

There was a better hand across the table, held by a pugnacious Irish youth, who was a political hanger-on of the Tammany district in which they were located.Hurstwood was surprised at the persistence of this individual, whose bets came with a sang-

froid which, if a bluff, was excellent art.Hurstwood began to doubt, but kept, or thought to keep, at least, the cool demeanour with which, in olden times, he deceived those psychic students of the gaming table, who seem to read thoughts and moods, rather than exterior evidences, however subtle.He could not down the cowardly thought that this man had something better and would stay to the end, drawing his last dollar into the pot, should he choose to go so far.Still, he hoped to win much--his hand was excellent.Why not raise it five more?

"I raise you three," said the youth.

"Make it five," said Hurstwood, pushing out his chips.

"Come again," said the youth, pushing out a small pile of reds.

"Let me have some more chips," said Hurstwood to the keeper in charge, taking out a bill.

A cynical grin lit up the face of his youthful opponent.When the chips were laid out, Hurstwood met the raise.

"Five again," said the youth.

Hurstwood's brow was wet.He was deep in now--very deep for him.

Sixty dollars of his good money was up.He was ordinarily no coward, but the thought of losing so much weakened him.Finally he gave way.He would not trust to this fine hand any longer.

"I call," he said.

"A full house!" said the youth, spreading out his cards.

Hurstwood's hand dropped.

"I thought I had you," he said, weakly.

The youth raked in his chips, and Hurstwood came away, not without first stopping to count his remaining cash on the stair.

"Three hundred and forty dollars," he said.

With this loss and ordinary expenses, so much had already gone.

Back in the flat, he decided he would play no more.

Remembering Mrs.Vance's promise to call, Carrie made one other mild protest.It was concerning Hurstwood's appearance.This very day, coming home, he changed his clothes to the old togs he sat around in.

"What makes you always put on those old clothes?" asked Carrie.

"What's the use wearing my good ones around here?" he asked.

"Well, I should think you'd feel better." Then she added: "Some one might call."

"Who?" he said.

"Well, Mrs.Vance," said Carrie.

"She needn't see me," he answered, sullenly.

This lack of pride and interest made Carrie almost hate him.

"Oh," she thought, "there he sits.'She needn't see me.' I

should think he would be ashamed of himself."

The real bitterness of this thing was added when Mrs.Vance did call.It was on one of her shopping rounds.Making her way up the commonplace hall, she knocked at Carrie's door.To her subsequent and agonising distress, Carrie was out.Hurstwood opened the door, half-thinking that the knock was Carrie's.For once, he was taken honestly aback.The lost voice of youth and pride spoke in him.

"Why," he said, actually stammering, "how do you do?"

"How do you do?" said Mrs.Vance, who could scarcely believe her eyes.His great confusion she instantly perceived.He did not know whether to invite her in or not.

"Is your wife at home?" she inquired.

"No," he said, "Carrie's out; but won't you step in? She'll be back shortly."

"No-o," said Mrs.Vance, realising the change of it all."I'm really very much in a hurry.I thought I'd just run up and look in, but I couldn't stay.Just tell your wife she must come and see me."

"I will," said Hurstwood, standing back, and feeling intense relief at her going.He was so ashamed that he folded his hands weakly, as he sat in the chair afterwards, and thought.

Carrie, coming in from another direction, thought she saw Mrs.

Vance going away.She strained her eyes, but could not make sure.

"Was anybody here just now?" she asked of Hurstwood.

"Yes," he said guiltily; "Mrs.Vance."

"Did she see you?" she asked, expressing her full despair.

This cut Hurstwood like a whip, and made him sullen.

"If she had eyes, she did.I opened the door."

"Oh," said Carrie, closing one hand tightly out of sheer nervousness."What did she have to say?"

"Nothing," he answered."She couldn't stay."

"And you looking like that!" said Carrie, throwing aside a long reserve.

"What of it?" he said, angering."I didn't know she was coming, did I?"

"You knew she might," said Carrie."I told you she said she was coming.I've asked you a dozen times to wear your other clothes.

Oh, I think this is just terrible."

"Oh, let up," he answered."What difference does it make? You couldn't associate with her, anyway.They've got too much money.

"Who said I wanted to?" said Carrie, fiercely.

"Well, you act like it, rowing around over my looks.You'd think I'd committed----"

Carrie interrupted:

"It's true," she said."I couldn't if I wanted to, but whose fault is it? You're very free to sit and talk about who I could associate with.Why don't you get out and look for work?"

This was a thunderbolt in camp.

"What's it to you?" he said, rising, almost fiercely."I pay the rent, don't I? I furnish the----"

"Yes, you pay the rent," said Carrie."You talk as if there was nothing else in the world but a flat to sit around in.You haven't done a thing for three months except sit around and interfere here.I'd like to know what you married me for?"

"I didn't marry you," he said, in a snarling tone.

"I'd like to know what you did, then, in Montreal?" she answered.

"Well, I didn't marry you," he answered."You can get that out of your head.You talk as though you didn't know."

Carrie looked at him a moment, her eyes distending.She had believed it was all legal and binding enough.

"What did you lie to me for, then?" she asked, fiercely."What did you force me to run away with you for?"

Her voice became almost a sob.

"Force!" he said, with curled lip."A lot of forcing I did."

"Oh!" said Carrie, breaking under the strain, and turning."Oh, oh!" and she hurried into the front room.

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    梦回邂逅,终难,望天下繁华,不相识,又何妨.........那只盘旋在老柳树树梢上的绿色的精灵即使再重来一世...也还是照样走了相同的路...我只愿护你安好...其他的...不在乎..... “你自己选的路……那就坚持下去……”那个绿色的精灵看着面前这个一度想要放弃的女孩,眼里有心疼也有犹豫,她不能放弃,因为这是一条没有终点的路,可她辛苦的样子有那么想让他开口告诉她“好了,就到这里,结束了”,女孩抬起头来看着精灵绿色的眼睛,收起眼里的泪水,再睁开眼时只剩一片坚决“柳……我可以的” …… 直到最后一刻,女孩回到了最初的那个小村庄,她拖着满身的伤,靠坐在那颗巨大的柳树旁,本来灰败的眼神突然绽发了一丝光彩,美丽的脸庞勾勒出一丝笑意,宛若黄鹂般的嗓音传出“柳……你……信命吗……” 她花费了全身的灵力重新封闭了那个小村庄,等待下一次的相遇…… 本文是甜文,女主会不断变强,但会有小虐……
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