
第131章 花情
























For a bloodthirsty nature and not the same, if you can't use to discourage is, after all, a big hidden trouble.

Plants and animals are the same as do their best in order to survive, it also can feel threatened or accept outside feeding, there are a lot of gas and water in plant body energy, if you accept the sunlight and nurturing energy in plants and water energy in the body can make plants grow more lush, attitude is also full of vitality.

But if in the bad environment, survival difficult and organism for the soil and surrounding space energy threat to its release and malicious, plant moisture condensed energy will have dark energy in the body, after the plants will grow ugly grim, root system is in order to survive and variation of energy and get more space, they will be in the ground damage small plant roots and living space.

Plant energy of friendly and threats is unusually sensitive, tang period, a scholar in changan, outside have a passion for a plant in the garden of the purple peony, often at night beside the flowers talk talk with it.

Scholar from underprivileged students, only by giving village people write letters and go to the city selling calligraphy and painting, he painted peony not only vividly there is a strange place, buyers said when the weather is good, scroll ambiguously can send out the fragrance of peony, the peony with his flowers is gorgeous, known for five years had a mega offer large amount of money to buy the flower, the scholar and he said the cost you saw as peony, and I saw the friend if it is not in this lifetime I was born without soul, unless you live even I go to buy next to it or take care of it.

The rich lamenting the scholar's marry his third daughter to him, the scholar have a good marriage, but the peony from transplanting to the city after the Mosaic is gorgeous, no longer and often falling petals.

Turned out to be a scholar with the lady stopped to talk with it at night, in January, however, that the peony dying, scholar at the sight of this plant back in it at the beginning of the yard, and with the lady said she this lifetime can only accompany with the flower, if it can't live their chase it away, his wife thought he was a lost heart mad will stay at home no longer see him.

Scholar also happy to accompany with friends spend at home, it is wonderful the peony back to the initial place, the second day resumed spirit, scholar is sleeping under the flower on the night.

The scholar made a dream that night.

Dream a purple clothes woman standing beside peony, purple clothes PiaoYe skin - snow, beautiful eyes animatedly, white teeth between her with little shyness scholar to a deep, as if saying something but did not hear, but her figure like a beautiful fairy not square thing...

Actually for all these things yourself by a Taoist priest, he heard the inductive from scholar to the peony, the peony, popular with scholar's the grace of a day at night to pray hope I have a incarnation under thanked scholar, the monks accidentally by here to see the garden at night have purple huacai know there are different things, and to search for that back on the second day, just that Taoist incredibly also have friends and a tree is a jujube tree, the jujube tree for the Taoist smelting a multiplier, let he is famous in the world with its own ray into the body of the Taoist priest refining a lightning wooden dipper handle sword, a sword into its own when was only three years of life.

He asked about the tree in the back view friends, his friends don't know where that tree I was near the changan told the Taoist priest to come to find me, in fact he tree friends mention my name when I was calculated, then naturally to the peony a read force of gas, let she can meet with scholar at night, after all they who saw the flowers are different only in a dream, the peony is actually because of scholar painting between five years for its undivided attention to oneself, is acclaimed affection in the daily, gas and water in the body that take energy is played a good change, evolution after the scholar spirit wisdom to repay.

Actually sometimes heavy feeling more than man.

The dead tree is gold in the breeding of gas stone soul after death, also have no forced out of the mass in the catalytic power of indigenous people, they have a deep hatred and resentment, and no one need them and no one will be interested in them, they finally become the forest of the dead plants.

Why on the root system to grow flowers is unclear, but not all the dead tree roots out of the black side 3 leaf flower, this flower has a strong hatred for the thought of spirit, want to take person soul of blood gas, and control the body to make their own flesh.

These flowers in the use of the body after the blood of the soul of the gas will awaken the memory of life before, so it is eager to have more blood to support his own flesh to keep these memories, once back to memory anyway they are not willing to go back to a plant without consciousness.

If they are appeared on the battlefield, it is fatal for rivals, because the survival of plants is sowing seeds, if bitten by ShanMei before the two black, her mouth is in black fluffy seeds, unsurprisingly, that once the seed into the blood will flow from the blood into the heart, the seeds will sprout within the heart and penetrated down the blood vessels in the brain consciousness, the flesh also becomes the flower of the host.

When the body soul qi of blood in the body dry, if can't complete seed propagation to find a new host, it will die with the host.

In the battlefield, it was a terrorist, whenever they bites a person, their team is a power, a new member of the at the end of the day it will remain on the battlefield they will not have a living, if not solved themselves in this and in the last night blood pressure seal, cattle penis must be the final winner.

But these show the endless search for new blood, cattle penis can't bring them back to dream resin village, he still have what way into heaven?

That team has arrived on the battlefield, led on a white horse is strong mother, along with a young girl, xiao qi said that the new big alone, anyway they are safe now.

Surprised watching this scene, old lady with her wisdom will be able to understand this is how much of a crisis, and the two black and she had seen, but at the moment he more magnificent than before, a golden fur, if it weren't for the face and how can the person's body is a huge gorilla.

But this moment is on the right side of the old lady Ma Zheng hundreds of horses together looking at the two black, a horse is the bigger of the two black Ma Zheng jilt a head what to communicate with him, but two black just shook his head and look at me they didn't manage it.

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