

She was dressed in a ragged gown of black satin. Her long hair fell in masses of curls over her forehead, around her shoulders, and below her waist, serving her for a shawl. Accustomed no doubt to this disorder, she seldom pushed her hair from her forehead; and when she did so, it was with a sudden toss of her head which only for a moment cleared her forehead and eyes from the thick veil. Her gesture, like that of an animal, had a remarkable mechanical precision, the quickness of which seemed wonderful in a woman. The huntsmen were amazed to see her suddenly leap up on the branch of an apple-tree, and sit there with the ease of a bird. She gathered an apple and ate it; then she dropped to the ground with the graceful ease we admire in a squirrel. Her limbs possessed an elasticity which took from every movement the slightest appearance of effort or constraint. She played upon the turf, rolling herself about like a child; then, suddenly, she flung her feet and hands forward, and lay at full length on the grass, with the grace and natural ease of a young cat asleep in the sun. Thunder sounded in the distance, and she turned suddenly, rising on her hands and knees with the rapidity of a dog which hears a coming footstep.

The effects of this singular attitude was to separate into two heavy masses the volume of her black hair, which now fell on either side of her head, and allowed the two spectators to admire the white shoulders glistening like daisies in a field, and the throat, the perfection of which allowed them to judge of the other beauties of her figure.

Suddenly she uttered a distressful cry and rose to her feet. Her movements succeeded each other with such airiness and grace that she seemed not a creature of this world but a daughter of the atmosphere, as sung in the poems of Ossian. She ran toward a piece of water, shook one of her legs lightly to cast off her shoe, and began to dabble her foot, white as alabaster, in the current, admiring, perhaps, the undulations she thus produced upon the surface of the water. Then she knelt down at the edge of the stream and amused herself, like a child, in casting in her long tresses and pulling them abruptly out, to watch the shower of drops that glittered down, looking, as the sunlight struck athwart them, like a chaplet of pearls.

"That woman is mad!" cried the marquis.

A hoarse cry, uttered by Genevieve, seemed uttered as a warning to the unknown woman, who turned suddenly, throwing back her hair from either side of her face. At this instant the colonel and Monsieur d'Albon could distinctly see her features; she, herself, perceiving the two friends, sprang to the iron railing with the lightness and rapidity of a deer.

"Adieu!" she said, in a soft, harmonious voice, the melody of which did not convey the slightest feeling or the slightest thought.

Monsieur d'Albon admired the long lashes of her eyelids, the blackness of her eyebrows, and the dazzling whiteness of a skin devoid of even the faintest tinge of color. Tiny blue veins alone broke the uniformity of its pure white tones. When the marquis turned to his friend as if to share with him his amazement at the sight of this singular creature, he found him stretched on the ground as if dead.

D'Albon fired his gun in the air to summon assistance, crying out "Help! help!" and then endeavored to revive the colonel. At the sound of the shot, the unknown woman, who had hitherto stood motionless, fled away with the rapidity of an arrow, uttering cries of fear like a wounded animal, and running hither and thither about the meadow with every sign of the greatest terror.

  • 誓做鬼修


  • 天行


  • 倾雪之舞乱君心


    他是太子,高高在上,不可一世;她是相府千金,才艺双绝,实为现代的一缕幽魂所附;他是厉国第一谋士,温润儒雅;他是少年将军,气宇凛然。      <br/>孟雪卿,一朝贵为太子妃,却不知蕴藏着一个惊世秘密。      <br/>君啸显:“有些人生本无心,性本凉薄。孤能做的只有更无心,更凉薄。惟有无心方才不觉心痛,惟有凉薄才能无所牵绊。”他漠然转过身,无情的丢下一句:“杀,无赦!”      <br/>孟雪卿的嘴角泛起凄美的一笑,“好!斩草除根才是他的本色。”      <br/>纵然爱她至情至深,江山面前,他到底还是舍弃了她。      <br/>之后的每个午夜梦回,总会被坠入万丈悬崖时那幽怨的一瞥所惊醒。      <br/>方才明白,遇到她之前,他的心从未装进过任何女人;      <br/>遇到她之后,他的心再也装不下任何女人。     <br/>     <br/>五年后再见,她已记忆全无,化身翩然公子成了响冠他国的妙手神医,曾经的爱和情仇都是过眼云烟,他亦是个陌路人而已。      <br/>风起云涌,潮起潮落,相爱却又不断伤害的两个人,到底能不能执子之手,共偕老呢?      <br/>     <br/>本文过程小虐,小虐怡情嘛。<br/><br/>推荐自己的新文——惑君咒:“男人”也倾城 <br/
  • 传说中的绯闻男友


  • 重生毒医之强势回归


  • 我亵渎了法则和逻辑


  • 殇爱无言


  • 错嫁成妃:王爷,请自重


  • 朱曲柳


  • 我真的喜欢他

