
第24章 Choru Fulfills His...(4)

“You are so handsome, but I am so ugly; you are so rich, but I am so poor. Can you help me to be as handsome and rich as you?” Choru stared at him after he finished his words.

“What?.…Of Course, I am ready to help you. After the horse racing is finished, you come to my home, I will send you half of my wealth.” Wolo hesitated for a second, he still presented his generosity.

“But I don’t like to wait for such a long time.”

“Ok! Now I give you my costly Buddhist hat!”

Choru certainly knew the benefits of this hat. Whether Wolo thought it as the common gift for me? The idea struck Choru; he contemptuously replied:

“What is the big significance of a hat? Can it make me handsome or rich?”

“Choru, it is the treasure of our tribe. Wearing it, you can travel anywhere without any difficulties, you will never be infected with any disease or viruses, your will be enlightened shining like the sun and the moon, you can help all living beings get free, and you will master all the knowledge under the sky and you will gain endless wisdom.”

Choru felt happy secretly. He took the Buddhist hat and put it on. Then he put his hat made of yellow goat skin under his overcoat. He gave Wolo the Crystal Bottle and the Eight Treasure-Three Auspicious hada scarf, which were the tribute from the Mamei fairy.

Choru continued to run forward, he passed over many people. All of a sudden, he saw a fortune-teller, Kunshi Tibo, who was praised by everyone for his exact divination. He caught up with Kunshi Tibo, and walked horse by horse.

“I, Choru, want to make a divination.”

“May I know your divination for what?” Kunshi Tibo asked and kept on walking.

“I am thinking about the sacred throne and the magnificent mountains and rivers, and kingship of the 18 states. All those cannot be gained by speed of the horse. Why did our Ling Garpo decide the power of ruler only according to the speed of the horse? The man whose horse runs fastest should become the king, otherwise, he will be turned into a slave? This is a serious absurdity.”

“The answer is beyond me,” Kunshi Tibo frowned.

“I know that. I don’t need your answer. I only want you help to make a divination for me to see whether I can win or not?”

“Choru, I could pray for you before making a divination any other day, but now I only can make a quick divination with the rope of cloth. Please forgive me!”

“It doesn’t matter, if you make a correct divination, I will thank you with much fortune!”

As Kunshi Tibo rode on his horse, he prayed and made a divination. In a wink, the fortune-teller cried out with excitements:

“Choru, it is really a good divination! Good divination!

“The divination promises that you can safeguard the territory, and be the king of Ling Garpo. You can make people live in peace and contentment, and at the same time you will have a family reunion, which indicates that you will be the Mr.Right for Cholmo.”

Choru smiled. He knew that Kunshi Tibo deserved his reputation. Choru thanked him with a hada scarf, which is as white as snow.

Choru ran for a while, all of a sudden, he groaned painfully. It seemed that he could not support himself any longer, and he left the saddle and fell on all fours.

“Whoops! I am in too much pain, I ache all over!”

The physician Gonggar Nyima happened to be passing by. He stopped his horse and asked:

“What’s wrong with you, Choru. Are you sick?”

“I have got a chronic illness because of eight years of wandering. Could you help me with some medicines?”

This baffled Gonggar Nyima for without the medicine bag with him, he only had some first-aid medicine. However, he could not know whether it was effective for Choru’s illness. Seeing Choru was in such pain, the physician got down from his horse at once. He squatted down beside Choru, and said:

“Do you ache? Where? Let me feel your pulse. Then I will give you some medicine.”

The physician put his hand on the wrist of Choru and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Three are 424 kinds of illness. But your pulse is good. This comes from three reasons, as a doctor, I have made wrong diagnoses; the pulse is only a hallucination; you are pretending to be ill. Choru, you need not do so, you will succeed in your career: the prize certainly belongs to you.”

Choru jumped up from the ground, the ill expression disappearing like smoke in thin air. He put hada scarf around the neck of the physician, smiled and said:

“It is said that Gonggar Nyima has brilliant medical knowledge. It is true. Doctor, see you after the horse race.”

Choru got on his horse and ran as fast as possible. Instantly he caught up with chief manager Rongcha Chageng. With a broad grin he called: “Uncle!”

“Where have you been for half a day? If you can not catch up with them, Zhaotoin will grab the throne.” Rongch Chageng scowled, pulling a long face.

“How can be that? Uncle, you should have a clear idea that the God-given throne will not be grabbed by the brute. In my way of horse racing, I have done many good deeds. Of course, I also have seen something interesting.” Knowing all that had happened, he could not help laughing.

“Choru, you cannot take the horse racing lightly. Run fast. Otherwise, the deities will not bless you.” The chief manager beat the bottom of Choru’s horse: the Heavenly horse Gyaingar Pebo leaped up with a rush, and ran forward, leaving Rongcha Chageng behind.

Zhaotoin was at his leisure, riding on the horse. He was glad to see the Gori Stone Mountain, which was not far. For Zaotoin, Choru was the only serious competitor in the horse race, but now no trace of Choru could be found. The kingship, Seven Treasures, and the beautiful Sengcham Cholmo ….

When Zhaotoin was all overwhelmed with joy, he suddenly saw that Choru had run towards him. In a fraction of a second, his joy disappeared without any trace, just like a ladle of cold water spilt over flaming hay. However, he kept his countenance. He wore a smiling face and asked:

“My nephew, for what reason, you come here so late? Who can win the prize today?”

Choru wanted to play a trick on this smarty:

“Uncle, I have run to the front of the gold throne twice, but I have no courage to sit on it. Now the brothers of all tribes who are taking part in the horse racing are done for, streaming wet with sweat. The horses are done in, with four legs shivering. Nobody knows who will run to the terminal and to sit on the gold throne.”

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