

After climbing over the Hoof Mountain, they saw an endless row of tile-roofed houses. Mendou exclaimed with excitement, "Yunyang! We're in Yunyang!" They grinned, "Boy, that's Buckteeth Creek!" Blushing with shame, Mendou was too embarrassed to speak. He turned around to look at the big banyan tree at the dockside of Buckteeth Creek. The tree poured its shadow on the flagstone dock. People waiting for boats were like swarms of ants, sitting, lying or gathering together to play cards. Outside the shadow, some people were repairing boats which lay above a slanted white sand beach adjacent to the vast green water. From shallow to deep, the water extended to the white cliff at the end of the mist. In the middle of the white cliff, there was a gap where boats, big and small, came and went. Lyu Dashu said, "Most of the streams from the Daba Mountain converge here, then flow through that gap to the wide and turbulent Yangtze River. Both waters and roads converge here. After finishing the overland route of the Salt Road, we'll board a cypress boat. When we've sailed downward seven or eight kilometers, the boat will reach the Yangtze River estuary. After sailing upward ten kilometers, the boat will reach Yunyang."

As they walked down a winding stone path, Buckteeth Creek gradually revealed itself in the mist. It was surrounded by water on three sides and adjacent to mountains on one side, with layer upon layer of black eaves extending from the riverside to the mountainside. In the middle, a terraced slope from the dock split the "zigzag" street. Both the steps and street were made of stones. The grooves chiseled in the construction process had become polished as the years rolled by, and was brilliant as though rapeseed oil had been poured on them.

Buckteeth Creek was busy from morning to night all year round. On the winding street, mules, horses, porters, riders and bearers came and went in an endless stream. Now a team of mules and horses came. Brandishing a whip, the leader yelled in the distance, "Get out of the way! Mules are coming!" Guisheng said, "The tofu pudding of Buckteeth Creek is delicious. It's served in a wooden bucket. Once it's uncovered, a faint fragrance will greet you. A bowl of tofu pudding comes with pickled tuber mustard, minced scallions, ginger, several drops of soybean sauce and rice vinegar ... After eating a bowl, you'll have a long-lasting aftertaste." At that moment, they saw a group of people crowding around a bucket of tofu pudding at the street corner. Wanting to buy a bowl of tofu pudding, Mendou squeezed through the crowd. Unfortunately, it was sold out before he could buy any.

Buckteeth Creek was bustling. Many prostitutes, including both government prostitutes and unlicensed hookers, brazenly walked in the middle of the street, soliciting passers-by. They became more enthusiastic when they saw traveling merchants. Pockmark Zhang was dragged away by some prostitutes when he appeared at the street crossing. Although he became entangled with many prostitutes, Kang Huaiyuan shook them off. Lyu Dashu decided to go to Carmine's inn. Although her inn was somewhat strict, it was familiar to them and thus was convenient. Just then, a woman and a girl appeared and waved to them, calling, "We've prepared hot tea and food. Porters, are you seeking a lodging?" On hearing that they had decided to go to Carmine's inn, the landlady replied, "Her inn is full of guests." Sensing Lyu Dashu's hesitation, she grabbed his stick. "Come along. My inn is not a bandit inn!"

Lyu Dashu glanced at the girl beside the landlady, then said, "We only want to seek a lodging. We have no money for whores."

"This is my daughter, not a prostitute!" the landlady replied in a sulk.

Feeling relieved, they followed her.

Named "Xinyue" (New Moon), the inn was clean, tidy and spacious. They were all satisfied, and said that they would come again in the future. After paying for the lodging, they sat under a cassia tree in the courtyard. The landlady said in an ingratiating tone, "Yue, serve tea for the guests. I'm going to cook in the kitchen. Our guests may be hungry now."

When the dish was served on the table, they were immediately disappointed. There was only a pot of vegetable soup with several pieces of tofu, but Mendou failed to eat any. Moreover, there wasn't enough rice. After eating one bowl of rice, he went to the kitchen but there was none left. They beat their bowls with their chopsticks. The landlady came out smilingly and said, "Sorry, I forgot to hull grain and pound rice today." They plunked their bowls on the table in a huff and went to bed.

That night, Mendou's stomach rumbled emptily and he tossed and turned in bed. "Damn it! I paid enough money to stay here, but I didn't eat my fill. She's so mean!" he thought to himself. "I must figure out a way to teach her a lesson. Next time, she'll know how to treat her guests ... " He got out of bed and dressed, planning to look for food in the kitchen.

