

The private terrace of the Hotel Grand Bretagne, at Tangier, was shaded by a great awning of red and green and yellow, and strewn with colored mats, and plants in pots, and wicker chairs. It reached out from the Kings apartments into the Garden of Palms, and was hidden by them on two sides, and showed from the third the blue waters of the Mediterranean and the great shadow of Gibraltar in the distance.

The Sultan of Morocco had given orders from Fez that the King of Messina, in spite of his incognito, should be treated during his stay in Tangier with the consideration due to his rank, so one-half of the Hotel Grand Bretagne had been set aside for him and his suite, and two soldiers of the Bashaw's Guard sat outside of his door with drawn swords. They were answerable with their heads for the life and safety of the Sultan's guest, and as they could speak no language but their own, they made a visit to his Majesty more a matter of adventure than of etiquette.

Niccolas, the King's majordomo, stepped out upon the terrace and swept the Mediterranean with a field-glass for the third time since sunrise. He lowered it, and turned doubtfully toward the two soldiers.

"The boat from Gibraltar--has she arrived yet?" he asked.

The two ebony figures shook their heads stiffly, as though they resented this introduction of a foreign language, and continued to shake their heads as the servant addressed the same question to them in a succession of strange tongues.

"Well," said Colonel Erhaupt, briskly, as he followed Niccolas out upon the terrace, "has the boat arrived? And the launch from the yacht," he continued, "has it started for shore yet?"The man pointed to where the yacht lay, a mile outside the harbor, and handed him the glass.

"It is but just now leaving the ship's side," he said. "But Icannot make out who comes in her. Ah, pardon," he added quickly, as he pointed to a stout elderly gentleman who walked rapidly toward them through the garden. "The Gibraltar boat must be in, sir. Here is Baron Barrat coming up the path."Colonel Erhaupt gave an exclamation of satisfaction, and waved his hand to the newcomer in welcome.

"Go tell his Majesty," he said to the servant.

The man hesitated and bowed. "His Majesty still sleeps.""Wake him," commanded Erhaupt. "Tell him I said to do so.

Well, Baron," he cried, gayly, as he stepped forward, "welcome--or are you welcome?" he added, with an uneasy laugh.

"I should be. I have succeeded," the other replied gruffly, as he brushed past him. "Where is the King?""He will be here in a moment. I have sent to wake him. And you have been successful? Good. I congratulate you. How far successful?"The Baron threw himself into one of the wicker chairs, and clapped his hands impatiently for a servant. "Twelve thousand pounds in all," he replied. "That's more than he expected.

It was like pulling teeth at first. I want some coffee at once," he said to the attendant, "and a bath. That boat reeked with Moors and cattle, and there was no wagon-lit on the train from Madrid. I sat up all night, and played cards with that young Cellini. Have Madame Zara and Kalonay returned? I see the yacht in the harbor. Did she succeed?""We do not know; the boat only arrived at daybreak. They are probably on the launch that is coming in now."As Barrat sipped his coffee and munched his rolls with the silent energy of a hungry man, the Colonel turned and strode up and down the terrace, pulling at his mustache and glancing sideways. When the Baron had lighted a cigarette and thrown himself back in his chair, Erhaupt halted and surveyed him in some anxiety.

"You have been gone over two weeks," he said. "I should like to see you accomplish as much in as short a time," growled the other. "You know Paris. You know how hard it is to get people to be serious there. I had the devil's own time at first. You got my cablegram?""Yes; it wasn't encouraging."

"Well, I wasn't hopeful myself. They wouldn't believe a word of it at first. They said Louis hadn't shown such great love for his country or his people since his exile that they could feel any confidence in him, and that his conduct in the last six years did not warrant their joining any undertaking in which he was concerned. You can't blame them. They've backed him so many times already, and they've been bitten, and they're shy, naturally. But I swore he was repentant, that he saw the error of his ways, that he wanted to sit once more before he died on the throne of his ancestors, and that he felt it was due to his son that he should make an effort to get him back his birthright. It was the son won them.

  • 法师的奇妙冒险


  • 快穿之王妃求拥抱


  • 诸界奇坛


  • 异界之魔兽双游技能


  • 只做你的微光


  • 雇主大人,不要过来了!


    她的雇主大人总说:你个没用的东西。却又总是对她伸出援手。将她一直留在身边。 她的雇主大人总说:你不要爱上我。却又总是无意中做了太多让她动心的事。 很多人都说徐小需就是东方定养的一只小猫。独立乖巧不粘人。还有一点小脾气。从大学开始到工作,徐小需做了东方定四年的保姆,三年的秘书。她巧妙的隐藏着内心的爱意。小心翼翼想缩短彼此天地般的距离。 她发挥着自己将近两百的智商,在东方定每一步靠近里,争取着每一分可能。 可当别人走向他,如此天造地设的美景。让徐小需就此在爱里走投无路。 他却又找了过来。 “徐小需,饭做好了没?”东方定每日必来报道。 “雇主大人,你已经不是我雇主了!能不能不要再过来了!”
  • 天行


  • 听说王爷很傲娇


    [首先声明内容实属玄幻类!]看啥简介赶紧都给我进来进来蹲坑,啊呸,占位!是我的美貌不能吸引你们的的注意嘛!来嘛,哈尼,把你的爱放进我的文文里,各位客官入坑呀!(举大旗欢迎) 偷偷剧透(皮一点) “小二、小二。”“来了客官,有什么可以帮你的吗?”“什么都可以帮吗?”“当然。”“那你帮我付一下帐吧。”“给我回来。”男人都是什么来着,说好的什么都可以呢? (大型反转姨母笑) “哎,这是哪家小公子啊,长得好生俊俏,小的们,给本姑娘抢回去做压寨夫君。”“放肆,本王岂是尔等可以抢的。”“哼,你是王爷又怎么了,只要本姑娘高兴,你是天皇老子也照抢。”……后来“你说过要把我抢回去当夫君的,怎可与他人成亲”“那不是后来没有抢成嘛”“可是……”“可是什么?”“可是你已经把我的心抢走了” (超撩人,先撒个花~) “公子在看什么?” “桃花。” “那公子好好赏花便是,为何也要瞧着我?” “自是因为……姑娘的唇脂比最美的那朵桃花还要昳丽几分。” (咳,正经的来了) 邪狱怒沉三千魂,不分善恶。明王怒灭九重界,一视佛魔……
  • 梦魔剑主


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