

"Will you?" she cried delightedly."Here! take one of my cards,"and she pulled out her card-case."The carpenter writes on a three-cornered block and puts it into his pocket, and it's so uncomfortable he can't help remembering it.

Pen says she's going to adopt the three-cornered-block plan with papa.""Thank you," said Corey."I believe I'll use your card."He crossed over to her, and after a moment sat down on the trestle beside her.She looked over the card as he wrote.

"Those are the ones we mentioned, but perhaps I'd better add a few others.""Oh, thank you," she said, when he had written the card full on both sides."He has got to get them in the nicest binding, too.I shall tell him about their helping to furnish the room, and then he can't object."She remained with the card, looking at it rather wistfully.

Perhaps Corey divined her trouble of mind."If he will take that to any bookseller, and tell him what bindings he wants, he will fill the order for him." jdh -spell-checked to this point "Oh, thank you very much,"she said, and put the card back into her card-case with great apparent relief.Then she turned her lovely face toward the young man, beaming with the triumph a woman feels in any bit of successful manoeuvring, and began to talk with recovered gaiety of other things, as if, having got rid of a matter annoying out of all proportion to its importance, she was now going to indemnify herself.

Corey did not return to his own trestle.She found another shaving within reach of her parasol, and began poking that with it, and trying to follow it through its folds.

Corey watched her a while.

"You seem to have a great passion for playing with shavings,"he said."Is it a new one?"

"New what?"


"I don't know," she said, dropping her eyelids, and keeping on with her effort.She looked shyly aslant at him.

"Perhaps you don't approve of playing with shavings?""Oh yes, I do.I admire it very much.But it seems rather difficult.I've a great ambition to put my foot on the shaving's tail and hold it for you.""Well," said the girl.

"Thank you," said the young man.He did so, and now she ran her parasol point easily through it.They looked at each other and laughed."That was wonderful.

Would you like to try another?" he asked.

"No, I thank you," she replied."I think one will do."They both laughed again, for whatever reason or no reason, and then the young girl became sober.To a girl everything a young man does is of significance; and if he holds a shaving down with his foot while she pokes through it with her parasol, she must ask herself what he means by it.

"They seem to be having rather a long interview with the carpenter to-day," said Irene, looking vaguely toward the ceiling.She turned with polite ceremony to Corey.

"I'm afraid you're letting them keep you.You mustn't.""Oh no.You're letting me stay," he returned.

She bridled and bit her lip for pleasure."I presume they will be down before a great while.Don't you like the smell of the wood and the mortar? It's so fresh.""Yes, it's delicious." He bent forward and picked up from the floor the shaving with which they had been playing, and put it to his nose."It's like a flower.May I offer it to you?" he asked, as if it had been one.

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" She took it from him and put it into her belt, and then they both laughed once more.

Steps were heard descending.When the elder people reached the floor where they were sitting, Corey rose and presently took his leave.

"What makes you so solemn, 'Rene?" asked Mrs.Lapham.

"Solemn?" echoed the girl."I'm not a BIT solemn.

What CAN you mean?"

Corey dined at home that evening, and as he sat looking across the table at his father, he said, "I wonder what the average literature of non-cultivated people is.""Ah," said the elder, "I suspect the average is pretty low even with cultivated people.You don't read a great many books yourself, Tom.""No, I don't," the young man confessed."I read more books when I was with Stanton, last winter, than I had since I was a boy.But I read them because I must--there was nothing else to do.It wasn't because I was fond of reading.

Still I think I read with some sense of literature and the difference between authors.I don't suppose that people generally do that; I have met people who had read books without troubling themselves to find out even the author's name, much less trying to decide upon his quality.

I suppose that's the way the vast majority of people read.""Yes.If authors were not almost necessarily recluses, and ignorant of the ignorance about them, I don't see how they could endure it.Of course they are fated to be overwhelmed by oblivion at last, poor fellows; but to see it weltering all round them while they are in the very act of achieving immortality must be tremendously discouraging.

I don't suppose that we who have the habit of reading, and at least a nodding acquaintance with literature, can imagine the bestial darkness of the great mass of people--even people whose houses are rich and whose linen is purple and fine.But occasionally we get glimpses of it.

I suppose you found the latest publications lying all about in Lapham cottage when you were down there?"Young Corey laughed."It wasn't exactly cumbered with them.""No?"

"To tell the truth, I don't suppose they ever buy books.

The young ladies get novels that they hear talked of out of the circulating library.""Had they knowledge enough to be ashamed of their ignorance?""Yes, in certain ways--to a certain degree.""It's a curious thing, this thing we call civilisation,"said the elder musingly."We think it is an affair of epochs and of nations.It's really an affair of individuals.

One brother will be civilised and the other a barbarian.

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