

"Sunday, November 26th,--that is, nineteen days ago,--the first of these Tea Ships, the DARTMOUTH, Captain Hall, moored itself in Griffin's Wharf: Owner and Consignee is a broad-brimmed Boston gentleman called Rotch, more attentive to profits of trade than to the groans of Boston:--but already on that Sunday, much more on the Monday following, there had a meeting of Citizens run together,--(on Monday, Faneuil Hall won't hold them, and they adjourn to the Old South Meeting-house),--who make it apparent to Rotch that it will much behoove him, for the sake both of tea and skin, not to 'enter' (or officially announce) this Ship DARTMOUTH at the Custom-house in any wise; but to pledge his broad-brimmed word, equivalent to his oath, that she shall lie dormant there in Griffin's Wharf, till we see. Which, accordingly, she has been doing ever since;she and two others that arrived some days later; dormant all three of them, side by side, three crews totally idle; a 'Committee of Ten' supervising Rotch's procedures; and the Boston world much expectant. Thursday, December 16th: this is the 20th day since Rotch's DARTMOUTH arrived here; if not 'entered' at Custom-house in the course of this day, Custom-house cannot give her a 'clearance'

either (a leave to depart),--she becomes a smuggler, an outlaw, and her fate is mysterious to Rotch and us.

"This Thursday accordingly, by 10 in the morning, in the Old South Meeting-house, Boston is assembled, and country-people to the number of 2,000;--and Rotch never was in such a company of human Friends before. They are not uncivil to him (cautious people, heedful of the verge of the Law); but they are peremptory, to the extent of--Rotch may shudder to think what. "I went to the Custom-house yesterday,' said Rotch, 'your Committee of Ten can bear me witness; and demanded clearance and leave to depart; but they would not; were forbidden, they said!' 'Go, then, sir; get you to the Governor himself; a clearance, and out of harbor this day: had n't you better?' Rotch is well aware that he had; hastens off to the Governor (who has vanished to his Country-house, on purpose);Old South Meeting-house adjourning till 3 P.M., for Rotch's return with clearance.

"At 3 no Rotch, nor at 4, nor at 5; miscellaneous plangent intermittent speech instead, mostly plangent, in tone sorrowful rather than indignant:--at a quarter to 6, here at length is Rotch;sun is long since set,--has Rotch a clearance or not? Rotch reports at large, willing to be questioned and cross-questioned:

'Governor absolutely would not! My Christian friends, what could Ior can I do?' There are by this time about 7,000 people in Old South Meeting-house, very few tallow-lights in comparison,--almost no lights for the mind either,--and it is difficult to answer.

Rotch's report done, the Chairman [one Adams, "American Cato,"subsequently so called] dissolves the sorrowful 7,000, with these words: 'This Meeting declares that it can do nothing more to save the Country.' Will merely go home, then, and weep. Hark, however:

almost on the instant, in front of Old South Meeting-house, (a terrific War-whoop; and about fifty Mohawk Indians,'--with whom Adams seems to be acquainted; and speaks without Interpreter: Aha?--"And, sure enough, before the stroke of 7, these fifty painted Mohawks are forward, without noise, to Griffin's Wharf; have put sentries all round there; and, in a great silence of the neighborhood, are busy, in three gangs, upon the dormant Tea Ships;opening their chests, and punctually shaking them out into the sea.

'Listening from the distance, you could hear distinctly the ripping open of the chests, and no other sound.' About 10 P.M. all was finished: 342 chests of tea flung out to infuse in the Atlantic;the fifty Mohawks gone like a dream; and Boston sleeping more silently even than usual." ["Summary of the Advices from America"(in <italic> Gentleman's Magazine <end italic> for 1774, pp. 26, 27); Bancroft, iii. 536 et seq.]

"Seven in the evening:" this, I calculate, allowing for the Earth's rotation, will be about the time when Friedrich, well tired with the day's business, is getting to bed; by 10 on the Boston clocks, when the process finishes there, Friedrich will have had the best of his sleep over. Here is Montcalm's Prophecy coming to fulfilment;--and a curious intersection of a flying Event through one's poor LETTER TO D'ALEMBERT. We will now give the two English Interviews with Voltaire; one of which is of three years past, another of three years ahead.


In the years 1770-1771, Burney, then a famous DOCTOR OF MUSIC, made his TOUR through France and Italy, on Musical errands and researches: [Charles Burney's <italic> Present State of Music in France and Italy, being the Journal of a Tour through those Countries to collect Materials for a General History of Music <end italic> (London, 1773). The <italic> History of Music <end italic>

  • 他的小甜心藏不住啦


    一场意外让她失去记忆,奇怪的是任谁都寻不到,五年里,由于脑部的创伤一直昏昏迷迷,迟钝迷糊,所有人都以为她是个白痴, 殊不知,为查出欺辱姐姐的人渣,她一步一步诱导设计陷阱…… 仇人有强大势力撑腰?被嫉妒?被孤立?被刁难?问题都不大,因为大佬背后都有另一个大佬,而她是几位大佬的心尖宠。 他是不婚主义者,独独对她偏爱有加,她把他当哥哥一般的存在,以为他也只是把她当妹妹。 后来,有人追求她,他暗中散播她已名花有主,追求者说等她单身,他眸色一沉,晚上回去,关门关灯。 一个月后,他笑,单身?这辈子想都别想!
  • 王之球道


    三国时期的一代枭雄,一不小心穿越到一个同名足球运动员身上。在另一个江湖,也有热血,也有奋斗。 有兴趣的书友可以加一下交流群108655749, 多给花生提提意见, 在此拜谢!
  • 踮起脚尖的那些年


  • 明日歧途


  • 无极修圣


  • 召唤师与契约精灵


  • 天行


  • 谁动了我的叛逃小妻


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