

"Why? Do they want to detain you? Perhaps you've taken some money in advance...If so, you've only to say the word and I should be delighted--""I'm afraid you don't understand me, my dear Solomin."I said run away and not leave, because I'm not going away alone."Solomin raised his head.

"With whom then?"

"With the girl you've seen here today."

"With her! She has a very nice face.Are you in love with one another? Or have you simply decided to go away together because you don't like being here?""We love each other."

Ah!" Solomin was silent for a while."Is she related to the people here?""Yes.But she fully shares our convictions and is prepared for anything."Solomin smiled.

"And you, Nejdanov, are you prepared?"

Nejdanov frowned slightly.

"Why ask? You will see when the time comes.""I do not doubt you, Nejdanov.I only asked because it seemed to me that besides yourself nobody else was prepared.""And Markelov?"

"Why, of course, Markelov! But then, he was born prepared."At this moment someone knocked at the door gently, but hastily, and opened it without waiting for an answer.It was Mariana.She immediately came up to Solomin.

"I feel sure," she began, "that you are not surprised at seeing me here at this time of night.He" (Mariana pointed to Nejdanov)"has no doubt told you everything.Give me your hand, please, and believe me an honest girl is standing before you.""I am convinced of that," Solomin said seriously.

He had risen from his chair as soon as Mariana had appeared."Ihad already noticed you at table and was struck by the frank expression of your eyes.Nejdanov told me about your intentions.

But may I ask why you want to run away."

"What a question! The cause with which I am fully in sympathy...

don't be surprised.Nejdanov has kept nothing from me...

The great work is about to begin...and am I to remain in this house, where everything is deceit and falsehood? People I love will be exposed to danger, and I--"Solomin stopped her by a wave of the hand.

"Calm yourself.Sit down, please, and you sit down too, Nejdanov.

Let us all sit down.Listen to me! If you have no other reason than the one you have mentioned, then there's no need for you to run away as yet.The work will not begin so soon as you seem to anticipate.A little more prudent consideration is needed in this matter.It's no good plunging in too soon, believe me."Mariana sat down and wrapped herself up in a large plaid, which she had thrown over her shoulders.

"But I can't stay here any longer! I am being insulted by everybody.Only today that idiot Anna Zaharovna said before Kolia, alluding to my father, that a bad tree does not bring forth good fruit! Kolia was even surprised, and asked what it meant.Not to speak of Valentina Mihailovna!"Solomin stopped her again, this time with a smile.

Mariana felt that he was laughing at her a little, but this smile could not have offended any one.

"But, my dear lady, I don't know who Anna Zaharovna is, nor what tree you are talking about.A foolish woman says some foolish things to you and you can't endure it! How will you live in that case? The whole world is composed of fools.Your reason is not good enough.Have you any other?""I am convinced," Nejdanov interposed in a hollow voice, "that Mr.Sipiagin will turn me out of the house tomorrow of his own accord.Someone must have told him.He treats me...in the most contemptuous manner."Solomin turned to Nejdanov.

"If that's the case, then why run away?"

Nejdanov did not know what to say.

"But I've already told you--," he began.

"He said that," Mariana put in, "because I am going with him."Solomin looked at her and shook his head good-naturedly.

"In that case, my dear lady, I say again, that if you want to leave here because you think the revolution is about to break out--""That was precisely why we asked you to come," Mariana interrupted him; "we wanted to find out exactly how matters stood.""If that's your reason for going," Solomin continued, "I repeat once more, you can stay at home for some time to come yet, but if you want to run away because you love each other and can't be united otherwise, then--""Well? What then?"

"Then I must first congratulate you and, if need be, give you all the help in my power.I may say, my dear lady, that I took a liking to you both at first sight and love you as brother and sister."Mariana and Nejdanov both went up to him on the right and left and each clasped a hand.

"Only tell us what to do," Mariana implored."Supposing the revolution is still far off, there must be preparatory work to be done, a thing impossible in this house, in the midst of these surroundings.We should so gladly go together...Show us what we can do; tell us where to go...Send us anywhere you like!

You will send us, won't you?"

"Where to?

"To the people....Where can one go if not among the people?""Into the forest," Nejdanov thought, calling to mind Paklin's words.

Solomin looked intently at Mariana.

"Do you want to know the people?"

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    The Bible in Spainl



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