
第42章 Chapter XVI.(2)

"Over the wall," he said despondently. "From the dead lands behind the sun.""How did you get back here?"

For reply Johnston parted the fern leaves and pointed to the lank figure of the tall Alphian, who lay curled up on the grass as if asleep. "He brought me in that flying- machine there; but he has spent all his strength in trying to manage the thing, which was out of order, and now he is helpless. Twice we came within an inch of sinking down into the internal fires. The last time we escaped only by the breadth of a hair; if he had not had the endurance of a man of iron he would have succumbed to the heat and we would have been lost. We sank so far down that I became insensible and never knew a thing till the fresh air revived me. See, my beard and hair are singed, and look how he is blistered. Poor fellow! He is a hero." Johnston stepped back and shook the Alphian, but the poor fellow's head only rolled to one side, showing his bloodshot eyes. He was in- sensible.

"He is in a bad fix," said Thorndyke; "where did he come from?""Banished like myself; we met over there in the dark and roamed about together.""What are you going to do?"

"I don't know; I was following his lead. We will both be put to death if we are discovered.""Did he not tell you his plan?"

Johnston started visibly. "Oh, I forgot," he exclaimed. "He declares that all this vast cavern is in danger. Over in the west we discovered a hole in the roof through which the ocean is streaming in a torrent. He calculated that before many hours the water would overflow into the internal fires and produce a volcanic eruption that will swallow up all of Alpha.""Merciful Heaven! and you are hiding here at such a moment? The king must be informed at once."Johnston had grown suddenly paler. "It may not be as bad as Branasko feared, and the king would have no mercy on me and him.""Leave that to me," said Thorndyke; "I have made a good friend of the Princess Bernardino. She will tell me what is best to do.

Remain here."

In breathless haste, Thorndyke went into the audience chamber.

Fortunately the king was not on his throne, and he caught sight of the confidential maid of the princess.

She saw him approaching, and withdrew behind a cluster of tall white jars of porcelain containing rare plants.

"I must see your mistress," he said; "tell her to come to me at once; we are in great peril!"The girl swept her eyes over the balconies and the throne and said: "She is in her apartments, sir; I shall bring her.""Tell her to meet me at the fountain where we last met," and he hastened back to the spot mentioned.

She soon came. "What is it?" she asked excitedly.

  • 重生之总裁大人爱死我了


    (超级宠文,只会有那么一点点的虐)她身为帝都第二世家,有一个哥哥,还一个女儿奴的爸爸,本是一帆风顺的生活,却被她的惜日闺蜜所破坏。重生前她恨他,讨厌他,视他如恶魔般的存在。重生后她黏着他,爱着他,视他如天使般的存在,她重生以来的愿望是爱他,复仇还有帮人找对象 不喜勿喷,谢谢
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    她,一不受宠的一国公主,在皇宫艰难求存。她,是整个大凉最特殊的存在 ,享尽荣华富贵万千宠爱,二人同住深宫,命运却截然不同。他是名动京城的尚书公子,能文能武,一场一见钟情,本以为只是单纯的爱恋,只是一场痴梦。那年一场屠杀,她只身一人踏着群臣的鲜血走上那万人嘲讽的位置,从此孤家寡人孑然一身。她带着满心伤痛远走边关,发誓定要报仇雪恨,在她归来时,名动天下是她,誉满京城是他,只她一人站在冰冷的宫殿,满身鲜血,唯有满腔仇恨
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