

Oliver Goldsmith (b. 1728,d. 1774) was born at Pallas,or Pallasmore,in the parish of Forney,Ireland. He received his education at several schools,at Trinity College,Dublin,at Edinburgh,and at Leyden. He spent some time in wandering over continental Europe,often in poverty and want. In 1756 he became a resident of London,where he made the acquaintance of several celebrated men,among whom were Dr. Johnson and Sir Joshua Reynolds. His writings are noted for their purity,grace,and fluency. His fame as a poet is secured by "The Traveler," and "The Deserted Village;" as a dramatist,by "She Stoops tConquer;" and as a novelist,by "The Vicar of Wakefield." His reckless extravagance always kept him in financial difficulty,and he died heavily in debt. His monument is in Westminster Abbey.

1.Good people all,with one accord1,Lament for Madam Blaize,Whnever wanted a good word- From those whspoke her praise.

2.The needy seldom passed her door,And always found her kind;She freely lent tall the poor- Whleft a pledge2 behind.

3.She strove the neighborhood tplease,With manner wondrous winning:1Accord,agreement of opinion,consent.2Pledge,personal property delivered tanother as a security for a debt.She never followed wicked ways- Unless when she was sinning.

4.At church,in silks and satin new,With hoop of monstrous size,She never slumbered in her pew- But when she shut her eyes.

5.Her love was sought,I daver,By twenty beaux and more;The king himself has followed her- When she has walked before.

6.But now,her wealth and finery fled,Her hangers1-on cut short all,Her doctors found,when she was dead- Her last disorder mortal2.

7.Let us lament,in sorrow sore;For Kent Street well may say,That,had she lived a twelvemonth more- She had not died to-day.1Hangerson,followers.2Mortal,destructive tlife.

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