

Still the sick man raved; but he talked to himself at longer intervals, and with longer pauses between his words;---his voice was growing more feeble, his speech more incoherent. His thought vacillated and distorted, like flame in a wind.

Weirdly the past became confounded with the present; impressions of sight and of sound interlinked in fastastic affinity,---the face of Chita Viosca, the murmur of the rising storm. Then flickers of spectral lightning passed through his eyes, through his brain, with every throb of the burning arteries; then utter darkness came,---a darkness that surged and moaned, as the circumfluence of a shadowed sea. And through and over the moaning pealed one multitudinous human cry, one hideous interblending of shoutings and shriekings ... A woman's hand was locked in his own ... "Tighter," he muttered, "tighter still, darling! hold as long as you can!" It was the tenth night of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six ...


Again the mysterious whisper startled him to consciousness,---the dim knowledge of a room filled with ruby colored light,---and the sharp odor of vinegar. The house swung round slowly;---the crimson flame of the lamp lengthened and broadened by turns;---then everything turned dizzily fast,---whirled as if spinning in a vortex ... Nausea unutterable; and a frightful anguish as of teeth devouring him within,---tearing more and more furiously at his breast. Then one atrocious wrenching, rending, burning,---and the gush of blood burst from lips and nostrils in a smothering deluge. Again the vision of lightnings, the swaying, and the darkness of long ago. "Quick!---quick!---hold fast to the table, Adele!---never let go!" ...

Up,---up,---up!---what! higher yet? Up to the red sky!

Red---black-red ... heated iron when its vermilion dies. So, too, the frightful flood! And noiseless. Noiseless because heavy, clammy,---thick, warm, sickening---blood? Well might the land quake for the weight of such a tide!---Why did Adele speak Spanish? Who prayed for him? ...

---"Alma de Cristo santisima santificame!

"Sangre de Cristo, embriagame!

"O buen Jesus, oye me!" ...

Out of the darkness into--such a light! An azure haze!

Ah!---the delicious frost! ... All the streets were filled with the sweet blue mist ... Voiceless the City and white;---crooked and weed grown its narrow ways! ... Old streets of tombs, these ... Eh! How odd a custom!---a Night-bell at every door. Yes, of course!---a night-bell!---the Dead are Physicians of Souls: they may be summoned only by night,---called up from the darkness and silence ... Yet she?---might he not dare to ring for her even by day? ........ Strange he had deemed it day!---why, it was black, starless ... And it was growing queerly cold ...... How should he ever find her now? It was so black ... so cold! ...


All the dwelling quivered with the mighty whisper.

Outside, the great oaks were trembling to their roots;---all the shore shook and blanched before the calling of the sea.

And Carmen, kneeling at the feet of the dead, cried out, alone in the night:------"O Jesus misericordioso!---tened compasion de el!"

  • 我真不想当暖男


  • 银河最后一个男人


  • 蒲海望前世之前世篇


  • 神魔开天


  • 最神奇的心理学定律


  • 少典传


  • 辰沫夏恋


  • 饮马御红尘


  • 穿越千年:凤鬟雾鬓


  • 华夜白铭

