

"Can he see?"


"Who brought him?"


"Fetch the physician, and get Gauttier into his own room." said the queen.

In less time than it takes a beggar to say "God bless you, sir!" the queen had swathed the lantern in linen and paint, so that you would have thought it a hideous wound in a state of grievous inflammation.

When the king, enraged by what he overheard, burst open the door, he found the queen lying on the bed exactly as he has seen her through the hole, and the physician, examining the lantern swathed in bandages, and saying, "How it is the little treasure, this morning?" in exactly the same voice as the king had heard. A jocular and cheerful expression, because physicians and surgeons use cheerful words with ladies and treat this sweet flower with flowery phrases.

This sight made the king look as foolish as a fox caught in a trap.

The queen sprang up, reddening with shame, and asking what man dared to intrude upon her privacy at such a moment, but perceiving the king, she said to him as follows:--"Ah! my lord, you have discovered that which I have endeavoured to conceal from you: that I am so badly treated by you that I am afflicted with a burning ailment, of which my dignity would not allow me to complain, but which needs secret dressing in order to assuage the influence of the vital forces. To save my honour and your own, I am compelled to come to my good Lady Miraflor, who consoles me in my troubles."

Then the physician commenced to treat Leufroid to an oration, interlarded with Latin quotations and precious grains from Hippocrates, Galen, the School of Salerno, and others, in which he showed him how necessary to women was the proper cultivation of the field of Venus, and that there was great danger of death to queens of Spanish temperament, whose blood was excessively amorous. He delivered himself of his arguments with great solemnity of feature, voice, and manner, in order to give the Sire de Montsoreau time to get to bed.

Then the queen took the same text to preach the king a sermon as long as his arm, and requested the loan of that limb, that the king might conduct her to her apartment instead of the poor invalid, who usually did so in order to avoid calumny. When they were in the gallery where the Sire de Montsoreau resided, the queen said jokingly, "You should play a good trick on this Frenchman, who I would wager is with some lady, and not in his own room. All the ladies of Court are in love with him, and there will be mischief some day through him. If you had taken my advice he would not be in Sicily now."

Leufroid went suddenly into Gauttier's room, whom he found in a deep sleep, and snoring like a monk in Church. The queen returned with the king, whom she took to her apartments, and whispered to one of the guards to send to her the lord whose place Pezare occupied. Then, while she fondled the king, taking breakfast with him, she took the lord directly he came, into an adjoining room.

  • 无尽的虐杀

  • 年年有煦


    当红偶像祁煦有个秘密,他的梦里总会出现一个陌生女孩,在梦中,他仿佛一缕孤魂附在女孩的身上。 普通高中生顾年年有个秘密,她似乎被锦鲤附了体,没抢到的爱豆专辑会有一个买多了的姐妹免费送,随意抽个奖居然抽中了爱豆演唱会门票,就连见面会的签名都比他人多了个笑脸。 在一档节目中,主持人:“网友总说,祁煦和爱人的故事如童话般美好,祁煦可不可以给我们透露一下是怎么认识你的爱人的?” 祁煦:做梦。 主持人一愣,又扯着笑容问道:“那可否透露下你们第一次见面是在...” 祁煦:做梦。 第二天,各大营销号爆料,录制当场祁煦耍大牌。 祁煦:??确实在做梦啊。 —— 17岁的顾年年遇见了祁煦,她成为了摘星女孩,星星奔她而来? 顾年年一直以为祁煦对她是一见钟情,但她不知道,从高二到现在,祁煦爱了她三年。
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