

"Of course not" answered Arthur indignantly.

"Arthur always does get his lessons," said Rodney. "I suppose you have a holiday from work today, Jasper.""Yes; I am glad to get away now and then.""I must bid you good morning now."

"Won't you let me call on you? Where do you live, Arthur?"The boy gave the number of his house.

Jasper asked Arthur, thinking rightly that he would be more likely to get an answer from him than from Rodney. He walked away triumphantly, feeling that he had made a discovery that might prove of advantage to him.

"Is that a friend of yours, Rodney?" asked little Arthur.

"I have known him for some time."

"I don't like him very much."

"Why?" asked Rodney with some curiosity.

"I don't know," answered the little boy slowly. "I can't like everybody.""Quite true, Arthur. Jasper is not a special friend of mine, and I am not particular about your liking him. I hope you like me.""You know I do, Rodney," and he gave Rodney's hand an assuring pressure.

Ten minutes after he left Rodney, Jasper fell in with Carton.

The intimacy between them had perceptibly fallen off. It had grown out of business considerations.

Now that it was no longer safe to abstract articles from the store, Jasper felt that he had no more use for his late confederate. When they met he treated him with marked coldness.

On this particular day Carton was looking quite shabby. In fact, his best suit was in pawn, and he had fallen back on one half worn and soiled.

"Hello!" exclaimed Jasper, and was about to pass on with a cool nod.

"Stop!" said Philip, looking offended.

"I am in a hurry," returned Jasper. "I can't stop today.""You are in a hurry, and on a holiday?""Yes; I am to meet a friend near the lake."

"I'll go along with you."

Jasper had to submit though with an ill grace.

"Wouldn't another day do?"

"No; the fact is, Jasper, I am in trouble,"

"You usually are," sneered Jasper.

"That is so. I have been out of luck lately.""I am sorry, but I can't help it as I see.""How much money do you think I have in my pocket?""I don't know, I am sure. I am not good at guessing conundrums.""Just ten cents.""That isn't much," said Jasper, indifferently.

"Let me have a dollar, thats a good fellow!"

"You seem to think I am made of money," said Jasper sharply.

"I haven't got much more myself."

"Then you might have. You get a good salary.""Only seven dollars.""You are able to keep most of it for yourself.""Suppose I am? You seem to know a good deal of my affairs.""Haven't you any pity for an old friend?""Yes, I'll give you all the pity you want, but when it comes to money it's a different matter. Here you are, a man of twenty six, ten years older than me, and yet you expect me to help support you.""You didn't use to talk to me like that.""Well, I do now. You didn't use to try to get money out of me.""Look here, Jasper! I am poor, but I don't want you to talk to me as you are doing.""Indeed!" sneered Jasper.

"And I won't have it," said Carton firmly. "Listen to me, and I will propose a plan that will help us both.""What is it?""You can easily secrete articles, if you are cautious, without attracting notice, and I will dispose of them and share the money with you."Jasper shook his head.

"I wouldn't dare to do it" he said. "Somebody might spy on me.""Not if you are careful.""If it were found out I would be bounced like Ropes.""What is he doing? Have you seen him lately?""He is getting on finely. He is earning fifteen dollars a week.""You don't mean it?""Yes I do."

"What firm is he working for?"

"For none at all. He is tutor to a young kid.""I didn't know he was scholar enough.""Oh yes, he knows Greek and Latin and a lot of other stuff.""Who is the boy?""I don't feel at liberty to tell. I don't think he would care to have you know.""I'll tell you what you can do. Borrow five dollars of him for me.""I don't know about that. If I were to borrow it would be for myself.""You can do as you please. If you don't do something for me Iwill write to Mr. Goodnow that you are the thief who stole the cloaks and dress patterns.""You wouldn't do that?" exclaimed Jasper in consternation.

"Wouldn't I? I am desperate enough to do anything."After a little further conference Jasper agreed to do what was asked of him. He did not dare to refuse.

  • 台湾外记


  • In a Hollow of the Hills

    In a Hollow of the Hills

  • 经验丹方汇编


  • 伊江集载


  • 续廉明公案传


  • 快穿冷宫娘娘要上天


  • 太上灵宝净明九仙水经


  • 重生之菁妍


  • 逆乱苍穹之斩天


  • 天行


  • 朝鲜纪事


  • 三生三世十里桃花之浅夜的爱情


  • 尹多英雄之崛起


  • 今夜或许有鬼


  • 隐世杀手

