
第29章 An Expedition to Kill... (2)

There was a devil palace with nine pointed towers in the north of Deon State in Yarkang. The Black Devil who captured Mesa lived there. This grotesque Devil had nine heads with 18 horns and was shaped like a mountain. Covered by black noxious scorpions, his waist was encircled by nine black serpents. Both his hands and feet had 36 nails like iron hooks. Many evil officers, witches and 29 koradijis surrounded him. Especially evil was his father, a Black Giant, and his younger sister, Ngada Namo. They were all so highly skilled in Kungfu that many men and women could not withstand them.

On the seventh day when Gesar finished practising his austerities, the Black Devil, Nortsam, was sitting in his camp. Zhaotoin had sent him a letter describing the situation in Ling Garpo: “Gesar was gone to an enclosed place to practice austerities and his beautiful concubine, Mesa, was at home alone. It was the best time to go to Ling Garpo and capture the beautiful lady.” The Black Devil had liked the graceful Mesa for a long time. When he got Zhaotoin’s information, he was totally delighted. Leading his army and riding black clouds, Nortsam captured Mesa and swept over Ling Garpo. When Gesar heard of this, Nortsam went back to his camp.

After some time, according to his Aunt’s directions, it was time to defeat the Devil.

“Cholmo, my dear wife. I will go to the north to fight the Devil. Please take care of our family.” Then Gesar mounted the Heavenly horse, Gyaingar Pebo, and was about to leave when Cholmo grabbed the horse’s bridle.

“Oh, my dear King, my honey! Please do not leave in such a hurry. Please eat my dessert and drink some wine. I am afraid that you will have to endure hunger and thirst on the road.”

Having convinced him to take his time Cholmo helped Gesar down from the horse and presented her desserts and wine. Gesar did not know that Cholmo put an oblivious drug in the wine in order to detain Gesar. After eating and drinking Gesar fell asleep.

How time flew in one night with a full moon. Aunt Norman Garmo appeared in Gesar’s palace when Gesar and Cholmo were sleeping. His Aunt approached and spoke softly in Gesar’s ear: “Well, Gesar, don’t forget to save Mesa. If you still delay and hesitate you will not be able to defeat the Black Devil and you will be bullied by him.”

Gesar jumped up but his Aunt had already left. He rubbed his eyes and remembered his Aunt’s message and the fact that his drunkenness had held things up. He saw that Cholmo was still sleeping and did not wake her in order to save his breath.

Gesar got up quietly and ordered the maids to collect his men in order to discuss the forthcoming campaign to conquer the North.

Cholmo woke up to see several maids bustling around and Gesar was not asleep beside her. She was surprised and confused about what had happened.

Gesar came in and saw Cholmo awake, and said:

“Please hurry and open the treasure house. Take out my white helmet, crystalline knife and prepare my arrows, the cattle horn bow, the hard shield, the golden saddle and the silver stirrups. Please hurry!”

Cholmo saw that the King was going to do battle. The last time she had stopped him with wine and now she knew that she could not do that again. Well then, how do I deal with this? Cholmo wanted to stop Gesar going to the Devil’s camp. Although Cholmo was thinking of this, she still fetched everything for Gesar.

After a while, 30 able generals, 11 concubines and many officials and subjects gathered in the square. Gesar proclaimed that he was going to fight the Black Devil Nortsam. “Chatsa Shigar would be in charge of the security of Ling Garpo while I was away,” he said.

Everybody followed Gesar quietly. When Gesar mounted the Heavenly horse, Gyaingar Pebo, and was about to set off, Sengcham Cholmo knelt down in front of the horse. Gesar’s heart sank and he got off the horse to lift up his her, saying slowly:

“Honey, I feel heart-broken for today’s separation. It was destined for me to conquer the Devil. Do not be so sad and help look after Ling Garpo’s affairs. They need you.”

Tears filled Cholmo’s eyes as she took the wine from Ngachonchi and said: “My dear King, please drink some wine.”

Looking at Cholmo’s tears and the wine in her hands, Gesar still didn’t drink. He kept his patience and said:

“My dear Cholmo, we descended into the world together. With the deity’s direction, the aspiration of the Faith and the Dragon King’s oath and now Aunt is leading me to conquer the Devil in the North. If I violate this we will be separated forever. My love, please stand up and let me go.”

Cholmo’s tears ran down her rosy cheeks. Looking like pear flowers with dew, she seemed to be even more charming.

“My dear King, without the snow-capped mountain, where does the white lion stay? Without the forest, where does the doe live? Lion King of Ling Garpo, please don’t leave. If you go, who will I depend on?”

“Cholmo, if the snow-capped mountain is far away, there is still a small valley as large as a palm where the white lion can stay. If the sea is far away, there is still a pool as large as a mirror where the golden-eyed fish can live. If the forest is far away, there is still a small pasture as large as a saddle where the doe can rest. If I go, brother Chatsa will look after our family and you can seek his help.”

When Cholmo figured out her sweet words could not touch the heart of Gesar, she flew into a rage.

“I have a rare pearl cloth and beautiful headwear in the box. If you stay in Ling Garpo, King, I will wear them for you. But if you go, I will burn them and smash them with stone. I will never need them again.”

“I pleaded with you earnestly but you won’t listen. Don’t go!”

Cholmo grasped the halter tightly, becoming furious.

“In all my years so many heroes loved me but I chose you. Those days when you dressed in rags with hundreds of holes, wore a pair of scruffy boots and a shabby cap, only I felt pity for you. Now you treat me like a stone beside the road, kicking me here and there as you want. If you still want me as your wife, keep away.”

Gesar thought it was cruel for Cholmo to say this. He was immediately seething with rage.

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