
第22章 纽约州(6)

9.In 1807The Clermont made its maiden voyage from New York City to Albany making the vessel the first successful steamboat.

10.Sam Schapiro began the Kosher wine industry on New York’s Lower East side with their famous extra heavy original concord wine in 1899.

11.New York City has 722miles of subway track.

12.Power Mill Park situated outside Rochester has a house on Park Road shaped like a group of mushrooms(蘑菇).

13.Chittenago is the home of L.Frank Baum,author of the“Wizard of Oz”.It features a yellow brick inlaid sidewalks leading to Aunti Em’s and other Ozthemed businesses.Chittenago is the location of an annual Munchkins parade.

14.Oneida has the world’s smallest church with the dimensions(尺寸)of 3.5′×6′.

15.The first daily Yiddish newspaper appeared in 1885in New York City.

16.The first international sports hero,boxer Bill Richmond of Staten Island,was born August 5,1763.

17.The“New York Post”established in 1803by Alexander Hamilton is the oldest running newspaper in the United States.

18.John Babcock invented both the indoor rowing machine and the sliding seat during the winter of 1869/1870.

19.The first railroad in America ran a distance of 11miles between Albany and Schenectady.

20.The first capital of the United States was New York City.In 1789George Washington took his oath as president on the balcony(阳台,包厢)at Federal Hall.

21.Hartsdale has a pet cemetery established in 1896and containing 12,000plots.

22.In November for Boy Scouts and in March for Girl Scouts the annual Urban CampOuts are hosted at the Empire State Building.

23.The Catskills are the home of the legend of Rip Van Winkle,brown trout and flycasting.

24.The first presentation of 3D films before a paying audience took place at Manhattan’s Astor Theater on June 10,1915.

25.Sam Wilson,a meatpacker from Troy who’s caricature(讽刺画,漫画)Uncle Sam came to personify(赋与……以人性,使人格化)the United States is buried at Troy’s Oakwood Cemetery(墓地,公墓).During the War of 1812,he stamped“U.S.Beef”on his products which soldiers interpreted the U.S.abbreviation(缩写,缩写词)as meaning Uncle Sam.

26.The Genesee River is one of the few rivers in the world that flows south to north.

27.Rochester is known as both the Flour City and the Flower City.The community is home to the first abolitionist(废除主义者,废奴主义者)group,bloomers,marshmallows(药属葵,药属葵蜜饯),JellO,French’s Mustard,baby shoes,gold teeth and the mail chute.

28.Gennaro Lombardi opened the first United States pizzeria(匹萨饼店,意大利肉饼店)in 1895in New York City.

29.On July 28,1945an Army Air Corps B25crashed into the Empire State Building at the 79th floor level.

30.New York’s largest lake in Oneida measures 79.8square miles.

31.New York’s highest waterfall is the 215foot Taughannock.

32.The Erie Canal,built across New York State in the 1820s,opened the Midwest to development and helped New York City become a worldwide trading center.

33.The first Boy’s Club was established in New York City in 1876.

34.European settlers who brought seeds to New York introduced apples in the 1600s.

35.The Big Apple is a term coined by musicians meaning to play the big time.

36.The first Eagle Scout was Arthur R.Eldred from Troop 1in Oceanside.He was bestowed(给予)the honor in May 1912.

37.Ten Mile River Boy Scout Camp in Narrowsburg is the largest council owned camp in the country.

38.Joseph C.Gayetty of New York City invented toilet paper(卫生纸,草纸)in 1857.

39.Wade Boggs and Cal Ripken Jr.played against each other in Rochester vs.Pawtucket Red Sox in the longest game in baseball history.The game went a total of 33innings[〈板球〉(轮到)击球].

40.The oldest cattle ranch in the US was started in 1747at Montauk on Long Island.

41.Adirondack Park is larger than Yellowstone[(=National Park)(美国加利福尼亚州中部)约塞米蒂国家公园],Yosemite[(=National Park)(美国加利福尼亚州中部)约塞米蒂国家公园],Grand Canyon,Glacier(冰河),and Olympic Parks combined.

42.New York was the first state to require license plates on cars.

43.Niagara[尼亚加拉河(在加拿大和美国间)]Reservation became the first state park in the United States.

44.Washington’s Headquarters(司令部,总部)State Historic Site in Newburgh was the first publicly owned historic site.

45.New York State is home to 58species of wild orchids([植]兰,兰花).

46.New York has over 70,000miles of rivers and streams.

47.The first public brewery(酿酒厂)in America was established by Peter Minuit at the Market(Marckvelt)field in lower Manhattan.

48.Mount Kisco’s landmark,a statue of Chief Kisco,was once an elaborate fountain for watering horses.The statue stands at the intersection([数]交集,十字路口,交叉点)of Routes 117and 133.D.F.Gorham,a strong supporter of prohibition(禁止,阻止,〈美〉禁酒令),presented it to Mount Kisco in 1907.The inscription(题字,碑铭)on the base to the statue(雕像)reads“God’s Only Beverage for Man and Beast.”

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