

"It has come," I told her. "As a matter of fact, it has been here some time. It ought to have been milked four hours ago, according to its own idea."

Robina said she would be down in a minute.

She was down in twenty-five, which was sooner than I had expected.

She brought Veronica with her. She said she would have been down sooner if she had not waited for Veronica. It appeared that this was just precisely what Veronica had been telling her. I was feeling irritable. I had been up half a day, and hadn't had my breakfast.

"Don't stand there arguing," I told them. "For goodness' sake let's get to work and milk this cow. We shall have the poor creature dying on our hands if we're not careful."

Robina was wandering round the room.

"You haven't come across a milking-stool anywhere, have you, Pa?" asked Robina.

"I have come across your milking-stool, I estimate, some thirteen times," I told her. I fetched it from where I had left it, and gave it to her; and we filed out in procession; Veronica with a galvanised iron bucket bringing up the rear.

The problem that was forcing itself upon my mind was: did Robina know how to milk a cow? Robina, I argued, the idea once in her mind, would immediately have ordered a cow, clamouring for it--as Hopkins had picturesquely expressed it--as though she had not strength to live another day without a cow. Her next proceeding would have been to buy a milking-stool. It was a tasteful milking-stool, this one she had selected, ornamented with the rough drawing of a cow in poker work: a little too solid for my taste, but one that I should say would wear well. The pail she had not as yet had time to see about.

This galvanised bucket we were using was, I took it, a temporary makeshift. When Robina had leisure she would go into the town and purchase something at an art stores. That, to complete the scheme, she would have done well to have taken a few practical lessons in milking would come to her, as an inspiration, with the arrival of the cow. I noticed that Robina's steps as we approached the cow were less elastic. Just outside the cow Robina halted.

"I suppose," said Robina, "there's only one way of milking a cow?"

"There may be fancy ways," I answered, "necessary to you if later on you think of entering a competition. This morning, seeing we are late, I shouldn't worry too much about style. If I were you, this morning I should adopt the ordinary unimaginative method, and aim only at results."

Robina sat down and placed her bucket underneath the cow.

"I suppose," said Robina, "it doesn't matter which--which one I begin with?"

It was perfectly plain she hadn't the least notion how to milk a cow.

I told her so, adding comments. Now and then a little fatherly talk does good. As a rule I have to work myself up for these occasions.

This morning I was feeling fairly fit: things had conspired to this end. I put before Robina the aims and privileges of the household fairy as they appeared, not to her, but to me. I also confided to Veronica the result of many weeks' reflections concerning her and her behaviour. I also told them both what I thought about ****. I do this sort of thing once every six months: it has an excellent effect for about three days.

Robina wiped away her tears, and seized the first one that came to her hand. The cow, without saying a word, kicked over the empty bucket, and walked away, disgust expressed in every hair of her body.

Robina, crying quietly, followed her. By patting her on her neck, and letting her wipe her nose upon my coat--which seemed to comfort her--I persuaded her to keep still while Robina worked for ten minutes at high pressure. The result was about a glassful and a half, the cow's capacity, to all appearance, being by this time some five or six gallons.

Robina broke down, and acknowledged she had been a wicked girl. If the cow died, so she said, she should never forgive herself.

Veronica at this burst into tears also; and the cow, whether moved afresh by her own troubles or by theirs, commenced again to bellow.

I was fortunately able to find an elderly labourer smoking a pipe and eating bacon underneath a tree; and with him I bargained that for a shilling a day he should milk the cow till further notice.

We left him busy, and returned to the cottage. **** met us at the door with a cheery "Good morning." He wanted to know if we had heard the storm. He also wanted to know when breakfast would be ready.

Robina thought that happy event would be shortly after he had boiled the kettle and made the tea and fried the bacon, while Veronica was laying the table.

"But I thought--"

Robina said that if he dared to mention the word "household-fairy" she would box his ears, and go straight up to bed, and leave everybody to do everything. She said she meant it.

**** has one virtue: it is philosophy. "Come on, young 'un," said **** to Veronica. "Trouble is good for us all."

"Some of us," said Veronica, "it makes bitter."

We sat down to breakfast at eight-thirty.

  • 大沙门百一羯磨法


  • 天厨禁脔


  • 续西游记


  • The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon

    The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon

  • 考信录


  • 二货系统之闪耀天后


  • 幻想的异次元


  • 把信送给加西亚


  • 天行


  • 明君圣主


  • 艾尔菲铁塔下的誓言


  • 仙门遍地是奇葩


  • 晚安我的鲸鱼小姐


    第一次见面,阮先生说:“我只有一个要求,无论我做什么,不要爱上我。”第二次见面,姜小姐说:“阮先生,你没做什么,我也没爱上你,我只是喜欢你。”漂亮的姜小姐总喜欢调戏酷酷的阮先生。“阮先生昨晚梦到我了?阮先生还真是偏心呢,我都去你梦里了,你怎么没来我的梦里呢。”“面对像阮先生这样的尤物,我能把持住自己不把你扑倒,已经是很努力了。”“阮先生这么迷人,我可是很心动的。”姜小姐段数太高,阮先生被撩成瘾,无法自拔。突然有一天,阮先生发现姜小姐对他时而热情似火,时而冷若冰霜。 阮先生决定要反撩回去,让她也尝尝被撩成瘾的滋味。“鲸鱼小姐,我中意你,你知不知?”“姜小姐,我有个不情之请,你可以做我女朋友吗?”“阮先生这么温柔,就不怕你的病人会爱上你吗?”“如果是你,我荣幸之至。”总之一句话,这是一个两个人互相撩着撩着就撩出感情的故事。
  • 日常阅读


  • 天行

