

"With about five minutes to spare.I am having the prisoners brought here for the night if you do not object.In the morning I shall investigate the affair, and take such steps as are necessary.In the meantime you mayrest assured that there will be no further disturbance.""Thank you I am sure that with you in command everything will now be all right, and I am quite of your opinion that the prisoners had better stay here for the night.One of them is wounded, and ought to be given the best attention.But, of course, you will see to that, lieutenant."The young man blushed.This was the right kind of appreciation.He wished his old classmates at the Point could hear how implicitly this sweet girl relied on him.

"Certainly.And now, Miss Messiter, if there is nothing you wish, I shall retire for the night.You may sleep with perfect confidence.""I am sure I may, lieutenant." She gave him a broadside of trusting eyes full of admiration."But perhaps you would like me to see my foreman first, just to relieve my mind.And, as you were about to say, his friend might be brought in, too, since they are together."The young man promptly assented, though he had not been aware that he was about to say anything of the kind.

They came in together, Bannister supported by McWilliams's arm.The eyes of both mistress and maid brimmed over with tears when they saw them.Helen dragged forward a chair for the sheepman, and he sank into it.From its depths he looked up with his rare, sweet smile.

"I've heard about it," he told her, in a low voice."I've heard how y'u fought for my life all day.There's nothing I can say.I owed y'u everything already twice, and now I owe it all over again.Give me a lifetime and I couldn't get even."Helen's swift glance swept over Nora and the foreman.They were in a dark alcove, oblivious of anybody else.Also they were in each other's arms frankly.For some reason wine flowed into the cream of Helen's cheeks.

"Do you have to 'get even'? Among friends is that necessary?" she asked shyly.

"I hope not.If it is, I'm sure bankrupt Even my thanks seem to stay at home.If y'u hadn't done so much for me, perhaps I could tell y'u how much y'u had done But I have no words to say it.""Then don't," she advised.

"Y'u're the best friend a man ever had.That's all I can say.""It's enough, since you mean it, even though it isn't true," she answered gently.

Their eyes met, fastened for an instant, and by common consent looked away.

As it chanced they were close to the window, their shadows reflected on the blind.A man, slipping past in the street on horseback, stopped at sight of that lighted window, with the moving shadows, in an uncontrollable white fury.He slid from the saddle, threw the reins over the horse's head to the ground, and slipped his revolver from its holster and back to make sure that he could draw it easily.Then he passed springily across the road to the hotel and up the stairs.He trod lightly, stealthily, and by his very wariness defeated his purpose of eluding observation.For a pair of keen eyes from the hotel office glimpsed the figure stealing past so noiselessly, and promptly followed up the stairway.

"Hope I don't intrude at this happy family gathering."Helen, who had been pouring a glass of cordial for the spent and wounded sheepman, put the glass down on the table and turned at sound of the silken, sinister voice.After one glance at the vindictive face, from the cold eyes of which hate seemed to smolder, she took an instinctive step toward her lover.The cold wave that drenched her heart accompanied an assurance that the man in the doorway meant trouble.

  • 太阳在背后加油


  • 我与和平精英


  • 生存解释学研究(国家社科基金后期资助项目)


  • 若她是再婚皇后


  • 天将降大任于鸡肋也


  • 天行


  • 凡人意识


  • 穿越到斗罗大陆的男猪脚


  • 戏神戏仙


  • 奇异讲堂

