
第31章 An Expedition to Kill... (4)

Gesar had no intention of leaving and he stepped forward. He grabbed her and held the crystal knife to her throat.

“Tell me. Who are you? What is this mountain and city here? Where is Nortsam?”

The girl knew that she was not his equal; therefore, she had to tell Gesar the truth: “I am the North Devil Girl, Ngada Namo, and Nortsam is my brother. Here is the boundary between Ling Garpo and the Evil Kingdom. Nortsam has ordered me to defend here. I guess you must be Gesar, the Lion King. I have admired you for a long time.”

When Gesar heard this he withdrew the knife. “Would you like to help me defeat Nortsam?” He asked.

“I will follow your command, Your Majesty.”

“However, Nortsam is your brother. Why would you betray him?”

“I have been tired of my life here in the Evil Empire. I would like to marry you if you would like that. You could be the lord of this city.” Ngada Namo spoke.

Gesar was moved by Ngada Namo’s sincerity and beauty perhaps more so for the second reason. Ngada Namo was white-skinned and charming. Her pretty face looked like a lotus.

After they got married Ngada Namo was like Gesar’s shadow every minute whether they were hunting outside or dancing and singing at home. One day, Gesar suddenly remembered that he had not eliminated Nortsam so he could not enjoy his life here. However, he was afraid that Ngada Namo would not let him go. If Ngada Namo did not help him it would be hard to defeat Nortsam. Thinking over these things Gesar felt sad. Ngada Namo was so clever that she could read Gesar’s mind and she decided to help him.

Ngada Namo prepared a rich banquet for Gesar. However, Gesar was confused: “Honey, what is the dinner for? Is there anything happening? This banquet looks wonderful!”

“This is your leaving dinner.”

“My leaving dinner?”

“Yes, I do not think that you can be at peace and enjoy life here until you eliminate Nortsam. Today I will show you how to defeat him.

“Oh, my dear, thanks.”

Gesar felt grateful. He had never thought that Ngada Namo was conscious of the righteousness of his great cause. She was better than Sengcham Cholmo in this respect.

“My king, defeating Nortsam is a tough job. Now I will give you my finger ring. Please do as I tell you and you will win,” Ngada Namo said.

Ngada Namo took off her ring and then gave it to Gesar solemnly. Ngada Namo whispered gently to Gesar what he must do.

Gesar accepted the ring and the secret to defeat Nortsam.

Ngada Namo and Gesar separated reluctantly.

Gesar took half a day to arrive at a mountain which seemed like black bristle. Beside the mountain there was a frightening dark lake. Suddenly, a black dog that was as big as a bear leaped from the lake. This was the devil dog, Gugu Ranza. The black dog jumped in front of Gesar and shouted: “Freeze! Who are you?”

Gesar smiled and took out Ngada Namo’s ring without fear or hurry.

“Gugu Ran Za, back off! Do not bark. Ngada Namo is my wife. This ring is the lovers’ keepsake. You should welcome me instead of biting me or I will complain to Nortsam,” Gesar shouted.

The shining ring dazzled the dog. The dog knew Ngada Namo was a hard nut, so he said politely:

“Oh, welcome my lord. Please forgive my rudeness. Please have a rest beside the lake.”

“Rest is unnecessary.” Gesar said scornfully. He threw a big slab of beef to Gugu Ranza. The dog wagged its tail with the beef in its mouth and went back into the dark lake.

Gesar resumed his journey. In front of him were two roads — one white and one black. As Ngada Namo had told him the white path is workable but the black path is blind, Gesar went along with the white path for a night. At dawn he saw a five-finger shaped mountain where a five-headed monster was grazing a flock of sheep both black and white. Gesar knew that it was a subordinate of Nortsam — Chin’en.

Gesar introduced himself: “I am the man to kill Nortsam. I am the invincible Mars. I am the son of the Deities who guide living beings. I am Gesar, the Lion King, from the State of Ling.”

As soon as Chin’en noticed Gesar, the introduction was given. He knew that King Gesar was a deadly foe of all demons. Nevertheless, he was not sure whether he could defeat Gesar or not. Chin’en learned martial arts only under Nortsam, who was the best in the Evil Empire, so he fancied his chances against Gesar. He suggested they compete at archery. Gesar accepted. Chin’en set up 45 targets: nine sheep, nine goats, nine pieces of armour, nine bronze boilers and nine saddles.

Before shooting, Gesar recited an incantation whose power would guide his arrows to the targets. Then Gesar shot a magical arrow called “The Closest Friend” which flew with the sound of a zing. The arrow flew away like a burning dart and its flame lit up the sky. When the 45 targets were penetrated, in turn, through the bulls-eyes, the arrow returned automatically into Gesar’s quiver.

Gesar’s unique skill shocked Chin’en deeply. In his life Chin’en had seen a great deal but this unique magical arrow was something else. He surrendered immediately.

Gesar said in an outraged but victorious tone:

“Listen to me, you five-headed monster, if you follow my orders I will spare your life. If not I will finish you immediately.”

Chin’en swore to allegiance to Gesar as soon as he heard that. Chin’en then said this to Gesar.

“I was born in the Kingdom of Rong. Nortsam kidnapped me and brought me here to the Evil Empire and then I became a five-head monster. From now on I would like to follow you to Ling Garpo as an ordinary man.”

Gesar was moved by Chin’ en’s honest confession. He spared Chin’en’s life and then asked him to go to Nortsam’s palace with the nine pointed towers. At Gesar’s command Chin’en went there to find information.

Chin’en went to the devil palace with its nine pointed towers to spy on the king and the queen. When Chin’en arrived Nortsam hurried forward to ask him:

“Hey! Is it peaceful or is there any sign of any enemy?”

“Your Majesty, thanks to you, every place is full of peace and no enemy dares to come.”

“Then, how is your health?” the demon asked.

“Oh! Under the King’s care I am fine.” Chin’ en then did obeisance to the king and the queen.

“Oh! But I seem to smell a stranger. I’m afraid that it is you who brings him here.” Nortsam is a crafty demon king who quickly detected an unusual smell from Chin’ en.

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