

"Now," said Mr. Pettigrew, when they were sitting side by side on the upper deck of the Puritan, the magnificent steamer on the Fall River line. "I want you to consent to a little plan that will mystify my old friends and neighbors.""What is it, Mr. Pettigrew?""I have never written home about my good fortune; so far as they know I am no better off than when I went away.""I don't think I could have concealed my success.""It may seem strange, but I'll explain--I want to learn who are my friends and who are not. I am afraid I wasn't very highly thought of when I left Burton. I was considered rather shiftless.

"I was always in for a good time, and never saved a cent.

Everybody predicted that I would fail, and I expect most wanted me to fail. There were two or three, including my uncle, aunt and the friend who lent me money, who wished me well.

"I mustn't forget to mention the old minister who baptized me when I was an infant. The good old man has been preaching thirty or forty years on a salary of four hundred dollars, and has had to run a small farm to make both ends meet. He believed in me and gave me good advice. Outside of these I don't remember any one who felt an interest in Jefferson Pettigrew.""You will have the satisfaction of letting them see that they did not do you justice.""Yes, but I may not tell them--that is none except my true friends.

If I did, they would hover round me and want to borrow money, or get me to take them out West with me. So I have hit upon a plan. I shall want to use money, but I will pretend it is yours."Rodney opened his eyes in surprise.

"I will pass you off as a rich friend from New York, who feels an interest in me and is willing to help me."Rodney smiled.

"I don't know if I can look the character," he said.

"Oh yes you can. You are nicely dressed, while I am hardly any better dressed than when I left Burton.""I have wondered why you didn't buy some new clothes when you were able to afford it.""You see we Western miners don't care much for style, perhaps not enough. Still I probably shall buy a suit or two, but not till I have made my visit home. I want to see how people will receive me, when they think I haven't got much money. I shall own up to about five hundred dollars, but that isn't enough to dazzle people even in a small country village.""I am wiling to help you in any way you wish, Mr. Pettigrew.""Then I think we shall get some amusement out of it. I shall represent you as worth about a hundred thousand dollars.""I wish I were.""Very likely you will be some time if you go out to Montana with me.""How large a place is Burton?""It has not quite a thousand inhabitants. It is set among the hills, and has but one rich man, Lemuel Sheldon, who is worth perhaps fifty thousand dollars, but put on the airs of a millionaire.""You are as rich as he, then.""Yes, and shall soon be richer. However, I don't want him to know it. It is he who holds the mortgage on my uncle's farm.""Do you know how large the mortgage is?""It is twelve hundred dollars. I shall borrow the money of you to pay it.""I understand," said Rodney, smiling.

"I shall enjoy the way the old man will look down upon me very much as a millionaire looks down upon a town pauper.""How will he look upon me?""He will be very polite to you, for he will think you richer than himself.""On the whole, we are going to act a comedy, Mr. Pettigrew.

What is the name of the man who lent you money to go to Montana?""A young carpenter, Frank Dobson. He lent me a hundred dollars, which was about all the money he had saved up.""He was a true friend.""You are right. He was. Everybody told Frank that he would never see his money again, but he did. As soon as I could get together enough to repay him I sent it on, though I remember it left me with less than ten dollars in my pocket.

"I couldn't bear to think that Frank would lose anything by me.

You see we were chums at school and always stood by each other.

He is married and has two children."

"While you are an old bachelor."

  • 快穿之女配改命


  • 霸道与王道:秦汉帝国


  • 半城烟柳半城湖


  • 逍遥傲洪荒


  • 异世——重生


  • 充满霾的光


  • 唯有梵鱼入世间


  • 当你们遇到我们


  • 养只丧尸当老公


    ?影凌雨原创小说唐落霜正在睡觉的时间,穿越到了一个由吸收灵气修炼的空架世界,除了各种灵兽会修炼成人形外,还有个别传染上了一种像丧尸病毒一样东西,女主不是为了正义当活菩萨,而是在享受生活外,以做生意买卖的方式赚取利益和信誉。她的最终目标是,在这个未知领域开一家连锁店,顺道还撸了一个失忆男人当“弟弟”,不过也只是想把猪养肥了再杀的意思。= ̄ω ̄=“喂!作者,能不能不要把我写得这么邪恶啊,我本人可是很温柔贤惠的。”>O<“别嚷嚷,好好休息,明天有你忙的。”哼╭(╯^╰)╮。本小说,不算末日小说,千万别被名字古惑了哟。
  • 三人宴

