
第14章 Cornell University: Find instruction in any study



Back to its origin

Cornell University is an American private Ivy League research university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. Founded in 1865 as a coeducational, non-sectarian institution(it was established without any connection to a religion) by Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White, the university was intended to teach and make contributions in all fields of knowledge - from the classics to the sciences, and from the theoretical to the applied. Cornell was the f irst university in the eastern US to admit women.It is comprised of three campuses, two of which are located in the state of New York: the campuses at Ithaca and New York City and the international campus at Doha, Qatar.Cornell is the only Ivy League school that is a land-grant institution. It was even the first to allow undergraduates to check books out of the university library. Cornell receives most of its funding through tuition, research grants, and alumni contributions.

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System: Cornell University is an Ivy League school and is regarded as among the most competitive in the nation.The university is broadly organized into seven undergraduate colleges and seven graduate divisions at its main Ithaca campus, with each college and division defining its own admission standards and academic programs in near autonomy. Cornell"s most popular majors include engineering, business marketing and agriculture.

Firsts: Cornell achieved many academic "firsts". It was the first university to teach a course in American history, the first to establish professorships in American Literature and American Studies, the first American university to teach modern Far Eastern languages, and the first to establish a university press. It was even the first to allow undergraduates to check books out of the university library.

Campus life: Cornell has strong Greek life, with many sororities and fraternities, and is known for its mem"s lacrosse and hockey programs. Cornell has more than 800 registered student organizations, running the gamut from varsity and club sports and acappella groups to improvisational theatre, from political clubs and publications to chess and video game clubs. Many groups are subsidized financially by the Student Assembly Finance Commission.


non-sectarian [nnsekterin] adj. 不属于任何宗教派别的

theoretical [θiretikl] adj. 理论的;假设的;推理的

be comprised of 由……组成

sorority [srriti] n. 妇女联谊会,女学生联谊会

fraternity [frt:niti] n. 兄弟会;大学生联谊会

gamut [ɡmt] n. 全音阶;全音域;整个范围

varsity [vɑ:siti] n. 大学;大学运动代表队

acappella [ɑ:kpel] adj. 有教堂音乐风格的;无伴奏的

improvisational [imprvaizeinl] adj. 即兴的







Wise men seek instruction, fools fall for applause.


I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.


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