

Mordicai, waiting till the laugh was over, dryly observed that 'the law is executed in another guess sort of way in England from what it is in Ireland'; therefore, for his part, he desired nothing better than to set his wits fairly against such SHARKS.

That there was a pleasure in doing up a debtor which none but a creditor could know.

'In a moment, sir; if you'll have a moment's patience, sir, if you please,' said the slow foreman to Lord Colambre; 'I must go down the pounds once more, and then I'll let you have it.'

'I'll tell you what, Smithfield,' continued Mr.Mordicai, coming close beside his foreman, and speaking very low, but with a voice trembling with anger, for he was piqued by his foreman's doubts of his capacity to cope with Sir Terence O'Fay; 'I'll tell you what, Smithfield, I'll be cursed, if I don't get every inch of them into my power.You know how?'

'You are the best judge, sir,' replied the foreman; 'but I would not undertake Sir Terence; and the question is, whether the estate will answer the LOT of the debts, and whether you know them all for certain?'

'I do, sir, I tell you.There's Green there's Blancham-- there's Gray--there's Soho--naming several more--and, to my knowledge, Lord Clonbrony--'

'Stop, sir," cried Lord Colambre in a voice which made Mordicai, and everybody present, start--'I am his son--'

'The devil!' said Mordicai.

'God bless every bone in his body, then! he's an Irishman,'

cried Paddy; 'and there was the RASON my heart warmed to him from the first minute he come into the yard, though I did not know it till now.'

'What, sir! are you my Lord Colambre?' said Mr.Mordicai, recovering, but not clearly recovering, his intellects.'I beg pardon, but I did not know you WAS Lord Colambre.I thought you told me you was the friend of Mr.Berryl.'

'I do not see the incompatibility of the assertion, sir,' replied Lord Colambre, taking from the bewildered foreman's unresisting hand the account, which he had been so long FURNISHING.

'Give me leave, my lord,' said Mordicai.'I beg your pardon, my lord, perhaps we can compromise that business for your friend Mr.

Berryl; since he is your lordship's friend, perhaps we can contrive to COMPROMISE and SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE.'

TO COMPROMISE and SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE, Mordicai thought were favourite phrases, and approved Hibernian modes of doing business, which would conciliate this young Irish nobleman, and dissipate the proud tempest which had gathered and now swelled in his breast.

'No, sir, no!' cried Lord Colambre, holding firm the paper.'Iwant no favour from you.I will accept of none for my friend or for myself,'

'Favour! No, my lord, I should not presume to offer--But Ishould wish, if you'll allow me, to do your friend justice.'

Lord Colambre recollecting that he had no right, in his pride, to ding away his friend's money, let Mr.Mordicai look at the account; and, his impetuous temper in a few moments recovered by good sense, he considered that, as his person was utterly unknown to Mr.Mordicai, no offence could have been intended to him, and that, perhaps, in what had been said of his father's debts and distress, there might be more truth than he was aware of.

Prudently, therefore, controlling his feelings, and commanding himself, he suffered Mr.Mordicai to show him into a parlour, to SETTLE his friend's business.In a few minutes the account was reduced to a reasonable form, and, in consideration of the partner's having made the bargain, by which Mr.Mordicai felt himself influenced in honour, though not bound in law, he undertook to have the curricle made better than new again, for Mr.Berryl, for twenty guineas.Then came awkward apologies to Lord Colambre, which he ill endured.'Between ourselves, my lord,' continued Mordicai--But the familiarity of the phrase, 'Between ourselves'--this implication of equality--Lord Colambre could not admit; he moved hastily towards the door and departed.

  • 泄泻门


  • 大方广十轮经


  • 药鉴


  • 菩萨戒羯磨文


  • 金陵清凉院文益禅师语录


  • 王爷渡你亦渡劫


  • 无畏勇士


  • 孤胆王者


  • 青楼集


  • 元灵洞天


  • 天行


  • 妖精别过来


    8岁那年我放生了一只白狐。9岁那年我放生了一只白蛇。10岁那年我——......然后——一群妖精小姐姐赶着来报恩。常威......泥奏凯啊,我常威就算是饿死,化成灰,被扬了,我也不会—— 等等,扎妖怪的心就能无限强化自己的实力,养生太极拳强化到极限能成太阴太阳真经? 五步拳强化到极限能成人仙武道? 等等,山寨秘籍也能强化,把我的神象镇狱劲拿上来!看着满屋子的妖精小姐姐以及她们身后跟着的一众麻烦。 嗯,我承认你们有几分姿色,但我是不会放弃扎心的,别过来哦~
  • 千面教主


  • 青幽剑仙


  • 边伯贤生命中最耀眼的星星

