

Once Yang Yuhuan’s returned to the palace, the Emperor was more devoted to her than ever before. He did all he could to grant all of her wishes. Yuhuan’s favorite food was leechee, a delicate fruit with a thin brittle shell enclosing a sweet jellylike pulp and a single seed. It is often eaten dried up in the north because it grew only in the faraway provinces of southern China. The terrain made it hard to transport the fragile fruit but the Emperor didn’t care. He ordered leechees to be brought to the palace immediately, despite the expense. Countless numbers of people and horses were used in the process, and many crops were destroyed along the way.

Complaints arose from everyone, even the Emperor’s own officials. People were in an uproar over the clear disregard for the common people and the huge waste of time and crops just to pamper one woman’s expensive tastes. But the Emperor ignored the objections.

Yang Yuhuan was grateful for everything the Emperor did for her, and in return she tried her utmost to please him. She knew that he enjoyed music and even composed some himself, as did many of his concubines. Specifically, Lady Mei wrote a piece titled Dance in Surprised Chime which was later turned into a dance by a group of imperial artists. The performance received high praise from the Emperor, causing Yuhuan to become jealous of Lady Mei yet again.

Yang Yuhuan was determined to compose a song that would surpass Lady Mei’s. The piece would be a display of her love for the Emperor and also prove that her talent was superior. She became so focused on the project that she lost her appetite.

As Lady Yang prepared for bed one night during this time, she heard someone call out to her.

“Your Highness, please hurry.”

Yuhuan rushed out her room and found a pretty girl dressed in white standing in the hallway.

“Who are you?” the Lady asked.

“I am the moon faerie,” the pretty girl grinned.

“But why are you here?” Lady Yang was astonished.

“I’m here on the moon goddess’ order to invite you on a trip to the moon,” the faerie answered. “We don’t have time to hesitate or delay. Just follow me.” The faerie began to blow on Yuhuan, causing two white clouds to appear under their feet. And within minutes, or so it seemed, the clouds carried Yang Yuhuan to the starry celestial court.

A silver bridge leading to magnificent palace made of jade bricks and tiles stood before them. A large osmanthus fragrans plant stood in front of the castle filling the air with a beautiful scent. The faerie told Yuhuan that they had arrived at the Moon Palace as she led the Lady inside. A group of pretty girls dressed in bright colors danced around them accompanied by music played somewhere in the distance. Yuhuan looked and listened in awe. But soon the music ended and the dancing girls vanished along with it.

“May I ask where the moon goddess is? Please tell her I would be truly honored to meet her.”

“It’s not the time yet, my lady. Morning is coming and you should be back at the palace.” With another gush of wind the Moon Palace was gone.

“Where are you, faerie?” Lady Yang cried out, “Where are you?”

“Wake up, your ladyship,” her maid told her softly.

Lady Yang opened her eyes to the day. But the music and dance from the dream were stuck in head. She asked the maid to bring paper and pens to the Lotus Pavilion immediately.

She quickly dressed, found a Chinese lute, and went to the pavilion. She sat there thinking for a while, then picked up the lute and started to play it while jotting down the notes. She repeated over and over again until a new piece of music was accomplished.

Yuhuan played back what she just created and found something wasn’t quite right. As she contemplated what to change or add a bird flew overhead singing. The song inspired her and before long the song was complete.

The Emperor soon asked for her pages to be brought to him. He read the score carefully and sang softly to himself. He smiled and ordered the court musician to come in and appreciate.

Though Yang Yuhuan was ecstatic with the Emperor’s praise she acted modest when he told her how wonderful the song was. “I wrote it in a hurry. I’m sure it needs some work. Please help me improve it, Your Majesty.”

“I love it,” the Emperor said. “Come. Let me play it with you.”

Having received the feedback she had hoped for, Yuhuan grinned and nodded immediately.

The Emperor and Lady Yang played together under the bright moon. A subtle breeze spread the scent of flowers as she danced while the Emperor sang.

“This is a wonderful song, so full of imagery. What did you title it?”

“My dream the other night inspired it,” Yang Yuhuan replied. “I was in the moon palace, and faeries in rainbow skirts and feathered robes danced before me. I would like to name it after them as Rainbow Skirts and Feather Robes.”

“That is a beautiful name!” exclaimed the Emperor. “My lady, this tune should be given to the court musicians. But I fear that they could not understand its nuances. I’ll ask the maids to copy your score, but you should teach it to them so that they can teach it to the musicians. What do you think?”

Lady Yang happily agreed.

  • 瑶言


  • 爱是一种修行


  • 边地母亲:五万进疆女兵的婚姻纪实


  • 象外之花


  • “疫”史为鉴


  • 甜心少女的弃夫


  • 龚自珍诗选


  • 安安与菲菲


  • 天行


  • 凤凰浴火之绝世大小姐


  • 大神别来烦我


  • 网文超级写手


  • 娱乐之穿越偶练


  • 龙战传说


  • 富川

