

Maxence started up suddenly, and, striking his head with hand, "Ah, I understand now!" he exclaimed.

"I thought that Van Klopen was jesting." went on the young girl.

"But he had never been more in earnest; and, to prove it, he commenced explaining to me what he wanted. He proposed to get up for me some of those costumes which are sure to attract attention; and two or three times a week he would send me a fine carriage, and I would go and show myself in the Bois.

"I felt disgusted at the proposition.

"'Never!' I said.

"Why not?'

"'Because I respect myself too much to make a living advertisement of myself.'

"He shrugged his shoulders.

"'You are wrong,' he said. 'You are not rich, and I would give you twenty francs for each ride. At the rate of eight rides a month, it would be one hundred and sixty francs added to your wages. Besides,' he added with a wink, ' it would be an excellent opportunity to make your fortune. Pretty as you are, who knows but what some millionaire might take a fancy to you!'

"I felt indignant.

"For that reason alone, if for no other,' I exclaimed, I refuse.'

"'You are a little fool,' he replied. 'If you do not accept, you cease being in my employment. Reflect!'

"My mind was already made up, and I was thinking of looking out for some other occupation, when I received a note from my friend the peace-officer, requesting me to call at his office.

"I did so, and, after kindly inviting me to a seat, "Well,' he said, 'what is there new?'

""Nothing. I have noticed no one watching me'

"He looked annoyed.

"'My agents have not detected any thing, either,' he grumbled.

'And yet it is evident that your enemies cannot have given it up so. They are sharp ones: if they keep quiet, it is because they are preparing some good trick. What it is I must and shall find out. Already I have an idea which would be an excellent one, if I could discover some way of throwing you among what is called good society.'

"I explained to him, that, being employed at Van Klopen's, I had an opportunity to see there many ladies of the best society.

"That is not enough,' he said.

"Then M. Van Klopen's propositions came back to my mind, and I stated them to him.

"'Just the thing!' he exclaimed, starting upon his chair: 'a manifest proof that luck is with us. You must accept.'

"I felt bound to tell him my objections, which reflection had much increased.

"'I know but too well,' I said, 'what must happen if I accept this odious duty. Before I have been four times to the Bois, I shall be noticed, and every one will imagine that they know for what purpose I come there. I shall be assailed with vile offers. True, I have no fears for myself. I shall always be better guarded by my pride than by the most watchful of parents. But my reputation will be lost.'

"I failed to convince him.

"'I know very well that you are an honest girl,' he said to me; 'but, for that very reason, what do you care what all these people will think, whom you do not know? Your future is at stake. I repeat it, you must accept.'

"'If you command me to do so,' I said.

"Yes, I command you; and I'll explain to you why.''

For the first time, Mlle. Lucienne manifested some reticence, and omitted to repeat the explanations of the peace-officer. And, after a few moments' pause, "You know the rest, neighbor," she said, "since you have seen me yourself in that inept and ridiculous role of living advertisement, of fashionable lay-figure; and the result has been just as I expected. Can you find any one who believes in my honesty of purpose? You have heard Mme. Fortin to-night? Yourself, neighbor - what did you take me for? And yet you should have noticed something of my suffering and my humiliation the day that you were watching me so closely in the Bois de Boulogne."

"What!" exclaimed Maxence with a start, "you know?"

"Have I not just told you that I always fear being watched and followed, and that I am always on the lookout? Yes, I know that you tried to discover the secret of my rides."

Maxence tried to excuse himself.

"That will do for the present," she uttered. "You wish to be my friend, you say? Now that you know my whole life almost as well as I do myself, reflect, and to-morrow you will tell me the result of your thoughts."

Whereupon she went out.

  • 不可思议!原来我的英语这么溜!


    由徐维克编著的《不可思议原来我的英语这么溜》内容从基本的打招呼到话题应对,涵盖日常生活的方方面面,内容丰富。 关键时刻必备的一句话,依个人情况不同,可选择简易版或是升级版来回答,书里还将最夯的偶像剧对话与情境做链接,让您在练习时更容易融入情感,效果自然就会double再double啰!另外,对于想要将哪一句话延伸,从一句变两句变三句的读者朋友,书里也设计单词便利贴,提供与该情境相关、可延伸的单词,《不可思议原来我的英语这么溜》是一本实用性5颗星、趣味性也5颗星的生活英语会话书,推荐给您。
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