

The Fourth of July celebration at Gimlet Butte had been a thing of the past for four days and the Lazy D had fallen back into the routine of ranch life.The riders were discussing supper and the continued absence of Reddy when that young man drew back the flap and joined them.

He stood near the doorway and grinned with embarrassed guilt at the assembled company.

"I reckon I got too much Fourth of July at Gimlet Butte, boys.That's how come I to be onpunctual getting back."There was a long silence, during which those at the table looked at him with an expressionless gravity that did not seem to veil an unduly warm welcome.

"Hello, Mac! Hello, boys! I just got back," he further contributed.

Without comment the Lazy D resumed supper.Apparently it had not missed Reddy or noticed his return.Casual conversation was picked up cheerfully.The return of the prodigal was quite ignored.

"Then that blamed cow gits its back up and makes a bee-line for Rogers.The old man hikes for his pony and--""Seems good to git my legs under the old table again," interrupted Reddy with cheerful unease.

"--loses by about half a second," continued Missou."If Doc hadn't roped its hind laig--""Have some cigars, boys.I brought a box back with me." Reddy tossed a handful on the table, where they continued to lie unnoticed.

"--there's no telling what would have happened.As 'twas the old man got off with a--""Y'u bet, they're good cigars all right," broke in the propitiatory Reddy.The interrupted anecdote went on to a finish and the men trooped out and left the prodigal alone with his hash.When that young man reached the bunkhouse Frisco was indulging in a reminiscence.Reddy got only thelast of it, but that did not contribute to his serenity.

"Yep! When I was working on the Silver Dollar.Must a-been three years ago, I reckon, when Jerry Miller got that chapping.""Threw down the outfit in a row they had with the Lafferty crowd, didn't he?" asked Denver.

Frisco nodded.

Mac got up, glanced round, and reached for his hat."I reckon I'll have to be going," he said, and forthright departed.

Reddy reached for HIS hat and rose."I got to go and have a talk with Mac," he explained.

Denver got to the door first and his big frame filled it.

"Don't hurry, Reddy.It ain't polite to rush away right after dinner.Besides, Mac will be here all day.He ain't starting for New York.""Y'u're gittin' blamed particular.Mac he went right out.""But Mac didn't have a most particular engagement with the boys.There's a difference.""Why, I ain't got--" Reddy paused and looked around helplessly."Gents, I move y'u that it be the horse sense of the Lazy D that ourfriend Mr.Reddy Reeves be given gratis one chapping immediately if not sooner.The reason for which same being that he played a lowdown trick on the outfit whose bread he was eating.""Oh, quit your foolin', boys," besought the victim anxiously.

"And that Denver, being some able-bodied and having a good reach, be requested to deliver same to the gent needing it," concluded Missou.

Reddy backed in alarm to the wall."Y'u boys don't want to get gay with me.Y'u can't monkey with--"Motion carried unanimously.

Just as Reddy whipped out his revolver Denver's long leg shot out and his foot caught the wrist behind the weapon.When Reddy next took cognizance of his surroundings he was serving as a mattress for the anatomy of three stalwart riders.He was gently deposited face down on his bunk with a one-hundred-eighty-pound live peg at the end of each arm and leg.

"All ready, Denver," announced Frisco from the end of the left foot.Denver selected a pair of plain leather chaps with care and proceededto business.What he had to do he did with energy.It is safe to say that at least one of those present can still vividly remember this and testify to his thoroughness.

  • 油纸伞下美人眸


  • 意灵天下


  • 首席的暖婚宝贝


  • 此间星尘


  • 魔君正道


  • 神灵自传之风雪飞扬


  • 极夜至尊


  • 我的青春我的痛苦


  • 陛下的CEO


  • 大佬们的心尖尖