As Mendou was creeping stealthily towards the kitchen, he suddenly heard the sound of scolding from the woodshed. "I've fostered you for three years, and you still don't sell your body. You want me to lose money?" It was the landlady's voice. Looking through a crack in the window, he saw a girl bound and gagged on a woodpile, shaking her head. The landlady kept beating her with a broom. When she was finally tired, she enjoined, "Yue, go and get your cousin!" Yue pushed the door open and went out, then walked through the yard to leave the inn. The landlady threw the broom down. "I'm going upstairs to drink some tea," she said. "Then I'll continue your punishment!" With that, she bolted the door and went upstairs.

When the landlady was gone, Mendou slipped into the woodshed, picked up a chopper to cut the rope tied around the girl's waist, and urged her to escape. The girl grabbed his hand and bit it. Mendou shook his hand with pain. "Are you a dog? Ingrate!" he said.

"Sir, I left a mark on your hand," the girl said, crying. "So that I will recognize you if we meet in the future, and repay your kindness!" Without another word, Mendou gestured for her to stand on his shoulders and climb over the wall. He then rushed upstairs, slipped into the room, leaned against a corner of the wall and fell asleep.

A while later, the light downstairs came on and noise filled the inn. At that moment, the door to their room was pushed open. The landlady and Yue came in with an oil lamp, and looked them over one by one. All the porters were sound asleep, accompanied by the sounds of farting, somniloquy and snoring. They were all in the room. The landlady and Yue left in disappointment.

The waters of Buckteeth Creek were green all year round. At the estuary, the clear waters and turbid waters were clearly demarcated. The boat fare was a string of copper coins for each porter. They usually put their goods in the middle of the boat and sat on either side. With many shoals and rapids, if the trackers were unable to tow the boat, they had to tow it themselves. Thus, there is a saying that goes, "Hubei people are born humble. They have to pay the fare and tow the boat."

As the boat was approaching the Yangtze River estuary, the water became wider. Sails, big and small, fluttered in a vast expanse of whiteness stretching to infinity. The boat jolted in huge waves. Mendou grasped the rail firmly while the others appeared relaxed and puffed at their pipes. When one man suddenly stood up, the boat tilted to one side and was nearly capsized by a wave. After stabilizing the boat, the boatman broke out into curses, snapping, "Sit still! Are you seeking death?" The man's face turned pale with fright and he dared not retort.

The boat moved up and down in the river. Gradually, brown eaves in the distance became clear through the white mist. Nearby Yunyang, there were several bare stone ridges emerging from the center of the river, as though a group of monsters lurked beneath the surface. Kang Huaiyuan said, "That's Dragon Backbone stone." There was a temple surrounded by old trees and waterfalls on the opposite side of Yunyang. On the white wall adjacent to the river, there were several striking words that read, "Cool Wind on the River." This was Zhang Fei Temple. It is said that 2,000 years ago Zhang Fei, a general of the kingdom of Shuhan, was killed by his subordinates Fan Jiang and Zhang Da in Langzhong, then they hurriedly left, carrying his head and planning to submit to the Kingdom of Wu. When they reached Yunyang, they heard that the two kingdoms had made peace, so they threw Zhang Fei's head into the river. A boatman salvaged the head and buried it in the river bank. Later generations built the temple and offered incense in memory of this valiant general. It is said that no matter how serious the flood of the Yangtze River was, it would never submerge the threshold of Zhang Fei Temple.

The boat berthed alongside the wharf of Yunyang. The river beach was busy. The boat loading salt was moored, and porters shuttled back and forth like ants, busying themselves with handling goods. Numerous bags of salt were piled up as high as a city wall. The salt was transported from Yun'an Factory located in the upper reaches of Tangxi. In Tangxi, salt was transported by cypress boats in the upper reaches; in the lower reaches, the creek suddenly fell underground, which prohibited sailing. Thus, mules and horses were used to transport salt to Yunyang County. Later, the salt would be transported from the wharf to all parts of the country.

Yunyang is a county while Yun'an is a town, but Yun'an came to existence prior to Yunyang. The ancient town of Yun'an was prosperous. It was built among the mountains. Its Hu-Guang Guild Hall, Huangzhou Street, Jiangxi Street, Jiujiang Shop and so on teemed with traveling merchants. Standing on the mountainside, Shaanxi Jian Tower chimed continuously day and night without rest. The earliest salt well in Yun'an was called "White Rabbit Well." In 206 B. C. when General Fan Kuai, Liu Bang's subordinate, passed by Yun'an, he saw a white rabbit running past him. He chased after it, but the rabbit disappeared in the high grass. Looking down, Fan Kuai saw spring water flowing from the grass. He took a sip of it and tasted salt. Afterwards, he dug a salt well.

