

THE silken texture of the marriage tie bears a daily strain of wrong and insult to which no other human relation can be subjected without lesion; and sometimes the strength that knits society together might appear to the eye of faltering faith the curse of those immediately bound by it.

Two people by no means reckless of each other's rights and feelings, but even tender of them for the most part, may tear at each other's heart-strings in this sacred bond with perfect impunity; though if they were any other two they would not speak or look at each other again after the outrages they exchange.It is certainly a curious spectacle, and doubtless it ought to convince an observer of the divinity of the institution.

If the husband and wife are blunt, outspoken people like the Laphams, they do not weigh their words;if they are more refined, they weigh them very carefully, and know accurately just how far they will carry, and in what most sensitive spot they may be planted with most effect.

Lapham was proud of his wife, and when he married her it had been a rise in life for him.For a while he stood in awe of his good fortune, but this could not last, and he simply remained supremely satisfied with it.

The girl who had taught school with a clear head and a strong hand was not afraid of work; she encouraged and helped him from the first, and bore her full share of the common burden.

She had health, and she did not worry his life out with peevish complaints and vagaries; she had sense and principle, and in their ****** lot she did what was wise and right.

Their marriage was hallowed by an early sorrow: they lost their boy, and it was years before they could look each other in the face and speak of him.No one gave up more than they when they gave up each other and Lapham went to the war.When he came back and began to work, her zeal and courage formed the spring of his enterprise.

In that affair of the partnership she had tried to be his conscience, but perhaps she would have defended him if he had accused himself; it was one of those things in this life which seem destined to await justice, or at least judgment, in the next.As he said, Lapham had dealt fairly by his partner in money; he had let Rogers take more money out of the business than he put into it;he had, as he said, simply forced out of it a timid and inefficient participant in advantages which he had created.But Lapham had not created them all.

He had been dependent at one time on his partner's capital.

It was a moment of terrible trial.Happy is the man for ever after who can choose the ideal, the unselfish part in such an exigency! Lapham could not rise to it.

He did what he could maintain to be perfectly fair.

The wrong, if any, seemed to be condoned to him, except when from time to time his wife brought it up.

Then all the question stung and burned anew, and had to be reasoned out and put away once more.It seemed to have an inextinguishable vitality.It slept, but it did not die.

His course did not shake Mrs.Lapham's faith in him.

It astonished her at first, and it always grieved her that he could not see that he was acting solely in his own interest.But she found excuses for him, which at times she made reproaches.She vaguely perceived that his paint was something more than business to him;it was a sentiment, almost a passion.He could not share its management and its profit with another without a measure of self-sacrifice far beyond that which he must make with something less personal to him.It was the poetry of that nature, otherwise so intensely prosaic;and she understood this, and for the most part forbore.

She knew him good and true and blameless in all his life, except for this wrong, if it were a wrong; and it was only when her nerves tingled intolerably with some chance renewal of the pain she had suffered, that she shared her anguish with him in true wifely fashion.

With those two there was never anything like an explicit reconciliation.They simply ignored a quarrel;and Mrs.Lapham had only to say a few days after at breakfast, "I guess the girls would like to go round with you this afternoon, and look at the new house,"in order to make her husband grumble out as he looked down into his coffee-cup."I guess we better all go, hadn't we?""Well, I'll see," she said.

There was not really a great deal to look at when Lapham arrived on the ground in his four-seated beach-wagon.

But the walls were up, and the studding had already given skeleton shape to the interior.The floors were roughly boarded over, and the stairways were in place, with provisional treads rudely laid.They had not begun to lath and plaster yet, but the clean, fresh smell of the mortar in the walls mingling with the pungent fragrance of the pine shavings neutralised the Venetian odour that drew in over the water.It was pleasantly shady there, though for the matter of that the heat of the morning had all been washed out of the atmosphere by a tide of east wind setting in at noon, and the thrilling, delicious cool of a Boston summer afternoon bathed every nerve.

The foreman went about with Mrs.Lapham, showing her where the doors were to be; but Lapham soon tired of this, and having found a pine stick of perfect grain, he abandoned himself to the pleasure of whittling it in what was to be the reception-room, where he sat looking out on the street from what was to be the bay-window.Here he was presently joined by his girls, who, after locating their own room on the water side above the music-room, had no more wish to enter into details than their father.

"Come and take a seat in the bay-window, ladies,"be called out to them, as they looked in at him through the ribs of the wall.He jocosely made room for them on the trestle on which he sat.

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