

Her child! What a gush of consolation filled the widow's heart as she pressed him to it! How faithfully did she instil into his young bosom those principles which had been the pole-star of the existence of his gallant father!

In this secluded retreat, rank and wealth almost boundless found the widow and her boy. The seventeenth Earl--gallant and ardent, and in the prime of youth--went forth one day from the Eternal City to a steeple-chase in the Campagna. A mutilated corpse was brought back to his hotel in the Piazza di Spagna. Death, alas! is no respecter of the Nobility. That shattered form was all that remained of the fiery, the haughty, the wild, but the generous Altamont de Pentonville! Such, such is fate!

The admirable Emily de Pentonville trembled with all a mother's solicitude at the distinctions and honors which thus suddenly descended on her boy. She engaged an excellent clergyman of the Church of England to superintend his studies; to accompany him on foreign travel when the proper season arrived; to ward from him those dangers which dissipation always throws in the way of the noble, the idle, and the wealthy. But the Reverend Cyril Delaval died of the measles at Naples, and henceforth the young Earl of Bagnigge was without a guardian.

What was the consequence? That, at three-and-twenty, he was a cynic and an epicure. He had drained the cup of pleasure till it had palled in his unnerved hand. He had looked at the Pyramids without awe, at the Alps without reverence. He was unmoved by the sandy solitudes of the Desert as by the placid depths of Mediterranean's sea of blue. Bitter, bitter tears did Emily de Pentonville weep, when, on Alured's return from the Continent, she beheld the awful change that dissipation had wrought in her beautiful, her blue-eyed, her perverted, her still beloved boy!

"Corpo di Bacco," he said, pitching the end of his cigar on to the red nose of the Countess of Delawaddymore's coachman--who, having deposited her fat ladyship at No. 236 Piccadilly, was driving the carriage to the stables, before commencing his evening at the "Fortune of War" public-house--"what a lovely creature that was!

What eyes! what hair! Who knows her? Do you, mon cher prince?""E bellissima, certamente," said the Duca de Montepulciano, and stroked down his jetty moustache.

"Ein gar schones Madchen," said the Hereditary Grand Duke of Eulenschreckenstein, and turned up his carroty one.

"Elle n'est pas mal, ma foi!" said the Prince de Borodino, with a scowl on his darkling brows. "Mon Dieu, que ces cigarres sont mauvais!" he added as he too cast away his Cuba.

"Try one of my Pickwicks," said Franklin Fox, with a sneer, offering his gold etui to the young Frenchman; "they are some of Pontet's best, Prince. What, do you bear malice? Come, let us be friends," said the gay and careless young patrician; but a scowl on the part of the Frenchman was the only reply.

"Want to know who she is? Borodino knows who she is, Bagnigge,"the wag went on.

Everybody crowded around Monsieur de Borodino thus apostrophized.

The Marquis of Alicompayne, young De Boots of the Lifeguards, Tom Protocol of the Foreign Office; the gay young Peers, Farintosh, Poldoody, and the rest; and Bagnigge, for a wonder, not less eager than any one present.

"No, he will tell you nothing about her. Don't you see he has gone off in a fury!" Franklin Fox continued. "He has his reasons, ce cher prince: he will tell you nothing; but I will. You know that Iam au mieux with the dear old duchess."

"They say Frank and she are engaged after the duke's death," cried Poldoody.

"I always thought Fwank was the duke's illicit gweatgwandson,"drawled out De Boots.

"I heard that he doctored her Blenheim, and used to bring her wigs from Paris," cried that malicious Tom Protocol, whose mots are known in every diplomatic salon from Petersburg to Palermo.

"Burn her wigs and hang her poodle!" said Bagnigge. "Tell me about this girl, Franklin Fox.""In the first place, she has five hundred thousand acres, in a ring fence in Norfolk; a county in Scotland, a castle in Wales, a villa at Richmond, a corner house in Belgrave Square, and eighty thousand a year in the three-per-cents.""Apres?" said Bagnigge, still yawning.

"Secondly, Borodino lui fait la cour. They are cousins, her mother was an Armagnac of the emigration; the old Marshal, his father, married another sister. I believe he was footman in the family, before Napoleon princified him.""No, no, he was second coachman," Tom Protocol good-naturedly interposed--"a cavalry officer, Frank, not an infantry man.""'Faith you should have seen his fury (the young one's, I mean)when he found me in the duchess's room this evening, tete-a-tete with the heiress, who deigned to receive a bouquet from this hand.""It cost me three guineas," poor Frank said, with a shrug and a sigh, "and that Covent Garden scoundrel gives no credit: but she took the flowers;--eh, Bagnigge?""And flung them to Alboni," the Peer replied, with a haughty sneer.

And poor little Franklin Fox was compelled to own that she had.

The maitre d'hotel here announced that supper was served. It was remarked that even the coulis de dindonneau made no impression on Bagnigge that night.


The sensation produced by the debut of Amethyst Pimlico at the court of the sovereign, and in the salons of the beau-monde, was such as has seldom been created by the appearance of any other beauty. The men were raving with love, and the women with jealousy. Her eyes, her beauty, her wit, her grace, her ton, caused a perfect fureur of admiration or envy.

  • 骨债


    他是仙界帝君,天地共主,定仙神之律法,掌六界之生死。她是上古魔尊,王族后裔,魔界统治者千溯唯一的亲妹妹。她调皮捣蛋,他视而不见。她肝肠寸断,他无动于衷。她使出了上千种讨他喜欢的法子,最后都被他给扼杀在了摇篮中。她与天族联姻,他表面上冷若冰霜,转过身去,却险些溃不成军。万年后,这个集万千宠爱于一身的女子,毫无征兆地死于非命,魂魄散于天地,空余一副骨架。他散尽修为,几千年来,一路守护,为她集齐最后一缕魂魄。殊不知,沧生海中,她早选择 以命抵命,为他化解天劫。“千洛,人不会因为伤心就死掉的。”“会的,只是你不知道罢了。”
  • 千幽幻


  • 妄想序列


    佛曰:一花一世界,一草一天堂,一叶一如来,一沙一极乐,一方一净土,一笑一尘缘,一念一清净。这是纯粹的妄想……有着无限可能的妄想,孕育着无限希望的妄想。……“当文明将数学与哲学推演到极致,洛晨曦的脚步随之浮现。”—————— 作者自叙: 洛晨曦所在的层次比我们我们高级,我写的妄想序列只是洛晨曦故意放给我们看的。 我只是个高维辛秘的记录者,而且只能记录我能理解的那一部分,而不是编写者,懂?想否定?请证明我不是。(滑稽) (本书更新随缘)(前期各种设定经常修改,比较混乱,建议直接从第二卷开始看,并不影响剧情;有关于世界观大小的设定以第二卷为主,第一卷经常修改,看看就好,但可以作为参考)
  • 极道黑暗


  • 丑女黄月英


  • 深渊亦有白月光


  • 总裁的杀手逃妻


  • 让我遇见你好吗


  • 幸福三宝:吃得下睡得着想得开


  • 快穿之恋爱选我我超甜

