

So with the house empty and the doors locked and the mattresses rolled round,those stray airs,advance guards of great armies,blustered in,brushed bare boards,nibbled and fanned,met nothing in bedroom or drawing-room that wholly resisted them but only hangings that flapped,wood that creaked,the bare legs of tables,saucepans and china already furred,tarnished,cracked。What people had shed and left-a pair of shoes,a shooting cap,some faded skirts and coats in wardrobes-those alone kept the human shape and in the emptiness indicated how once they were filled and animated;how once hands were busy with hooks and buttons;how once the looking-glass had held a face;had held a world hollowed out in which a figure turned,a hand flashed,the door opened,in came children rushing and tumbling;and went out again。Now,day after day,light turned,like a flower reflected in water,its sharp image on the wall opposite。Only the shadows of the trees,flourishing in the wind,made obeisance on the wall,and for a moment darkened the pool in which light reflected itself;or birds,flying,made a soft spot flutter slowly across the bedroom floor。

So loveliness reigned and stillness,and together made the shape of loveliness itself,a form from which life had parted;solitary like a pool at evening,far distant,seen from a train window,vanishing so quickly that the pool,pale in the evening,is scarcely robbed of its solitude,though once seen。Loveliness and stillness clasped hands in the bedroom,and among the shrouded jugs and sheeted chairs even the prying of the wind,and the soft nose of the clammy sea airs,rubbing,snuffling,iterating,and reiterating their questions-“Will you fade?Will you perish?”-scarcely disturbed the peace,the indifference,the air of pure integrity,as if the question they asked scarcely needed that they should answer:we remain。

Nothing it seemed could break that image,corrupt that innocence,or disturb the swaying mantle of silence which,week after week,in the empty room,wove into itself the falling cries of birds,ships hooting,the drone and hum of the fields,a dog's bark,a man's shout,and folded them round the house in silence。Once only a board sprang on the landing;once in the middle of the night with a roar,with a rupture,as after centuries of quiescence,a rock rends itself from the mountain and hurtles crashing into the valley,one fold of the shawl loosened and swung to and fro。Then again peace descended;and the shadow wavered;light bent to its own image in adoration on the bedroom wall;and Mrs。McNab,tearing the veil of silence with hands that had stood in the wash-tub,grinding it with boots that had crunched the shingle,came as directed to open all windows,and dust the bedrooms。

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    始于江运,忠于江运。 〔1〕苏梦想对江运是一见钟情,她记得那天阳光很刺眼,少年拿着一束向日葵从她旁边经过,但是等她反应过来时,少年已经走远了,苏梦想以为他这辈子都见不到她的向日葵男孩了,没想到转学第一天就惹到了学校的刺头江运,等苏梦想揉眼一看,这不是她的向日葵男孩嘛,于是,能屈能伸的苏梦想决定开启她的漫漫倒追路。〔2〕江运的心是封闭着的谁都闯不进去,谁都怕他恨他,而有一个小姑娘误打误撞闯进了他的心,他开始逃避,害怕,不敢接受小姑娘的爱,但是小姑娘丝毫不介意,江运开始释怀,开始接受,江运后来看着怀里的小姑娘,偷偷的笑了。〔3〕苏梦想的倒追路上给江运的印象一直是学习好,乖孩子,就是倒追的有点猛,江运一直认为苏梦想的就是这样,直到有一天,他亲眼看见苏梦想一个人干到倒了十几个人,还在那里骂脏话,从此,江运看苏梦想的眼神都变了。女主不是软柿子,从小就学跆拳道,是跆拳道黑带。男主心里封闭是因为家庭原因,不是心里有病。双初/校园文/甜/无虐