
第69章 Clemson University: Determined spirit



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Clemson University is an American public, coeducational, land-grant and sea-grant research university located in Clemson, South Carolina, United States.In November 1889, South Carolina Governor signed the bill, thus establishing the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina. As a result, federal funds for agricultural education were transferred from South Carolina College to Clemson. In 1964, the college was renamed Clemson University as the state legislature formally recognized the school"s expanded academic offerings and research pursuits. Clemson University is a vibrant student-centered community that thrives on leadership, collaboration and a winning spirit in academics, athletics and life. To become one of the country"s top-tier research universities, Clemson University has combined the scientific and technological horsepower of a major research university with the academic and social environment of a small college.

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System: Clemson University consists of nine colleges: College of Agriculture, College of Arta and scierces, College of Liberal Arts, College of Science, College of Commerce and Industry, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Forestry and Recreation Resources, College of Nursing. Clemson University had over 15,000 applications for its freshman class of approximately 2,800 students. It was especially competitive for out-of-state students in that it is a state-supported institution.

City attractions: The city is home to the South Carolina Botanical Garden; that is along the shore of Lake Hartwell, Fort Hill Plantation, Bob Campbell Geology Museum, and many more attractions in nearby cities such as Anderson or Greenville and the Blue Ridge Mountains, which is located just 30 miles from the city center. Along with the many attractions, Clemson is geared to provide a strong sense of community and great quality among its residents.


top-tier [tiptu] adj. 一流的

horsepower [h:spau] n. 马力

out-of-state [autvsteit] adj. 其他州的;从州外来的

botanical [btnik()l] adj. 植物的

attraction [trkn] n. 吸引;吸引人的事物







The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them.


Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation.


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