
第51章 Ling Attacks Moinyo...(3)

Yulha said slowly: “We come from the State of Ling and want to be united with the State of Moinyo by marriage. Prince Zhalhazejie of the State of Ling has reached the age of marriage. We were told that the Princess of the State of Moinyo is beautiful with a fair complexion and a beautiful slim figure. Our divination sage said she should marry our Prince.”

When Kulha Togyi learnt that the State of Ling wanted to be united with Moinyo by marriage, he was much more relaxed. But when he saw the number of soldiers on the riverbank, he looked serious again.

“If it is for marriage, you need only send a messenger for peaceful discussions. Why do you send so many troops to Moinyo for this?” Kulha Togyi asked.

“Why the troops? You know that King Sintri would never give his consent to the proposal easily. In the past, the messengers from many other states were refused. If we followed suit, you may well imagine the result. That’s why we….”

“If King Sintri does not consent to the marriage, would you dare to kidnap the Princess?”Kulha Togyi scowled at Yulha.

“Of course, we don’t want it to happen like that. We only hope King Sintri will consent to this proposal,” Yulha said calmly.

Kulha Togyi did not have much self-control.

“Yulha Togy! Please tell your men to get out of here. If you do not start to leave tomorrow, you will bring trouble on your head.” On saying this, Kulha Togyi turned his horse and returned to the palace.

Kulha Togyi reported to King Sintri what had happened. Now King Sintri was very angry:

“How can a Princess of Moinyo marry somebody from the State of Ling? Gesar is my long-time enemy. If I had not waited patiently until this year for an opportunity, I would have killed him a long time ago. Now he is so bold as to send troops to Moinyo and even demand to marry the Princess! Goddamn him!”

“Don’t be furious, My King. We must talk this over quietly. The army includes not only troops from Ling but also troops from the demon states in the north, the State of Hor and the State of Cham. So many troops come only for the Princess. If we marry the Princess temporarily to the Prince of the State of Ling, after this year, we will become unconquerable. We can then snatch the Princess back and wipe out these states.” Kulha Togyi was not only good at martial skills but he was also intelligent.

King Sintri was a little more relaxed, but he still felt angry:

“Kulha Togyi! If I consent to this proposal in the face of so many troops from the State of Ling, won’t I be the laughing stock of others? They will laugh at my inability in fear of the State of Ling. I’ll never do things like that?”

Later on, after hearing this message, the ministers of Moinyo all gathered in the palace and talked about it. Some suggested accepting the proposal while others objected. Both sides argued with great conviction. Neither side would give up. Presently, Yungzoin Begyi spoke loudly to all the others:

“Don’t quarrel any more. I suggest that we can ask Master Sage to practise a divination in order to make a decision!”

Everybody, including the King, agreed to his idea. They sent a young man called Tongting Waygar to ask for instructions from Master Sage.

Master Sage foresaw his arrival. He laughed and said:

“I will only say one sentence: the great State of Moinyo will make a decision in seven days. No matter what the State of Ling does, do not give any reaction. Now please come into the cave.”

Master Sage closed his eyes and sat silently. After quite a while, he said slowly:

“Please get everything ready for war. I will perform all possible magic arts to help you.”

King Sintri thanked the master and deployed his army immediately:

“All the troops from the colour divisions of gold, yellow, white, red, blue, black and green respectively will be ready for battle, at the end of Nyangma Gold Bridge, tomorrow morning….We will annihilate the State of Ling!”

The 60 generals and all the other warriors from Moinyo were itching to go into battle and determined to fight it out with the troops from the State of Ling.

The Ling troops met the Moinyo troops at the end of the Nyangma Gold Bridge. The two armies came pouring in and were positioned on each bank of the river.

Dawa Chazin, the leader of the red troops from Moinyo, fired six arrows in succession at the Ling troops and killed 13 of them. Tsinpa Merotse, the general of the red troops from Ling, was very angry and rode his red horse quickly up to the battlefield. Just then, Merotse’s armour on his left arm was shattered by Dawa Chazin. He shouted in anger and pain. Then he drew his sword and was ready to charge at Dawa Chazin when a thin, soft lasso suddenly flew, out of nowhere, at Dawa Chazin, the hero of Moinyo. The lasso caught Dawa Chazin around perfectly. Then Merotse rushed like lightning at Dawa Chazin and killed him. Yulha, who threw the lasso, followed and cut Dawa Chazin’s head off with Merotse. They then rode back triumphantly to their camp.

The Lion King rewarded the two generals generously. Gesar knew clearly that the expedition to Moinyo was different from the ones to the other three evil states. Sintri, as an elder sorcerer, had reached a very high level in magic and would be a very difficult adversary. With the help and support of his minister Kulha Togyi, he would become even more powerful and more difficult to beat.

Gesar tossed all night long. Nearing daybreak, the fragrant wind swept along gently followed by the sound of Heavenly music and the jingle of bells. Gesar’s aunt Norman Garmo came on a colourful cloud.

“Good boy, wake up quickly! The 18th is a lucky day, divine troops are descending from Heaven. Hideous monster soldiers and countless dragon soldiers have gathered. My boy, don’t fear the enemy. Up till the day of the 29th….”

Gesar heard this distinctly. Then his forehead, which had been furrowed with sadness, became smooth gradually. He had been given the secret of wiping out the demon, Sintri.

In that morning, Gesar brought together all of the generals of Ling and briefed them on how to act.

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