

The plausible couple have many titles. They are 'a delightful couple,' an 'affectionate couple,' 'a most agreeable couple, 'a good-hearted couple,' and 'the best-natured couple in existence.' The truth is, that the plausible couple are people of the world; and either the way of pleasing the world has grown much easier than it was in the days of the old man and his ass, or the old man was but a bad hand at it, and knew very little of the trade.

'But is it really possible to please the world!' says some doubting reader. It is indeed. Nay, it is not only very possible, but very easy. The ways are crooked, and sometimes foul and low. What then? A man need but crawl upon his hands and knees, know when to close his eyes and when his ears, when to stoop and when to stand upright; and if by the world is meant that atom of it in which he moves himself, he shall please it, never fear.

Now, it will be readily seen, that if a plausible man or woman have an easy means of pleasing the world by an adaptation of self to all its twistings and twinings, a plausible man AND woman, or, in other words, a plausible couple, playing into each other's hands, and acting in concert, have a manifest advantage. Hence it is that plausible couples scarcely ever fail of success on a pretty large scale; and hence it is that if the reader, laying down this unwieldy volume at the next full stop, will have the goodness to review his or her circle of acquaintance, and to search particularly for some man and wife with a large connexion and a good name, not easily referable to their abilities or their wealth, he or she (that is, the male or female reader) will certainly find that gentleman or lady, on a very short reflection, to be a plausible couple.

The plausible couple are the most ecstatic people living: the most sensitive people - to merit - on the face of the earth. Nothing clever or virtuous escapes them. They have microscopic eyes for such endowments, and can find them anywhere. The plausible couple never fawn - oh no! They don't even scruple to tell their friends of their faults. One is too generous, another too candid; a third has a tendency to think all people like himself, and to regard mankind as a company of angels; a fourth iskind-hearted to a fault. 'We never flatter, my dear Mrs. Jackson,' say the plausible couple; 'we speak our minds. Neither you nor Mr. Jackson have faults enough. It may sound strangely, but it is true. You have not faults enough. You know our way, - we must speak out, and always do. Quarrel with us for saying so, if you will; but we repeat it, - you have not faults enough!'

The plausible couple are no less plausible to each other than to third parties. They are always loving and harmonious. The plausible gentleman calls his wife 'darling,' and the plausible lady addresses him as 'dearest.' If it be Mr. and Mrs. Bobtail Widger, Mrs. Widger is 'Lavinia, darling,' and Mr. Widger is 'Bobtail, dearest.' Speaking of each other, they observe the same tender form. Mrs. Widger relates what 'Bobtail' said, and Mr. Widger recounts what 'darling' thought and did.

  • 赠你亿颗星


    江州的纨绔子们要是组一个男团,那么易添星绝对能C位出道。 他的好基友陈继扬这么评价他:家世好,个子高,长得帅,身材好,会赛车还练拳击,我要是女人,我也喜欢他。 外貌协会黄金会员王亿甜见易添星的第一面就被他的颜值狙击了。 奈何,易添星是个比她还挑剔的外貌协会钻石SVIP,他不仅看不上王亿甜,还爱上了一朵坚强独立的遗世白莲花。 王亿甜经历了“我将丹心照明月,奈何明月照沟渠”的惨痛单恋后,决心好好搞事业。 后来。 易添星支支吾吾忐忐忑忑地问她,“王亿甜……你……是不是……还喜欢我?” 王亿甜立刻撇清,无比坦诚:“不不不。我不配。我对您没有半点非分之想。您千万别误会。”这是一个百年老店继承人王亿甜磕磕绊绊搞事业热热闹闹谈恋爱的小故事~
  • 未知的晚宴


  • 八荒九门


  • 默默向你许愿


  • 天行


  • 龙珠之神级地球人


  • 千年等待换来的三世情缘


  • 寒冰无情诀


  • 冰山老公,泥垢啦!


  • 创世之音之迷月星云