In Yun'an, every household was involved in salt-refining. There were various stoves. Small Pot Salt was refined before Big Pot Salt. Porters carried salt in the wharf of Yunyang, not in Yun'an. Lyu Dashu led them to Merry Spring Inn. As they were regulars, the innkeeper said politely, "Long time no see. I missed you very much!" After making arrangements for their accommodation, the innkeeper invited the traveling merchants to see the goods. Porters had no need to bargain in the market. As long as they checked in at the inn, the innkeeper would help them to sell their goods. When the merchants came, they would bargain and make a deal face to face. In case one side lacked cash, the innkeeper might suggest selling on credit, and there were practically no mistakes in the process.

The merchant who came to buy their goods was surnamed Zhou. He was a prestigious merchant in Yunyang. Lyu Dashu often came to Yunyang, so he was on familiar terms with the Zhou family. After receiving the goods and making payment, Mr. Zhou whispered to Lyu Dashu, "A man from Hankou wants to buy cow leather, and the price is several times higher than usual!"

Lyu Dashu said, "It's lucrative, but I'm the team leader of Jian's Salt Firm, and I have to lead the other porters back."

"It's easy. I can entrust their safety to Yang Ziqian and his guys," Mr. Zhou suggested.

"Alright. I'll hurry back to Meizi tonight!"

Mr. Zhou paid him five silver coins as earnest money.

Lyu Dashu prepared provisions. Before getting on the boat, he told the other porters that he would be going back home by land. Mendou stared at his back in shock, feeling like he had lost his backbone. Looking back, Lyu Dashu saw his pitiful expression. He gave Mendou several copper coins and said, "Don't be afraid. Salt will become your courage! When I first walked on the Salt Road, I was only fifteen, even younger than you. Don't carry too much salt when you go back ... " Mendou felt like an ant, with a high probability of being trampled in a moment's inattention. He thought to himself, "My dad was just as likely to be trampled to death by a turbulent stream of people. How I wish I could just stay at home. Has my mom closed the store? Is Aunt Wanghe cooking vegetable rice?" Mendou stood facing a wall covered with moss for fear that his tears might be seen by anyone.

On seeing his tears, Guisheng teased him. Mendou asked, "Where are you going?"

"Human Selling Street."

"You look like an honest man. It's surprising you have such an interest!" Mendou giggled.

Guisheng poked Mendou's head with his finger. "It's not a place for whoring, but for making money by doing some hard work!"

"Aren't you tired after such a long journey?"

Guisheng wore a forced smile. "My family lost the winter paddy field, so we'll have no grain next year." Carrying his shoulder-pole, he walked along a lane towards the noisy street.

Kang Huaiyuan came and volunteered to take Mendou to stroll around Yunyang. He took Mendou to a cloth store first, where he bought a piece of floral cloth. He then bought a boxwood comb from a stall and a pair of silver bracelets from a silver jewelry shop. Afterwards, he took him to a noodle restaurant, saying, "The wontons in this shop are delicious. You can eat your fill."

The wontons of Yunyang are characterized by thin wrappers and lots of stuffing, and the soup bases are especially important. After eating a bowl of wontons, Mendou was not yet full. Kang Huaiyuan asked the boss to bring him another bowl of wontons.

Patting his full stomach, Mendou followed Kang Huaiyuan happily. He thought to himself, "Yunyang is amazing! I'll bring my mom here after I earn enough money." When they reached the gate of Merry Spring Inn, Kang Huaiyuan gave Mendou a string of copper coins and said, "Go back when you get the salt. Pockmark Zhang and I will go to Yun'an. Take this stuff to your mom."

Glancing at the stuff in Kang Huaiyuan's arms, Mendou was annoyed. "No, I can't!" he said, then left Kang Huaiyuan alone on the street.

When Guisheng arrived at Human Selling Street, he saw a man waiting for a laborer. Seeing his large pile of goods, Guisheng estimated that he would not finish handling the goods until daybreak. He told the man, "I'll handle all of your goods after checking out."

As Guisheng came back after checking out, he saw a guy pestering the owner of the goods for a job. Taking a closer look, he recognized that the man was Qian Dadui.

When they carried the last portions of goods to the river dike, it was nearly dawn. They settled the account and allocated the money. When Qian Dadui received his share, a prostitute saw him and invited him to her brothel. Qian Dadui followed her. Guisheng tried to stop him, and Qian Dadui said, "I have considerable strength, and there are many jobs on Human Selling Street. Let me enjoy myself first."

Sleepy and tired, Guisheng pillowed his head on his shoulder-pole and fell asleep. After a little while, the beach became noisy. He got up to take salt on the river beach.

Yun'an Factory produced both blocky salt and salt powder, which were both wrapped in bamboo leaves. Mendou took forty kilograms, then carried the salt to a cypress boat, planning to go back to Buckteeth Creek with the other porters.

