

Felix took exactly the view of the matter which had been already expressed by Mr. Troy. "Superior in intelligence," he said, "but not superior in courage, to the English police. Capable of performing wonders on their own ground and among their own people. But, my dear aunt, the two most dissimilar nations on the face of the earth are the English and the French. The French police may speak our language--but they are incapableof understanding our national character and our national manners. Set them to work on a private inquiry in the city of Pekin--and they would get on in time with the Chinese people. Set them to work in the city of London--and the English people would remain, from first to last, the same impenetrable mystery to them. In my belief the London Sunday would be enough of itself to drive them back to Paris in despair. No balls, no concerts, no theaters, not even a museum or a picture-gallery open; every shop shut up but the gin-shop; and nothing moving but the church bells and the men who sell the penny ices. Hundreds of Frenchmen come to see me on their first arrival in England. Every man of them rushes back to Paris on the second Saturday of his visit, rather than confront the horrors of a second Sunday in London! However, you can try it if you like. Send me a written abstract of the case, and I will forward it to one of the official people in the Rue Jerusalem, who will do anything he can to oblige me. Of course," said Felix, turning to Mr. Troy, "some of you have got the number of the lost bank-note? If the thief has tried to pass it in Paris, my man may be of some use to you.""Three of us have got the number of the note," answered Mr. Troy; "Miss Isabel Miller, Mr. Moody, and myself.""Very good," said Felix. "Send me the number, with the abstract of the case. Is there anything else I can do towards recovering the money?" he asked, turning to his aunt. "There is one lucky circumstance in connection with this loss--isn't there? It has fallen on a person who is rich enough to take it easy. Good heavens! suppose it had been _my_ loss!""It has fallen doubly on me," said Lady Lydiard; "and I am certainly not rich enough to take it _that_ easy. The money was destined to a charitable purpose; and I have felt it my duty to pay it again."Felix rose and approached his aunt's chair with faltering steps, as became a suffering man. He took Lady Lydiard's hand and kissed it with enthusiastic admiration.

"You excellent creature!" he said. "You may not think it, but you reconcile me to human nature. How generous! how noble! I think I'll go to bed again, Mr. Troy, if you really don't want any more of me. My headfeels giddy and my legs tremble under me. It doesn't matter; I shall feel easier when Alfred has taken me out of my clothes again. God bless you, my dear aunt! I never felt so proud of being related to you as I do to-day. Good-morning Mr. Troy! Don't forget the abstract of the case; and don't trouble yourself to see me to the door. I dare say I shan't tumble downstairs; and, if I do, there's the porter in the hall to pick me up again. Enviable porter! as fat as butter and as idle as a pig! _Au revoir! au revoir!_" He kissed his hand, and drifted feebly out of the room. Sweetsir one might say, in a state of eclipse; but still the serviceable Sweetsir, who was never consulted in vain by the fortunate people privileged to call him friend!

"Is he really ill, do you think?" Mr. Troy asked.

"My nephew has turned fifty," Lady Lydiard answered, "and he persists in living as if he was a young man. Every now and then Nature says to him, 'Felix, you are old!' And Felix goes to bed, and says it's his nerves.""I suppose he is to be trusted to keep his word about writing to Paris?" pursued the lawyer.

  • 恋神无双


  • 伊人来自古代


  • 唐骏传奇


  • 三国演义(青少年四大名著)


  • 破晓之刃


  • 浮生若梦媚红颜


  • 觅仙寻缘


  • 天行


  • 恋你时光微微甜


    “这位先生,说话就说话,能不能别靠这么近?”“怎么?抛夫弃子,心虚了?”“谁抛夫弃子了?我是怕我控制不住自己的拳头!”初遇时,顾以安被傅御琛壁咚控诉抛夫弃子,顾以安将其当流氓一顿揍。从那以后,顾以安就踏上了揍人一时爽,后果不堪设想的不归路。 免费保姆! 孩子他妈!感情挡箭牌!……可说好的这一切都只是演戏,为什么她跟男同事笑着聊了几句,第二天,公司所有的男职员消失了? 她夸了句“这个小鲜肉好帅…”小鲜肉在娱乐圈销声匿迹了? 她好不容易相个亲,相亲对象却换成了他?他还大言不惭的说:“你已经被我宠得无法无天了,除了我,谁还敢要你…”
  • 轩辕纪

