

James Russell Lowell (b. 1819,d.1891) was born in Cambridge,Mass.and was graduated from Harvard College. He entered the profession of law;but,in 1843,turned aside tpublish "The Pioneer,a Literary and Critical Magazine." In 1855 he was appointed professor of Belles-lettres in Harvard College. From 1877 t1885 he was U.S. Minister,first tSpain,afterwards tGreat Britain. Lowell‘s powers as a writer were very versatile,and his poems range from the most dreamy and imaginative tthe most trenchant and witty. Among his most noted poetical works are "The Biglow Papers," "A Fable for Critics," "The Vision of Sir Launfal," "The Cathedral," and "The Legend of Brittany;" while "Conversations on some of the Old Poets," "Among my Books," and "My Study Windows," place him in the front rank as an essayist.

1.The rich man’s son inherits1 lands,And piles of brick,and stone,and gold,And he inherits soft white hands,And tender flesh that fears the cold,Nor dares twear a garment old;A heritage,it seems tme,One scarce would wish thold in fee.

2.The rich man‘s son inherits cares;The bank may break,the factory burn,A breath may burst his bubble shares,And soft white hands could hardly earn A living that would serve his turn;1Heritage,that which is inherited,or taken by descent,from an ancestor.

A heritage,it seems tme,One scarce would wish thold in fee.

3.The rich man’s son inherits wants,His stomach craves for dainty fare;With sated1 heart,he hears the pants.Of toiling hinds2 with brown arms bare! And wearies in his easy-chair;A heritage,it seems tme,One scarce would wish thold in fee.

4.What doth the poor man‘s son inherit?

Stout muscles and a sinewy heart,A hardy frame,a hardier spirit;King of twhands,he does his part In every useful toil and art;A heritage,it seems tme,A king might wish thold in fee.

5.What doth the poor man’s son inherit?

Wishes o‘erjoyed with humble things,A rank adjudged3 by toil-won merit,Content that from employment springs,A heart that in his labor sings;A heritage,it seems tme,A king might wish thold in fee.

6.What doth the poor man’s son inherit?A patience learned of being poor,1Sated,surfeited,glutted.2Hinds,peasants,countrymen.3Adjudged,decided,determined.Courage,if sorrow come,tbear it,A fellow-feeling that is sureTmake the outcast bless his door;A heritage,it seems tme,A king might wish thold in fee.

7.rich man‘s son! there is a toil That with all others level stands:Large charity doth never soil,But only whiten soft,white hands,- This is the best crop from thy lands;A heritage,it seems tme,Worth being rich thold in fee.

8.poor man’s son! scorn not thy state;There is worse weariness than thineIn merely being rich and great:Toil only gives the soul tshine,And makes rest fragrant and benign1;A heritage,it seems tme,Worth being poor thold in fee.

9.Both,heirs tsome six feet of sod,Are equal in the earth at last;Both,children of the same dear God,Prove title tyour heirship vast By record of a well-filled past;A heritage,it seems tme,Well worth a life thold in fee.1Benign,having healthful qualities,wholesome.

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