

"I am convinced," said Hilda in a low, reverential tone," that Guido's own touches are on that ancient scrap of paper! If so, it must be his original sketch for the picture of the Archangel Michael setting his foot upon the demon, in the Church of the Cappuccini.The composition and general arrangement of the sketch are the same with those of the picture; the only difference being, that the demon has a more upturned face, and scowls vindictively at the Archangel, who turns away his eyes in painful disgust.""No wonder!" responded Miriam."The expression suits the daintiness of Michael's character, as Guido represents him.He never could have looked the demon in the face!""Miriam!" exclaimed her friend reproachfully, "you grieve me, and you know it, by pretending to speak contemptuously of the most beautiful and the divinest figure that mortal painter ever drew.""Forgive me, Hilda!" said Miriam."You take these matters more religiously than I can, for my life.Guido's Archangel is a fine picture, of course, but it never impressed me as it does yOU.""Well; we will not talk of that," answered Hilda."What I wanted you to notice, in this sketch, is the face of the demon.It is entirely unlike the demon of the finished picture.Guido, you know, always affirmed that the resemblance to Cardinal Pamfili was either casual or imaginary.Now, here is the face as he first conceived it.""And a more energetic demon, altogether, than that of the finished picture," said Kenyon, taking the sketch into his hand."What a spirit is conveyed into the ugliness of this strong, writhing, squirming dragon, under the Archangel's foot! Neither is the face an impossible one.Upon my word, I have seen it somewhere, and on the shoulders of a living man!""And so have I," said Hilda."It was what struck me from the first." "Donatello, look at this face!"cried Kenyon.

The young Italian, as may be supposed, took little interest in matters of art, and seldom or never ventured an opinion respecting them.After holding the sketch a single instant in his hand, he flung it from him with a shudder of disgust and repugnance, and a frown that had all the bitterness of hatred.

"I know the face well!"whispered he."It is Miriam's model!"It was acknowledged both by Kenyon and Hilda that they had detected, or fancied, the resemblance which Donatello so strongly affirmed; and it added not a little to the grotesque and weird character which, half playfully, half seriously, they assigned to Miriam's attendant, to think of him as personating the demon's part in a picture of more than two centuries ago.Had Guido, in his effort to imagine the utmost of sin and misery, which his pencil could represent, hit ideally upon just this face? Or was it an actual portrait of somebody, that haunted the old master, as Miriam was haunted now?Did the ominous shadow follow him throughall the sunshine of his earlier career, and into the gloom that gathered about its close? And when Guido died, did the spectre betake himself to those ancient sepulchres, there awaiting a new victim, till it was Miriam's ill-hap to encounter him?

"I do not acknowledge the resemblance at all," said Miriam, looking narrowly at the sketch; "and, as I have drawn the face twenty times, I think you will own that I am the best judge."A discussion here arose, in reference to Guido's Archangel, and it was agreed that these four friends should visit the Church of the Cappuccini the next morning, and critically examine the picture in question; the similarity between it and the sketch being, at all events, a very curious circumstance.

It was now a little past ten o'clock, when some of the company, who had been standing in a balcony, declared the moonlight to be resplendent.They proposed a ramble through the streets, taking in their way some of those scenes of ruin which produced their best effects under the splendor of the Italian moon.

  • 夫人每天都想向我求婚


  • 一开口就拿订单:12天掌握成功销售的96个口才技巧


  • 天行


  • 幻想成神


  • 银发幻师


  • 庶女归来且听风吟


    尚德二十三年,春。离开了五年的魏云舒终究还是回来了。 在得知大姐姐难产之死另有所因,在深思熟虑了一整夜之后,她终究还是弃了那个温润如玉的少年公子。 回到了这个承载她幼年时期所有的痛苦,不想回却又不得不回的地方,她不能让大姐姐枉死。 此次回来,不管用什么方法,不管付出什么代价,她都一定要嫁入沈家,因为那里藏着杀害魏云清的凶手,她一定要让那些凶手付出代价。 “既然将军不肯揭这盖头,那我就自己来,左右不过是揭层布的事。”“你嫁进沈家究竟有何目的?当初你那般恨我,如今还肯嫁我?” “将军,当初是我年纪小,不懂事,现在想来,大姐姐当初死于难产,将军心里也定是十分痛苦的。既然人已经去了,活着的人也应当好好活着,不该再执着于过去。” “我今日便告诉你,不管你嫁入沈家有什么目的,我都不会让你得逞,你我之间只会是名义夫妻,你既嫁进来,就该自己承担后果,这条路是你自己选的。” “夫人,咱们这条路真的走的对吗?” “对不对有什么打紧的,已然进来了,就是跪着也得把它走完。”
  • 天行


  • 古穿未之首席指挥官


  • 君心难测之皇后太撩人


  • 轩辕传奇之天命

