

They gave him time, and there would have been no trouble in his resuming on the old basis, if the ground had not been cut from under him by the competition of the West Virginia company.He saw himself that it was useless to try to go on in the old way, and he preferred to go back and begin the world anew where he had first begun it, in the hills at Lapham.He put the house at Nankeen Square, with everything else he had, into the payment of his debts, and Mrs.Lapham found it easier to leave it for the old farmstead in Vermont than it would have been to go from that home of many years to the new house on the water side of Beacon.This thing and that is embittered to us, so that we may be willing to relinquish it; the world, life itself, is embittered to most of us, so that we are glad to have done with them at last; and this home was haunted with such memories to each of those who abandoned it that to go was less exile than escape.

Mrs.Lapham could not look into Irene's room without seeing the girl there before her glass, tearing the poor little keep-sakes of her hapless fancy from their hiding-places to take them and fling them in passionate renunciation upon her sister; she could not come into the sitting-room, where her little ones had grown up, without starting at the thought of her husband sitting so many weary nights at his desk there, trying to fight his way back to hope out of the ruin into which be was slipping.When she remembered that night when Rogers came, she hated the place.

Irene accepted her release from the house eagerly, and was glad to go before and prepare for the family at Lapham.

Penelope was always ashamed of her engagement there; it must seem better somewhere else and she was glad to go too.

No one but Lapham in fact, felt the pang of parting in all its keenness.Whatever regret the others had was softened to them by the likeness of their flitting to many of those removals for the summer which they made in the late spring when they left Nankeen Square;they were going directly into the country instead of to the seaside first; but Lapham, who usually remained in town long after they had gone, knew all the difference.

For his nerves there was no mechanical sense of coming back;this was as much the end of his proud, prosperous life as death itself could have been.He was returning to begin life anew, but he knew as well as he knew that he should not find his vanished youth in his native hills, that it could never again be the triumph that it had been.

That was impossible, not only in his stiffened and weakened forces, but in the very nature of things.

He was going back, by grace of the man whom he owed money, to make what he could out of the one chance which his successful rivals had left him.

In one phase his paint had held its own against bad times and ruinous competition, and it was with the hope of doing still more with the Persis Brand that he now set himself to work.The West Virginia people confessed that they could not produce those fine grades, and they willingly left the field to him.A strange, not ignoble friendliness existed between Lapham and the three brothers;they had used him fairly; it was their facilities that had conquered him, not their ill-will; and he recognised in them without enmity the necessity to which he had yielded.

If he succeeded in his efforts to develop his paint in this direction, it must be for a long time on a small scale compared with his former business, which it could never equal, and he brought to them the flagging energies of an elderly man.He was more broken than he knew by his failure; it did not kill, as it often does, but it weakened the spring once so strong and elastic.He lapsed more and more into acquiescence with his changed condition, and that bragging note of his was rarely sounded.

He worked faithfully enough in his enterprise, but sometimes he failed to seize occasions that in his younger days he would have turned to golden account.His wife saw in him a daunted look that made her heart ache for him.

One result of his friendly relations with the West Virginia people was that Corey went in with them, and the fact that he did so solely upon Lapham's advice, and by means of his recommendation, was perhaps the Colonel's proudest consolation.Corey knew the business thoroughly, and after half a year at Kanawha Falls and in the office at New York, he went out to Mexico and Central America, to see what could be done for them upon the ground which he had theoretically studied with Lapham.

Before he went he came up to Vermont, and urged Penelope to go with him.He was to be first in the city of Mexico, and if his mission was successful he was to be kept there and in South America several years, watching the new railroad enterprises and the development of mechanical agriculture and whatever other undertakings offered an opening for the introduction of the paint.

They were all young men together, and Corey, who had put his money into the company, had a proprietary interest in the success which they were eager to achieve.

"There's no more reason now and no less than ever there was,"mused Penelope, in counsel with her mother, "why I should say Yes, or why I should say No.Everything else changes, but this is just where it was a year ago.It don't go backward, and it don't go forward.Mother, I believe I shall take the bit in my teeth--if anybody will put it there!""It isn't the same as it was," suggested her mother.

"You can see that Irene's all over it."

"That's no credit to me," said Penelope."I ought to be just as much ashamed as ever.""You no need ever to be ashamed."

  • 经验麻科


  • The Sign of the Four

    The Sign of the Four

  • a rogue' s  life

    a rogue' s life

  • 魏武帝集


  • 柘轩集


  • 盗堂


  • 修冥道


  • 冰瞳变


  • 天行


  • 病娇大佬攻略记


  • 缘起元灭


  • 霍格沃茨的死党们


  • 那个大佬


  • 天行


  • 怒焚苍穹

