

"I need not sigh for the woods now, because Dan brings the woods to me," Mrs. Jo used to say, as she glorified the walls with yellow maple boughs and scarlet woodbine wreaths, or filled her vases with russet ferns, hemlock sprays full of delicate cones, and hardy autumn flowers; for Dan's crop suited her well.

The great garret was full of the children's little stores and for a time was one of the sights of the house. Daisy's flower seeds in neat little paper bags, all labelled, lay in a drawer of a three-legged table. Nan's herbs hung in bunches against the wall, filling the air with their aromatic breath. Tommy had a basket of thistle-down with the tiny seeds attached, for he meant to plant them next year, if they did not all fly away before that time. Emil had bunches of pop-corn hanging there to dry, and Demi laid up acorns and different sorts of grain for the pets. But Dan's crop made the best show, for fully one half of the floor was covered with the nuts he brought. All kinds were there, for he ranged the woods for miles round, climbed the tallest trees, and forced his way into the thickest hedges for his plunder. Walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, and beechnuts lay in separate compartments, getting brown, and dry, and sweet, ready for winter revels.

There was one butternut-tree on the place, and Rob and Teddy called it theirs. It bore well this year, and the great dingy nuts came dropping down to hide among the dead leaves, where the busy squirrels found them better than the lazy Bhaers. Their father had told them (the boys, not the squirrels) they should have the nuts if they would pick them up, but no one was to help. It was easy work, and Teddy liked it, only he soon got tired, and left his little basket half full for another day. But the other day was slow to arrive, and, meantime, the sly squirrels were hard at work, scampering up and down the old elm-trees stowing the nuts away till their holes were full, then all about the crotches of the boughs, to be removed at their leisure. Their funny little ways amused the boys, till one day Silas said,­"Hev you sold them nuts to the squirrels?"

"No," answered Rob, wondering what Silas meant.

"Wal, then, you'd better fly round, or them spry little fellers won't leave you none.""Oh, we can beat them when we begin. There are such lots of nuts we shall have a plenty.""There ain't many more to come down, and they have cleared the ground pretty well, see if they hain't."Robby ran to look, and was alarmed to find how few remained. He called Teddy, and they worked hard all one afternoon, while the squirrels sat on the fence and scolded.

"Now, Ted, we must keep watch, and pick up just as fast as they fall, or we shan't have more than a bushel, and every one will laugh at us if we don't.""The naughty quillies tarn't have 'em. I'll pick fast and run and put 'em in the barn twick," said Teddy, frowning at little Frisky, who chattered and whisked his tail indignantly.

That night a high wind blew down hundreds of nuts, and when Mrs. Jo came to wake her little sons, she said, briskly,­"Come, my laddies, the squirrels are hard at it, and you will have to work well to-day, or they will have every nut on the ground.""No, they won't," and Robby tumbled up in a great hurry, gobbled his breakfast, and rushed out to save his property.

Teddy went too, and worked like a little beaver, trotting to and fro with full and empty baskets. Another bushel was soon put away in the corn-barn, and they were scrambling among the leaves for more nuts when the bell rang for school.

  • 天行


  • 第九位面之守卫者的漂流Y


  • 启迪青少年明察秋毫的故事


    每个人都是一个智慧的宝库,每个人都有着巨大的潜能。研究发现:若是一个人能够发挥一半的大脑功能,就可以轻易学会40种语言,背诵整本百科全书,拿12个博士学位……著名的心理学家奥托指出: 一个人所发挥出来的能力,只占他全部能力的4%。也就是说,人类还有96%的能力尚未发挥出来。对于处在成长重要阶段青少年,怎样才能开启他们的智慧之窗,激发他们潜藏的巨大能量呢?精彩的哲理故事如一丝丝火苗,点亮心灵睿智之灯如一把金钥匙,开启智慧宝库之门。早一天领悟,早一天走向成功;早一天领悟,早一天拥有幸福。阅读本书,犹如聆听智者的教诲,智慧如春风化雨滋润心田。相信本书收录的每一个故事,能告诉我们太多的人生哲理。
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