

This sum of productive forces, capital funds and social forms of intercourse, which every individual and generation finds in existence as something given, is the real basis of what the philosophers have conceived as "substance" and "essence of man", and what they have deified and attacked; a real basis which is not in the least disturbed, in its effect and influence on the development of men, by the fact that these philosophers revolt against it as "self-consciousness" and the "Unique". These conditions of life, which different generations find in existence, decide also whether or not the periodically recurring revolutionary convulsion will be strong enough to overthrow the basis of the entire existing system. And if these material elements of a complete revolution are not present (namely, on the one hand the existing productive forces, on the other the formation of a revolutionary mass, which revolts not only against separate conditions of society up till then, but against the very "production of life" till then, the "total activity" on which it was based), then, as far as practical development is concerned, it is absolutely immaterial whether the idea of this revolution has been expressed a hundred times already, as the history of communism proves.

In the whole conception of history up to the present this real basis of history has either been totally neglected or else considered as a minor matter quite irrelevant to the course of history. History must, therefore, always be written according to an extraneous standard; the real production of life seems to be primeval history, while the truly historical appears to be separated from ordinary life, something extra-superterrestrial. With this the relation of man to nature is excluded from history and hence the antithesis of nature and history is created. The exponents of this conception of history have consequently only been able to see in history the political actions of princes and States, religious and all sorts of theoretical struggles, and in particular in each historical epoch have had to share the illusion of that epoch. For instance, if an epoch imagines itself to be actuated by purely "political" or "religious" motives, although "religion" and "politics" are only forms of its true motives, the historian accepts this opinion.

The "idea", the "conception" of the people in question about their real practice, is transformed into the sole determining, active force, which controls and determines their practice. When the crude form in which the division of labour appears with the Indians and Egyptians calls forth the caste-system in their State and religion, the historian believes that the caste-system is the power which has produced this crude social form. While the French and the English at least hold by the political illusion, which is moderately close to reality, the Germans move in the realm of the "pure spirit", and make religious illusion the driving force of history. The Hegelian philosophy of history is the last consequence, reduced to its "finest expression", of all this German historiography, for which it is not a question of real, nor even of political, interests, but of pure thoughts, which consequently must appear to Saint Bruno as a series of "thoughts" that devour one another and are finally swallowed up in "self-consciousness".

------ [(So-called objective historiography just consists in treating the historical conditions independent of activity. Reactionary character.) marginal note by Marx -- Ed .)

Feuerbach: Philosophic, and Real, Liberation [. . . .] It is also clear from these arguments how grossly Feuerbach is deceiving himself when (Wigand's Vierteljahrsschrift , 1845, Band 2) by virtue of the qualification "common man" he declares himself a communist, transforms the latter into a predicate of "man", and thereby thinks it possible to change the word "communist", which in the real world means the follower of a definite revolutionary party, into a mere category. Feuerbach's whole deduction with regard to the relation of men to one another goes only so far as to prove that men need and always have needed each other.

He wants to establish consciousness of this fact, that is to say, like the other theorists, merely to produce a correct consciousness about an existing fact; whereas for the real communist it is a question of overthrowing the existing state of things. We thoroughly appreciate, moreover, that Feuerbach, in endeavouring to produce consciousness of just this fact, is going as far as a theorist possibly can, without ceasing to be a theorist and philosopher....

  • 优婆塞五戒威仪经


  • 明宫史


  • 闲二首


  • 宝藏论


  • 奉送王信州崟北归


  • 上神不宠妻


  • 邪王的懒妃


  • 漫威里的神龙


  • 天童姥姥


  • 最后我们随遇而安后再见


  • 快穿之病娇宠我锦绣繁华


    江家江烟岚,是一个标准的宅女,也是颜狗一枚,最大的兴趣爱号就是看言情小说和帅哥,但一入小说深似海,于是传言说江家小姐得了病,一种名叫幻想的病,觉得马云都是重点扶贫对象,几亿那都不是事,然而百块东西都嫌贵,钱包空空两行泪经过无数次的幻想,自我催眠后她江烟岚成为了被系统挑中的苦力工,啊不,是幸运儿,开始了梦寐已求的快穿之旅后来江烟岚口吐芬芳:老娘不干了,罢工,谁行谁上某人眼神逐渐幽暗:哦,是吗?江烟岚求生欲暴表,笑嘻嘻说:怎么会,我就开开玩笑,这宇宙超极无敌好的待遇,谁抢我弄谁!哪有什么一见钟情,不过是蓄谋已久的宠爱 具体内容详见文!
  • 酒客:酒尽人未尽


  • 天行


  • 在美漫修仙搞事的日子


    洛基:鱼唇的凡人啊,向我下跪吧,我可是糖糖九界第一法师(???ε???)格林德沃:(?_?)?邓布利多:|???ω??)???随着一阵炫丽的魔法光效,洛基gameover!阿斯兰:就这?不愧是糖糖九界第一法师耶?(????)。洛基:我可是神!ψ(`??)ψ一道绿光闪过洛基张口闭眼伏地魔:就这?好弱的神~( ̄▽ ̄~)~托尼斯塔克∶我可是天才!哪吒:嗯?是谁在装13好tm刺眼!多玛姆:我是黑暗的主宰!我是不灭哒!?(◣д◢)?伏地魔:就这?你把自己改造成这么丑不拉几的东西?就这?阿斯兰:老伏啊,我觉得你俩不分伯仲~( ̄▽ ̄~)~伏地魔:………总之这是一个修仙者在美漫+hp+各神系为所欲为的故事!阿斯兰:今天要么我把你们打死要么你们把我打死!否则我是不会停止搞事的步伐的!【前一百多章在霍格沃茨发展,后面会渐渐出现美漫人物PS:这是个大乱炖,有诸多神庭,如天庭,埃及神系北欧神系等,走沙雕路线,画风略显不正常】
  • 倾!我一生爱你

