

Their conversation was interrupted by the inspector, who said that the time was up, and the prisoners and their friends must part. Nekhludoff took leave of Vera Doukhova and went to the door, where he stopped to watch what was going on.

The inspector's order called forth only heightened animation among the prisoners in the room, but no one seemed to think of going. Some rose and continued to talk standing, some went on talking without rising. A few began crying and taking leave of each other. The mother and her consumptive son seemed especially pathetic. The young fellow kept twisting his bit of paper and his face seemed angry, so great were his efforts not to be infected by his mother's emotion. The mother, hearing that it was time to part, put her head on his shoulder and sobbed and sniffed aloud.

The girl with the prominent eyes--Nekhludoff could not help watching her--was standing opposite the sobbing mother, and was saying something to her in a soothing tone. The old man with the blue spectacles stood holding his daughter's hand and nodding in answer to what she said. The young lovers rose, and, holding each other's hands, looked silently into one another's eyes.

"These are the only two who are merry," said a young man with a short coat who stood by Nekhludoff's side, also looking at those who were about to part, and pointed to the lovers. Feeling Nekhludoff's and the young man's eyes fixed on them, the lovers--the young man with the rubber coat and the pretty girl--stretched out their arms, and with their hands clasped in each other's, danced round and round again. "To-night they are going to be married here in prison, and she will follow him to Siberia," said the young man.

"What is he?"

"A convict, condemned to penal servitude. Let those two at least have a little joy, or else it is too painful," the young man added, listening to the sobs of the consumptive lad's mother.

"Now, my good people! Please, please do not oblige me to have recourse to severe measures," the inspector said, repeating the same words several times over. "Do, please," he went on in a weak, hesitating manner. "It is high time. What do you mean by it? This sort of thing is quite impossible. I am now asking you for the last time," he repeated wearily, now putting out his cigarette and then lighting another.

It was evident that, artful, old, and common as were the devices enabling men to do evil to others without feeling responsible for it, the inspector could not but feel conscious that he was one of those who were guilty of causing the sorrow which manifested itself in this room. And it was apparent that this troubled him sorely. At length the prisoners and their visitors began to go--the first out of the inner, the latter out of the outer door.

The man with the rubber jacket passed out among them, and the consumptive youth and the dishevelled man. Mary Pavlovna went out with the boy born in prison.

The visitors went out too. The old man with the blue spectacles, stepping heavily, went out, followed by Nekhludoff.

"Yes, a strange state of things this," said the talkative young man, as if continuing an interrupted conversation, as he descended the stairs side by side with Nekhludoff. "Yet we have reason to be grateful to the inspector who does not keep strictly to the rules, kind-hearted fellow. If they can get a talk it does relieve their hearts a bit, after all!"

While talking to the young man, who introduced himself as Medinzeff, Nekhludoff reached the hall. There the inspector came up to them with weary step.

"If you wish to see Maslova," he said, apparently desiring to be polite to Nekhludoff, "please come to-morrow."

"Very well," answered Nekhludoff, and hurried away, experiencing more than ever that sensation of moral nausea which he always felt on entering the prison.

The sufferings of the evidently innocent Menshoff seemed terrible, and not so much his physical suffering as the perplexity, the distrust in the good and in God which he must feel, seeing the cruelty of the people who tormented him without any reason.

Terrible were the disgrace and sufferings cast on these hundreds of guiltless people simply because something was not written on paper as it should have been. Terrible were the brutalised jailers, whose occupation is to torment their brothers, and who were certain that they were fulfilling an important and useful duty; but most terrible of all seemed this sickly, elderly, kind-hearted inspector, who was obliged to part mother and son, father and daughter, who were just the same sort of people as he and his own children.

"What is it all for?" Nekhludoff asked himself, and could not find an answer.

  • 忠志


  • 亳州牡丹史


  • 重寄金山寺僧


  • 乐府指迷


  • T064


  • 花样宠妻:大叔,晚点撩


  • 君上为尊


    云舞自小寄养在别人家,十六年来从不允许跨出家门半步。 因缘巧合的一场宴会,终于如愿以偿。 可惜外面的世界危机四伏,她居然是第一世家的必杀对象! 谁能想到原因是她上辈子拐跑了人家家主,所以今生的云舞面对那个男人的疯狂宠爱,当然决定再次带他脱离苦海。 反正他天塌下来有他顶着。 云舞想的很美好,不过造化弄人。 青云国内,她又又又被仇家找上门,好在她已经抱紧了男主大腿,为了她甚至不惜分裂家族。 感动的云舞和男主携手寻找前世,她也在冥界回忆起了过往的点点滴滴。 只是二人能否一心?同去同归? …… 事情还得从两千年前说起。她不该遇上那个最该遇上的人。然而前世的因已经种下,今生的她又能如何。她的一生注定是荒唐的,她只是一个拥有他全部爱的棋子。直到最后才惊觉,所谓的真相只是掩盖给她看的假象罢了。
  • 我参与的这座城


  • 九天行


  • 暖阳入星


  • 篮战


  • 君姬臣卿


  • 覆商


  • 穿越动漫辅助系统


    寒雨获得一个系统,穿越动漫世界白蛇里泡小白,暴打国师(作者是个新手,哪里不好的勿喷,可以指出会修改的,作者不太会写简介,还有许多世界,书友们可以投票选择世界,第一个世界白蛇缘起,后面的可以投票) ———————— ———————— 位面顺序:狐妖小红娘—罪恶皇冠—刺客伍六七—声之形—约战—镇魂街(后面的待定)
  • 冰宫殿里的王子

