic powers Choru changed his tent into one where dead bodies were piled up high and blood ran everywhere. There human flesh was eaten; human blood was drunk; and human skin was laid on the floor as a carpet. Such a terrible scene would frighten the deities and ghosts, even the Raksasa, let alone the common people. “Choru has become a demon, a red-faced Raksasa,” many said. Stories like this were whispered throughout the Ling area.

Cholmo, a beautiful girl of the Chalho Tribe, was the first one who saw this horrible scene. She became very scared and ran to report it to the chief.

The Old Chief Rongcha Chageng was full of anxiety when he heard this: “ In the light of all the signs we have seen Choru is definitely the son of the deities, who descended to the world to get rid of the demons. But his present behaviour is just like that of a powerful evil spirit. So, what is to be done?” Rongcha Chageng called all the heads of the Ling Tribe together to talk it over. They practiced a divination to see what was happening.

The divination revealed: “The young eagle lives in a household now. If he doesn’t fly away to the lucky tree there will be big problems for us. The son of the deities has descended to earth. His birth place is lucky. It is not good for him to continue living in the Ling area. He must use the Yellow River Valley as his base to defeat the demons. To keep the Ling Tribe from disgrace Choru must be banished as soon as possible.”

Zhaotoin was very pleased to hear this. He gloatingly said: “We should do it right now. We’d better exile him to a place farther and poorer than the Heishan area.”

All the other heads agreed with Zhaotoin. Chatsa was sent to inform Choru. As the elder brother of Choru it was a painful duty for him. The hero of the Dainma Tribe, Chashang Dainma Chamcha, understood the situation Chatsa faced and said: “My honorable Chatsa Shigar, be seated, please. It is up to me to take the message to Choru.”

Chashang Dainma Chamcha went to Choru’s home on horseback. His hair stood on end when he found that the tent was made of human skin, the ropes were made from gut, the courtyard wall was built by laying the dead bodies of people and horses and numerous skeletons piled up like a hill. While trying to compose himself, he was very puzzled because even if all the people and livestock in the Ling area were killed, there wouldn’t be so many skeletons produced. He decided their presence must be the result of Choru’s magic power. Thinking this Dainma wasn’t afraid any more. He took off his cap and waved at Choru. Having seen Dainma, Choru ran down the hill immediately and invited him into the tent.

When they approached the tent the skeletons and everything else disappeared at once. Upon entering the tent, one could pick up all the normal smells and it felt very pleasant. Choru entertained Dainma with food for the deities and gave him a prophecy. He also gave Dainma some hints about his identity as the son of the deities. Dainma thus made a promise that he would be a friend of Choru and loyal to him for ever.

On hearing this, Choru said immediately: “Dainma, you go back now and tell them that you dare not approach me and you just shouted to me from a distance. What I said to you and the facts you now know should be kept secret from everyone, except my elder brother Chatsa. Remember!”

After returning to the Ling area, Dainma described Choru as a real Raksasa. Meanwhile, word came that several other people had been eaten by Choru. Zhaotoin then ordered: “Everybody please put on your armour and take up arms!”

“There is no need for panic, is there?” Chatsa responded in disapproval, “Darong has gone to order Choru to repent his sins. Banishing him is enough. Let it rest at that.”

Chatsa had fully prepared for Choru and Gormo’s departure. He offered some necessities, the horse, pack yaks and the escort. Choru didn’t like to leave his elder brother either. He said to Chatsa in a way that no one else could hear: “Brother Chatsa, I leave here to do something more important according to the prophecy of my aunt. Please don’t worry about me. I have no need for the escort and all the other things you offered. The local god of the Yellow River Valley has sent his man to welcome me.”

Hearing this, Chatsa Shigar suddenly realized what was happening. Before leaving Choru turned to the others as he had something to say to the people of the Ling Tribe, “My virtuous people I didn’t do anything harmful to anybody. You will understand later. I am innocent but will suffer from being banished. Although improper, it is at the order of my Uncle; although unfair, it is destined by fate. After I leave here you should do everything in a kind-hearted way.”

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