

At sunrise on the morning of the 15th,the three ships,each loaded with its consul,put to sea.It is hard to exaggerate the peril of the forenoon that followed,as they lay off Laulii.Nobody desired a collision,save perhaps the reckless Leary;but peace and war trembled in the balance;and when the ADLER,at one period,lowered her gun ports,war appeared to preponderate.It proved,however,to be a last -and therefore surely an unwise -extremity.Knappe contented himself with visiting the rival kings,and the three ships returned to Apia before noon.Beyond a doubt,coming after Knappe's decisive letter of the day before,this impotent conclusion shook the credit of Germany among the natives of both sides;the Tamaseses fearing they were deserted,the Mataafas (with secret delight)hoping they were feared.And it gave an impetus to that ridiculous business which might have earned for the whole episode the name of the war of flags.British and American flags had been planted the night before,and were seen that morning flying over what they claimed about Laulii.British and American passengers,on the way up and down,pointed out from the decks of the warships,with generous vagueness,the boundaries of problematical estates.Ten days later,the beach of Saluafata bay fluttered (as I have told in the last chapter)with the flag of Germany.The Americans riposted with a claim to Tamasese's camp,some small part of which (says Knappe)did really belong to "an American nigger."The disease spread,the flags were multiplied,the operations of war became an egg-dance among miniature neutral territories;and though all men took a hand in these proceedings,all men in turn were struck with their absurdity.Mullan,Leary's successor,warned Knappe,in an emphatic despatch,not to squander and discredit the solemnity of that emblem which was all he had to be a defence to his own consulate.And Knappe himself,in his despatch of March 21st,1889,castigates the practice with much sense.But this was after the tragicomic culmination had been reached,and the burnt rags of one of these too-frequently mendacious signals gone on a progress to Washington,like Caesar's body,arousing indignation where it came.To such results are nations conducted by the patent artifices of a Becker.

The discussion of the morning,the silent menace and defiance of the voyage to Laulii,might have set the best-natured by the ears.

But Knappe and de Coetlogon took their difference in excellent part.On the morrow,November 16th,they sat down together with Blacklock in conference.The English consul introduced his colleagues,who shook hands.If Knappe were dead-weighted with the inheritance of Becker,Blacklock was handicapped by reminiscences of Leary;it is the more to the credit of this inexperienced man that he should have maintained in the future so excellent an attitude of firmness and moderation,and that when the crash came,Knappe and de Coetlogon,not Knappe and Blacklock,were found to be the protagonists of the drama.The conference was futile.The English and American consuls admitted but one cure of the evils of the time:that the farce of the Tamasese monarchy should cease.

It was one which the German refused to consider.And the agents separated without reaching any result,save that diplomatic relations had been restored between the States and Germany,and that all three were convinced of their fundamental differences.

  • 梦天法则


  • 西塔世界


  • 主角逆徒要造反


    背景很久以前,神族有个乖巧的小姑娘,她喜欢把她认为美好的东西都放进她的沧珠里,花朵、飞鸟、大陆……很久以前,诸神黄昏,乖巧的小姑娘最后孤身一人。苍茫四方黑暗逼近,一滴泪落入沧珠。从此再无神族羽光,只剩混沌。 后来呢? 那位创世神陨落了吗?……不。在沧珠迎来它的主人后,故事才徐徐展开“恋爱?……残忍。要我死也就一把刀的功夫,何必如此折磨。”特别有自知之明的楚茨给自己贴上善变、无情、社恐、咸鱼……的标签,以及替代了中二病的文艺病 . 先来个小剧场(穿书) 官配主角徒弟卖惨:师尊,不要离开我好不好 乱入反派徒弟撒娇:师父,和我一起走好不好楚茨(师尊):亦沾衣这什么体质,总共四个徒弟两个都要欺师灭祖哇。 . . .阅尽千帆,终将涅槃前期主角性格过于真实,心理一点点病娇,想法颓废后期会有大改变。我们被生活磨平棱角,她被命运逼现锋芒。 女主不出意外将孑然一身(男主必死)先甜一小会再虐 本文可能会写多个不同的世界,且主角可能时男时女 穿书、修真、科幻……应有尽有 简介无能且字数不允许再逼逼,自己看啦正文比简介精彩
  • 季羡林谈佛(典藏本)


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  • 弑灭穹苍


  • 荒古九天


  • 关窍要旨


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