
第133章 度人度己





























The ancient temple how many years you don't remember, just know incense heyday, no longer the old monk died the next year and then only three monks temple.

Temple didn't pilgrims support disrepair, halls and partial temple began to be overthrown, hall on top of the tiles have already can't rain on a rainy day, three monks planted some vegetables in the back yard at ordinary times take down these force life to live, big monk with two teacher younger brother in daily meditation to chant buddhist scripture is also diligent practice.

I was received before the temple hall and old banyan tree to restore the life of the gas, another 55 years to complete.

But look at the situation is this temple son had not been so long, once temple ruined the monkey can account for this place, buddhist pure clear barrier is broken.

Summer at ordinary times the three of them are sitting under the tree at noon, the smallest monk called empty cloud is only fifteen years old, grew up without parents is old monk begging when picking up outside come back, at that time already dying of hunger, but he was the youngest old monk and the seniors are very attention to him, the old monk passed away bone altar is behind the hall of the tower, empty cloud daily early evening when I was talking to the old monk, no balm a pendulum is a vegetarian food, as there is a filial child.

I wanted to help him in his practice of daily fresh air to give him the heavens and the earth, from the trunk empowerments Lai Ye o let him back into the knowledge.

His two senior natural know what's wrong with him, envy and surprise if empty word cloud that this temple has a golden opportunity again, two people are afraid to disturb empty cloud for he has set up a simple hut, one month past the empty or not out of the set of cloud, two seniors and big brother said, I go to the mountain alms, go to the city to find that several big merchants for their investors to repair the temple, the temple has not repair can't also let him see empty cloud.

With their support, we can definitely legend behind again, master elder brother had before the hall corridor column beam suddenly drops, big brother said, empty cloud out on planning.

But two seniors comes up, in the evening or persuade the master elder brother, the second day early in the morning two seniors down the mountain, after three days brought back seven people, one of them but I found out that nonhuman.

That night they live in the temple, two people at midnight came to the big banyan tree, the tree has been one of the humanity cannot hide guanghua has great relationship with the monk sitting, can help people to practice is a rare treasure, if you can offer the tree refining a batch of multiplier in buddhist will be of great benefit (this person is not one soul) another humanitarian the tree is so big don't know how many years have lived if refining multiplier will surely hurt it life, and this is, after all, even the Buddha temple so behavior to blame.

That night the man killed another six people, and notify the local government to inform families down temple monks figure wealth kill people.

Three monks were into death row, the empty so far still not out of the cloud, and dozens of people catch a cart up the hill to dig the root tree.

Empty cloud appeared, the man surprised and pulled out a package of gold and silver, and they see the ground again to dig the root empty cloud sees this disturbing the person very people, a death march and with different treasure not rotten flesh, immediately the man was called to look broken flesh rotting collapse, his mouth spit out a black round bead will play in the empty upon a cloud will face upwards to the ground and they see the scatter.

Empty cloud shape become weak gradually, came to my front, hands folded read a sound name the time.

But the government have benefits, the second day will cut three monks to caishikou the executioner cut first empty cloud, but the people see empty cloud head is separated from the flesh out the neck green slurry water and no blood, flesh remained sitting posture.

They see this self-knowledge empty cloud is to get people, obstruct the government hurt another two people life, people raise money to repair the temple after the empty cloud dharmakaya for in the backyard, together with the old monk temple son and incense.

The world originally word monkey and plants a lot of cultivate one's morality, but there are too many greedy people, can survive in one thousand tree has almost no.

Then if it is not god is not an empty cloud yourself away from the body, will be within their refining multiplier, in order to increase the multiplier and the power of a god and a multiplier will be refining fuses in together, and no rebirth.

Refining, refining...

If the dead tree that the banshee under the suppression of two black horse eat them on the flower, also is the consciousness of plants, the horse will not only continue to change and fighting beast since the plant consciousness under the suppression were eaten, paolo maldini will retain their consciousness and not being invaded.

And the dead tree banshee in consciousness after eating flowers will spend consciousness is contained inside the body of the horse as a master, and the horse is two black subjects then these people will fight became two black beast...

Good satire, that cow middle child more dreams to make two black resin village fighting beast, even one day let him become dream resin external ethnic village, and wait for the two black mission will become a dream resin village master of the army, dream came two black resin village soldiers fighting beast.

Along the way just slowly let the banshee can keep up with as far as possible, the old lady's team has to step back, leaving only sneak attack with two black cattle penis that survivors of the squad and our peers.

I am cattle penis has not been very at ease, when far see LiuJia Village can also see plumes of black smoke drifting over the village.

Two black around the big dark horse said something, he is evolution before dark horse, now the cavalry horses are arranged into a big black horse, also is to have the color preference between horses?

Cavalry soon formed a narrow pocket, all the horse to the inside, I governing the ShanMei with the dead tree resin ghosts in a row, one after another into the circle, and before all the horse and rider is just one of a horse, then I found that I ride my horse dwarf the horses are duo shivers mile followed the ghouls are caught in the crowd to go in.

I couldn't help laughing, this guy is not fighting beast with horses, which also didn't like the dead tree resin ghosts were occupation consciousness, how in the now, it seems to see me, eyes wet twisted neck looked at me...

This guy asked me for help, I recruit a hand in it to let two black calls it.

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