

Houses there were galore, furnished and unfurnished; but one was too big, another too small; this one too expensive, that one too far from Redmond. Exams were on and over; the last week of the term came and still their "house o'dreams," as Anne called it, remained a castle in the air.

"We shall have to give up and wait till the fall, I suppose," said Priscilla wearily, as they rambled through the park on one of April's darling days of breeze and blue, when the harbor was creaming and shimmering beneath the pearl-hued mists floating over it. "We may find some shack to shelter us then; and if not, boardinghouses we shall have always with us.""I'm not going to worry about it just now, anyway, and spoil this lovely afternoon," said Anne, gazing around her with delight.

The fresh chill air was faintly charged with the aroma of pine balsam, and the sky above was crystal clear and blue -- a great inverted cup of blessing. "Spring is singing in my blood today, and the lure of April is abroad on the air. I'm seeing visions and dreaming dreams, Pris. That's because the wind is from the west. I do love the west wind. It sings of hope and gladness, doesn't it? When the east wind blows I always think of sorrowful rain on the eaves and sad waves on a gray shore. When I get old I shall have rheumatism when the wind is east.""And isn't it jolly when you discard furs and winter garments for the first time and sally forth, like this, in spring attire?"laughed Priscilla. "Don't you feel as if you had been made over new?""Everything is new in the spring," said Anne. "Springs themselves are always so new, too. No spring is ever just like any other spring.

It always has something of its own to be its own peculiar sweetness.

See how green the grass is around that little pond, and how the willow buds are bursting.""And exams are over and gone -- the time of Convocation will come soon -- next Wednesday. This day next week we'll be home.""I'm glad," said Anne dreamily. "There are so many things I want to do. I want to sit on the back porch steps and feel the breeze blowing down over Mr. Harrison's fields. I want to hunt ferns in the Haunted Wood and gather violets in Violet Vale. Do you remember the day of our golden picnic, Priscilla? I want to hear the frogs singing and the poplars whispering. But I've learned to love Kingsport, too, and I'm glad I'm coming back next fall.

If I hadn't won the Thorburn I don't believe I could have. ICOULDN'T take any of Marilla's little hoard.""If we could only find a house!" sighed Priscilla. "Look over there at Kingsport, Anne -- houses, houses everywhere, and not one for us.""Stop it, Pris. `The best is yet to be.' Like the old Roman, we'll find a house or build one. On a day like this there's no such word as fail in my bright lexicon."They lingered in the park until sunset, living in the amazing miracle and glory and wonder of the springtide; and they went home as usual, by way of Spofford Avenue, that they might have the delight of looking at Patty's Place.

"I feel as if something mysterious were going to happen right away -- `by the pricking of my thumbs,' " said Anne, as they went up the slope. "It's a nice story-bookish feeling. Why -- why --why! Priscilla Grant, look over there and tell me if it's true, or am I seein' things?"Priscilla looked. Anne's thumbs and eyes had not deceived her.

Over the arched gateway of Patty's Place dangled a little, modest sign. It said "To Let, Furnished. Inquire Within.""Priscilla," said Anne, in a whisper, "do you suppose it's possible that we could rent Patty's Place?""No, I don't," averred Priscilla. "It would be too good to be true. Fairy tales don't happen nowadays. I won't hope, Anne.

The disappointment would be too awful to bear. They're sure to want more for it than we can afford. Remember, it's on Spofford Avenue.""We must find out anyhow," said Anne resolutely. "It's too late to call this evening, but we'll come tomorrow. Oh, Pris, if we can get this darling spot! I've always felt that my fortunes were linked with Patty's Place, ever since I saw it first."

  • 惑宫颜:邪魅毒后


  • 流年不负初见


  • 自言本是商家女


  • 江湖小侠


  • 重回修仙途


  • 雪人幻想


    大雪封山,一个象棋山庄里的密室凶案! 故老相传,雪人会吸收将死之人的魂魄,然后代替对方活下去。 五年前爱女宋姝寒遭绑架遇害,宋夫人坚信女儿在雪人的魔力下复活,可所有见过她女儿的人都难逃自杀厄运。侦探赵渐对案情产生了兴趣,托警察朋友寻到了五年前的绑架案资料:当年绑架宋姝寒的一行人携带赎金翻山逃亡,遭遇大雪封山,误打误撞走进了象棋高手胡海波夫妇的象棋山庄躲避,很快山庄中又迎来了慕名学棋的象棋手郭开宝。然而接下来的几天,象棋山庄中连连发生命案,直到庄中所有人断头死去,无一生还,唯一的线索是绑匪之一三德子临死前留下的手记和手机里的一段视频…… 凶手真的是传说中的雪人吗?一场费心筹划的移花接木,揭开了二十多年前的一桩惊天隐秘……
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