

Here in London the other night I was talking with some Scotch and English friends, and I mentioned the ice-storm, using it as a figure--a figure which failed, for none of them had heard of the ice-storm. One gentleman, who was very familiar with American literature, said he had never seen it mentioned in any book. That is strange. And I, myself, was not able to say that I had seen it mentioned in a book; and yet the autumn foliage, with all other American scenery, has received full and competent attention.

The oversight is strange, for in America the ice-storm is an event. And it is not an event which one is careless about. When it comes, the news flies from room to room in the house, there are bangings on the doors, and shoutings, "The ice-storm! the ice-storm!" and even the laziest sleepers throw off the covers and join the rush for the windows. The ice-storm occurs in midwinter, and usually its enchantments are wrought in the silence and the darkness of the night. A fine drizzling rain falls hour after hour upon the naked twigs and branches of the trees, and as it falls it freezes. In time the trunk and every branch and twig are incased in hard pure ice; so that the tree looks like a skeleton tree made all of glass--glass that is crystal-clear. All along the underside of every branch and twig is a comb of little icicles--the frozen drip.

Sometimes these pendants do not quite amount to icicles, but are round beads--frozen tears.

The weather clears, toward dawn, and leaves a brisk pure atmosphere and a sky without a shred of cloud in it--and everything is still, there is not a breath of wind. The dawn breaks and spreads, the news of the storm goes about the house, and the little and the big, in wraps and blankets, flock to the window and press together there, and gaze intently out upon the great white ghost in the grounds, and nobody says a word, nobody stirs. All are waiting; they know what is coming, and they are waiting waiting for the miracle. The minutes drift on and on and on, with not a sound but the ticking of the clock; at last the sun fires a sudden sheaf of rays into the ghostly tree and turns it into a white splendor of glittering diamonds. Everybody catches his breath, and feels a swelling in his throat and a moisture in his eyes-but waits again; for he knows what is coming; there is more yet. The sun climbs higher, and still higher, flooding the tree from its loftiest spread of branches to its lowest, turning it to a glory of white fire; then in a moment, without warning, comes the great miracle, the supreme miracle, the miracle without its fellow in the earth; a gust of wind sets every branch and twig to swaying, and in an instant turns the whole white tree into a spouting and spraying explosion of flashing gems of every conceivable color; and there it stands and sways this way and that, flash! flash! flash! a dancing and glancing world of rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, the most radiant spectacle, the most blinding spectacle, the divinest, the most exquisite, the most intoxicating vision of fire and color and intolerable and unimaginable splendor that ever any eye has rested upon in this world, or will ever rest upon outside of the gates of heaven.

  • 天行


  • 灵动斗神


  • 丫头她总是很多变


    5岁被欧家捡回家收养的欧沐晴,却一直被养母虐待,被哥哥跟妹妹联手算计,被未婚夫背叛,被学校除名,试问还能有谁比她的人生更凄惨。当她下定决心脱离那个吃人的家,她的才华魅力再也无人可挡,且看她如何从一个丑小鸭蜕变成真正的白天鹅。备受感情伤害的她决心再也不要接受爱情,所以,那个传言中冷心冷情的顾总裁,请你离我远一点。什么?你说我是你失散多年的青梅竹马?这事我怎么不知道。简介无能,正文还是蛮精彩的,欢迎亲们收藏点评。 嫣然新书,锦瑟遥遥,期待各位小可爱们多多关照哦
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