
第10章 God Son Is Born in Ling ...(5)

Everybody agreed with Rongcha Chageng’s idea. Since there was no complete utensil for divination in the wilderness, Senglong divined by using an arrow, which was called “arrow divination”. The divination showed: “No sword or arrow needs to be used. It won’t be long before you win the beauty and the treasures”.

Zhaotoin sneered secretly at this explanation. He said in a sarcastic tone: “If you can get beauty and treasures in the wilderness all these will belong to you Senglong.”

The old chief fully believed Senglong and his divination and he did not want to argue with Zhaotoin any more.

“OK, that’s settled then.Let’s have a rest and get something to eat first.”

The Dragon daughter, Meto Natse, kept following the Dragon cow always running and running. She was so tired that she stumbled on something and fell. The Dragon daughter sat on the ground. She wanted to get up after a quick rest so she closed her eyes for a moment. It happened that she fell asleep immediately.

While she was asleep a little child in red silk came to her and poured a bucketful of milk for her. He told her:

“This is from the sister. The sister asked me to tell you that you must follow the cow. It will direct you to where you should go. It is time for you to do something for all living creatures.”

Meto Natse saw the child was ready to leave. She then tried to pull his hand and ask for more details. She put all her efforts into this and suddenly she woke up from her dream.The bucket of milk was still there but the child had disappeared.She thanked her father and her sister in her heart for their blessing and then drank all the milk. Her strength came back very quickly. She immediately set off to catch up with the cow. When she arrived at the Guo Tribe’s Taggyi Lhundo Gully, she came across the troops of the Ling Tribe.

The troops had almost finished their meal. All of them saw the woman and the cow, who were running quickly towards them.The cow saw the troops and suddenly stopped. It turned round to wait for its mistress. Meto Natse only wanted to catch up with the cow and did not pay attention to her surroundings. She was so happy when she saw the cow stop. Only when she caught the horns of the cow did she see all the horses and soldiers before her. She was shocked.

The Ling soldiers were also shocked by the Dragon daughter’s beauty. This woman, with bright eyes, was as beautiful as a lotus on the lake. She possessed a lovely figure with soft skin as smooth as butter and her satiny hair shone like silk.

The greedy and lustful Zhaotoin was completely attracted by the beauty of the Dragon daughter. He vied to be the first to speak:

“Fairy lady, are you coming to the Ling Tribe for shelter? We are now chasing the Guo Tribe. Do you know where they are now? Where do you come from then? ”

The Dragon daughter Meto Natse thought to herself: I came from the Go Ranlho Toinpa Gyaincain Tribe. How can I allow the people of the Guo Tribe to be caught by these people? So Meto Natse said:

“I was born in the Dragon Palace. Dragon King Chona is my father and I am his third daughter, Meto Natse. Following the deities’ will I came to Tibet and stayed with the Guo Tribe. I don’t know where the Guo Tribe has gone. I just tried to catch up with the cow.”

The soldiers of the Ling Tribe were all dubious of her statement. Senglong suddenly said: “Zhaotoin has said that the war trophies would belong to me as a reward for the divination.”

Zhaotoin immediately broke his promise: “This woman is not a war trophy.”

Wema Lhada acted as mediator: “Since this is Ranlho Toinpa Gyaincain’s family property, it should be a trophy. As the saying goes: what’s done can’t be undone. The Prajna and Tangxoi Gonggu accounting room from the Dragon Palace should be treated as the public property of the Ling Tribe. The woman and the Dragon cow should be given to Senglong as a reward for the divination.”

The brothers all agreed with this idea. Zhaotoin had no choice but to accept it.

Senglong brought the beautiful Dragon daughter home. His home immediately became exceptionally bright. His Han wife was very unhappy. She was afraid that the Dragon daughter would place herself above her so she did not want to live in the same tent with her.

Senglong prepared another exquisite tent for Meto Natse just beside the Han wife’s tent. The Han wife named the Dragon daughter as “Gosa Namo”, meaning the wife of the Guo Tribe. Gosa Namo was also called as Gormo for short.

Several months passed and then one night the Dragon daughter had a dream. In the dream a Master told her: “There is a small stone hill which looks like a frog under the corner of your tent. You should move to live in front of it. Tell Senglong and ask him to keep the secret.”

Senglong gladly complied with her request and moved her tent to the front of the Frog Hill.

One day after the Dragon daughter had finished her meal she went to the lake for a walk.The clear lake water was calm and peaceful. She scooped up some water and drank it. Looking at her reflection in the lake she was reminded that three years had passed since she had left the Dragon Palace. Meto Natse could not help missing her parents and the beautiful Dragon Palace. Her eyes filled with tears and as the tears fell into the lake they turned into pearls. The pearls sank to the bottom of the lake. On seeing this the Dragon King, Chona Rinchin, turned into a blue-faced man on a blue horse and came to see his daughter. He tried to explain what was happening:

“My daughter, do not blame anyone. Do not think that because you are here all alone neither your mother nor I or the grand master do not care about you. Do not think that your mother and I do not miss you. Everyone has their own destiny.”

The Dragon King took out a Good Wish Pearl and spoke to Meto Natse:

“My daughter, do not blame your father the king. This is your destiny. You are now living with a happy family. Chatsa Shigar treats you as his real mother. Later on you will have your own son. I give you a Good Wish Pearl. You will get whatever you wish. Remember: always keep the pearl by your side before your son is born.” After saying this, the Dragon King went into the water and disappeared.

The Dragon daughter felt warm and comfortable with the Good Wish Pearl in her hand. She then fell into a deep sleep.

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