

Yang Yuhuan’s sisters were also conferred the royal titles, respectively Lady Qin, Lady Han, and Lady Guo. Even her cousin, Yang Zhao, whose addiction to alcohol and gambling had left him penniless, was promoted to be a top official with many responsibilities. The Emperor even honored him with the royal name “Yang Guozhong” meaning “loyal to the nation.” He catered to the Emperor’s likes and did whatever he could to please him.

When the treacherous Prime Minister, Li Linfu, died, Guozhong was appointed Deputy Prime Minister in his place. Taking advantage of his family relations and his position of power, Guozhong has gathered a group of officials around him. He bribed other members of the court and soon began embezzling as well. He made sure that important decisions were made under his watch. Many promotions were made in his house, away from the court.

Getting tired of his responsibilities, the Emperor spent his days drinking, visiting with his concubines, and watching operas and soon left Yang Guozhong in full charge, ignoring the government’s endless complaints about him.

At this time General An Lushan, who was guarding the frontier, believed that he and his men could easily overpower the Qidan (Khitan) people up north. Leading a troop of his men the general invaded the Qidan territory with the intention of conquering them. But the Qidan put up more of a fight than expected and managed to defeat An Lushan and his soldiers.

Upon his return, the general was deported to the capital for a final trial. Under the national law General An Lushan should be sentenced to death for his defeat, but as usual the Emperor neglected his responsibilities and handed the case over to Yang Guozhong who accepted a large bribe from the general and summoned him to his house in secrecy. An Lushan blamed himself for the army’s defeat and begged Yang for forgiveness.

After a long silence Yang Guozhong demanded “If you honestly blame yourself for the army’s failure then you must tell me everything that happened.”

“I was ordered to conquer the Qidan people,” stuttered An Lushan in panic. “I expected a grand victory. But the enemy caught us by surprise. We were ambushed in the evening and we fought them as best we could but the Qidan outnumbered us greatly. I lost the entire troop. Please, give me a chance to redeem myself.” An Lushan, an intelligent man and a competent leader, had always thought of Yang Guozhong as insignificant.

Yang knew that the general lacked respect for him, and pounced on the opportunity that lay in front of him now. He wanted revenge, but because he had accepted the bribe he had to be careful. He knew that if he pardoned An, he would be able to control the general forever. The man had always struck Yang as arrogant and wanted to humiliate him.

“Your entire army was annihilated and the country disgraced. The crime is big enough to cost you your head! How can you expect me to do anything to reverse a case such as this? I’m afraid the decision has been made and there’s nothing I can do now.”

“My life is in your hands, Your Excellency,” terrified by his words, An Lushan began to cry. “Please have mercy. Your kindness will be remembered forever.”

Yang Guozhong burst into laughter at the sight of the general in tears. “I was just testing you. The Emperor is the paramount leader of the country, I am only second to him but if I want you to live you will. In court tomorrow I will see to it that you are pardoned.”

An Lushan was humiliated and furious but he hid it from Yang. He bowed and thanked him, pretending to be grateful. “A thousand thanks for your kindness, Your Excellency. I’ll do anything to repay you.” But upon leaving, An Lushan cursed Yang, “You bastard. You take my money and then you dare to tease me like that. Just you wait and see. You will pay for this.”

As soon as the general left, Yang Guozhong began thinking of a good excuse to spare his life. “He was just an unknown general who did little for this nation. If I spare his life the Emperor will question my intentions.” Finally, it came to him. He had read once in an official paper from Zhang Shougui, the military governor of Fanyang that the general was fluent in the languages spoken throughout the small border nations in the Western Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan Pass, including what is now Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia). Besides, he was also skilled in military warfare. If the general was asked to demonstrate his talents before the Emperor, Yang was certain that his life would be spared.

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