

I've occasionally met young girls who were so brutally, insolently, wilfully indifferent to the arts which make civilisation that they ought to have been clothed in the skins of wild beasts and gone about barefoot with clubs over their shoulders.Yet they were of polite origin, and their parents were at least respectful of the things that these young animals despised.""I don't think that is exactly the case with the Lapham family," said the son, smiling."The father and mother rather apologised about not getting time to read, and the young ladies by no means scorned it.""They are quite advanced!"

"They are going to have a library in their Beacon Street house.""Oh, poor things! How are they ever going to get the books together?""Well, sir," said the son, colouring a little, "I have been indirectly applied to for help.""You, Tom!" His father dropped back in his chair and laughed.

"I recommended the standard authors," said the son.

"Oh, I never supposed your PRUDENCE would be at fault, Tom!""But seriously," said the young man, generously smiling in sympathy with his father's enjoyment, "they're not unintelligent people.They are very quick, and they are shrewd and sensible.""I have no doubt that some of the Sioux are so.But that is not saying that they are civilised.All civilisation comes through literature now, especially in our country.

A Greek got his civilisation by talking and looking, and in some measure a Parisian may still do it.But we, who live remote from history and monuments, we must read or we must barbarise.Once we were softened, if not polished, by religion; but I suspect that the pulpit counts for much less now in civilising.""They're enormous devourers of newspapers, and theatre-goers;and they go a great deal to lectures.The Colonel prefers them with the stereopticon.""They might get a something in that way," said the elder thoughtfully."Yes, I suppose one must take those things into account--especially the newspapers and the lectures.

I doubt if the theatre is a factor in civilisation among us.

I dare say it doesn't deprave a great deal, but from what I've seen of it I should say that it was intellectually degrading.

Perhaps they might get some sort of lift from it;I don't know.Tom!" he added, after a moment's reflection.

"I really think I ought to see this patron of yours.

Don't you think it would be rather decent in me to make his acquaintance?""Well, if you have the fancy, sir," said the young man.

"But there's no sort of obligation.Colonel Lapham would be the last man in the world to want to give our relation any sort of social character.The meeting will come about in the natural course of things.""Ah, I didn't intend to propose anything immediate,"said the father."One can't do anything in the summer, and I should prefer your mother's superintendence.

Still, I can't rid myself of the idea of a dinner.

It appears to me that there ought to be a dinner.""Oh, pray don't feel that there's any necessity.""Well," said the elder, with easy resignation, "there's at least no hurry.""There is one thing I don't like," said Lapham, in the course of one of those talks which came up between his wife and himself concerning Corey, "or at least I don't understand it; and that's the way his father behaves.I don't want to force myself on any man;but it seems to me pretty queer the way he holds off.

I should think he would take enough interest in his son to want to know something about his business.

What is he afraid of?" demanded Lapham angrily."Does he think I'm going to jump at a chance to get in with him, if he gives me one? He's mightily mistaken if he does.

I don't want to know him."

"Silas," said his wife, ****** a wife's free version of her husband's words, and replying to their spirit rather than their letter, "I hope you never said a word to Mr.Corey to let him know the way you feel.""I never mentioned his father to him!" roared the Colonel.

"That's the way I feel about it!"

"Because it would spoil everything.I wouldn't have them think we cared the least thing in the world for their acquaintance.We shouldn't be a bit better off.

We don't know the same people they do, and we don't care for the same kind of things."Lapham was breathless with resentment of his wife's implication.

"Don't I tell you," he gasped, "that I don't want to know them? Who began it? They're friends of yours if they're anybody's.""They're distant acquaintances of mine," returned Mrs.Lapham quietly; "and this young Corey is a clerk of yours.And Iwant we should hold ourselves so that when they get ready to make the advances we can meet them half-way or not, just as we choose.""That's what grinds me," cried her husband.

"Why should we wait for them to make the advances? Why shouldn't we make 'em? Are they any better than we are?

My note of hand would be worth ten times what Bromfield Corey's is on the street to-day.And I made MY money.

I haven't loafed my life away."

"Oh, it isn't what you've got, and it isn't what you've done exactly.It's what you are.""Well, then, what's the difference?"

  • 佛说六道伽陀经


  • 醉经楼集


  • Euthyphro


  • 金刚童子持念经


  • 秋声集


  • 才不要做独眼之王


  • 过错还是错过


  • 军婚在上:首长请受一拜


  • 帆陌人生


  • 恶魔的专属呆萌丫头


  • 落月纪


  • 异界破命


  • 幸好我是一只吸血鬼


  • 与你好久不见


  • 天涯剑客传:致敬仙剑

