

While I was gazing at them, some movement of the throng drove back Bure's horse against mine. Bure himself uttered a savage oath; uncalled for so far as I could see. But my attention was arrested the next moment by Croisette, who tapped my arm with his riding whip. "Look!" he cried in some excitement, "is not that he?"I followed the direction of the lad's finger--as well as I could for the plunging of my horse which Bure's had frightened--and scrutinized the last pair of the troop. They were crossing the street in which we stood, and I had only a side view of them; or rather of the nearer rider. He was a singularly handsome man, in age about twenty-two or twenty-three with long lovelocks falling on his lace collar and cloak of orange silk. His face was sweet and kindly and gracious to a marvel. But he was a stranger to me.

"I could have sworn," exclaimed Croisette, "that that was Louis himself--M. de Pavannes!""That?" I answered, as we began to move again, the crowd melting before us. "Oh, dear, no!""No! no! The farther man!" he explained.

But I had not been able to get a good look at the farther of the two. We turned in our saddles and peered after him. His back in the dusk certainly reminded me of Louis. Bure, however, who said he knew M. de Pavannes by sight, laughed at the idea. "Your friend," he said, "is a wider man than that!" And I thought he was right there--but then it might be the cut of the clothes.

"They have been at the Louvre playing paume, I'll be sworn!" he went on. "So the Admiral must be better. The one next us was M. de Teligny, the Admiral's son-in-law. And the other, whom you mean, was the Comte de la Rochefoucault."We turned as he spoke into a narrow street near the river, and could see not far from us a mass of dark buildings which Bure told us was the Louvre--the king's residence. Out of this street we turned into a short one; and here Bure drew rein and rapped loudly at some heavy gates. It was so dark that when, these being opened, he led the way into a courtyard, we could see little more than a tall, sharp-gabled house, projecting over us against a pale sky; and a group of men and horses in one corner.

Bure spoke to one of the men, and begging us to dismount, said the footman would show us to M. de Pavannes.

The thought that we were at the end of our long journey, and in time to warn Louis of his danger, made us forget all our exertions, our fatigue and stiffness. Gladly throwing the bridles to Jean we ran up the steps after the servant. The thing was done. Hurrah! the thing was done!

The house--as we passed through a long passage and up some steps --seemed full of people. We heard voices and the ring of arms more than once. But our guide, without pausing, led us to a small room lighted by a hanging lamp. "I will inform M. de Pavannes of your arrival," he said respectfully, and passed behind a curtain, which seemed to hide the door of an inner apartment. As he did so the clink of glasses and the hum of conversation reached us.

"He has company supping with him," I said nervously. I tried to flip some of the dust from my boots with my whip. I remembered that this was Paris.

"He will be surprised to see us," quoth Croisette, laughing--a little shyly, too, I think. And so we stood waiting.

I began to wonder as minutes passed by--the gay company we had seen putting it in my mind, I suppose--whether M. de Pavannes, of Paris, might not turn out to be a very different person from Louis de Pavannes, of Caylus; whether the king's courtier would be as friendly as Kit's lover. And I was still thinking of this without having settled the point to my satisfaction, when the curtain was thrust aside again. A very tall man, wearing a splendid suit of black and silver and a stiff trencher-like ruff, came quickly in, and stood smiling at us, a little dog in his arms. The little dog sat up and snarled: and Croisette gasped.

It was not our old friend Louis certainly! It was not Louis de Pavannes at all. It was no old friend at all, It was the Vidame de Bezers!

"Welcome, gentlemen!" he said, smiling at us--and never had the cast been so apparent in his eyes. "Welcome to Paris, M. Anne!"

  • The Yellow Crayon

    The Yellow Crayon

  • 禅宗永嘉集


  • 国朝诗话


  • 未生怨经


  • 蔗庵范禅师语录


  • 天行


  • 我与他同眠


  • 偏执病娇今天掉马了吗


    新书《世界首富是我的头号氪金粉》求收,娱乐圈爆宠爽文。 “于亿万人之中,你是我唯一的救赎。” 【病娇妻控心机小狼狗x颜控沙雕网瘾少女】【甜宠文,小甜饼美食治愈番】某些病娇表面上看起来一副矜持高岭之花一米九,私底下却是只会撒娇卖萌的小奶狗!当有一天头号“迷妹”粉头变成了邻居的大长腿男神学弟,并且男神还成了痴汉,专注盯她一百年……一向稳如老狗的阮沅突然慌了,怎么办?在线等,挺急的!网友:别怂,up!一直专注吃别人家的小甜饼的阮沅,从没想过,当有一天甜甜的恋爱降临到了她身上时,她该如何应对。真的是网恋奔现?事情似乎并没有表面上看起来的这么简单!真相只有一个,这些看似巧成书的背后其实是……这到底是人性的沦丧,还是道德的缺失?某忠犬病娇:哪有什么巧合,一切都是我的蓄谋已久。*一个治愈甜暖的小甜饼美食番,女主是个披着兔子皮的小狐狸,表面娇小软妹!男主人前时矜持有礼、高岭之花,清贵自持翩翩佳公子,人后(阮沅)其实是个超软超萌的病娇小奶……狼狗。男主专业宠妻一百年,妻控是认真的!加书架,点关注,不迷路!
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