After crossing the river, Lyu Dashu hastily made his way back by land that night. In the latter half of the night, a blast of cold wind blew out his torch. He was astonished. "Am I in 'Ghost Wail'?!" he thought. In a ray of moonlight, he saw his surroundings, and cold sweat oozed from his back. "Damn it! I'm on the valley floor of 'Ghost Wail'!" he said aloud.

"Ghost Wail" was a dangerous place on the Salt Road. With high mountains and thick forests, it was a long valley without any households. The wind whistled through it, sounding like women moaning and wailing. It was said that in the late Qing Dynasty, a dozen porters were robbed by bandits and tied to trees. Finally, they starved to death and became skeletons. Their wives after waiting a long time without seeing them back were so worried that they went to look for them. However, when they arrived, they were tailed by the bandits, who raped them, murdered them and threw their bodies into the bushes. Hence, everyone passing by this place could hear women wailing. When passing through "Ghost Wail," the porters always walked in groups, even in daytime.

When the torch blew out, everything was dark. The wind howled fiercely, as though several hundred women were crowded around him, crying. As he looked around, the trees and rocks all became ferocious female ghosts. He blew hard on the sparks of his torch to rekindle the fire. However, the sparks flew away one by one and no fire sprang up. "I've made a living on the Salt Road for decades. Has my life come to an end in 'Ghost Wail'?" he thought in despair. He groped his way into a pine forest, picked up a handful of pine leaves and ignited them with a match. Finally, he managed to rekindle his torch.

Holding the torch and sweating profusely, he ran like wind for over two hours and escaped from "Ghost Wail." Daring not to enter it in the night, several porters had lit a fire and camped overnight near a big rock. As they were roasting potatoes to allay their hunger, they suddenly saw Lyu Dashu coming out of "Ghost Wail" covered in mud. "Ghost!" they screamed, and ran away. Without thinking about it too much, Lyu Dashu plopped himself down by the fire, caught his breath and set about eating the potatoes.

Lyu Dashu kept walking along the way. When he was hungry, he ate some of his provisions. According to a normal walking speed, it should have taken him two and a half days to reach Wooden Fish Temple, but it only took him one. When he reached Wooden Fish Temple, his ankle was sprained and his soles were raw and bleeding. He asked for some medicine from the temple, and planned to continue his journey the following day.

The medicine of Wooden Fish Temple was quite effective, and the swelling of his foot was greatly subsided. As he left the temple, he saw a porter sitting on the roadside, sobbing. "Why are you sobbing?" he asked.

The porter glanced at him sheepishly. "I was swindled in a whorehouse. We fixed the price at one bowl of salt. But the mother and daughter worked together, and swindled me out of a big bag of salt ... "

"Where is it?"

"It's under a big walnut tree on the street corner. A woman and her daughter."

Lyu Dashu limped to hide the earnest money given to him by Mr. Zhou, then went to look for the walnut tree. After walking for a little while, he saw it. The tree had an age of over a century at least, and its branches occupied a large patch of the sky. In contrast, the house beneath it was very small, with only three thatched huts. A young woman came out with a baby in her arms. Lyu Dashu recognized her. She was the young woman named Cucumber Sprout whom he had met at Eagle Rock. However, she did not recognize him. She was pouring tea into a mug.

Cucumber Sprout reached out her fingers. Lyu Dashu knew that the prices for the elder woman and the younger woman were two coins and four coins respectively. "I need the younger. But if you cannot satisfy me, I won't give you a penny!" he said.

"Rest assured. We always satisfy every customer!" the two women replied.

Cucumber Sprout and Lyu Dashu entered the room. After a long while, she yelled, "Mom, please help me. I'm too tired!" Upon hearing this, her mother immediately went to replace her.

After her mother went in, the room shook more violently, with pillars creaking, dust rising and wood chips falling. Before long, the woman shouted, "Please let me go. We won't charge you any money!"

Lyu Dashu said, "I won't stop unless you agree to return the salt to that porter."

The woman cried, "Fine!"

Lyu Dashu put on his clothes while cursing, then walked out carrying the bag of salt in high spirits.

All the lanterns in Wooden Fish Temple were lit like shining stars, and the porter was still sobbing by the road. Lyu Dashu threw the bag of salt at his feet. Then Lyu Dashu hummed a tune and went to sleep on the couch grass.

The next night, Lyu Dashu arrived back at Meizi. When he entered his house, his wife Qiuhao's eyes widened with astonishment. "You came back empty-handed. Did you encounter bandits again?" she asked.

Lyu Dashu waved his hand and said, "I came back alone to collect cow leather."

Qiuhao hastily heated food for him. After eating, without taking a rest, he went to Maqiao Town to seek goods.

  • 唐诗宋词元曲大全集(超值金版)


  • 百载商埠:汕头经济特区建立与发展


  • 永修历代诗词选


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  • 终末时代


  • 我回大唐


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